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1 Project supported by the European Commission Support to Eco-innovation in Baden-Wuerttemberg Development and Export (Morning) Dr. Christian Kuehne Research,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Project supported by the European Commission Support to Eco-innovation in Baden-Wuerttemberg Development and Export (Morning) Dr. Christian Kuehne Research,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Project supported by the European Commission Support to Eco-innovation in Baden-Wuerttemberg Development and Export (Morning) Dr. Christian Kuehne Research, Environmental Technology, Ecology Ministry of the Environment Baden-Wuerttemberg

2 2 Life Cycle of an Eco-Innovation and Instruments of Baden-Wuerttemberg ResearchDevelopmentDistributionExport EnvironmentalResearchBWPLUS EnvironmentalTechnologyDevelopmentBUT Basic Research Consultation Know-how Transfer Networks / Clusters Climate ChangeProtection + DemonstrationProjectsRational EnergyUse BEST, ECO +and ECO Fit General FinanceInstruments PlatformEnvironmentalTechnology LVI EnvironmentalTechnology forthe Industry Program of ExportPromotion InDetail

3 3 Life Cycle of an Eco-Innovation and Instruments of Baden-Wuerttemberg General Finance Instruments (with partial eco-innovation) DevelopmentDistributionExport  Start Up Funds  Venture Capital  Funds specifically for SME  Loans for the founding and growth of SMEs  Environmental protection and energy program  Support of investments  Liquidity augmentation program  Energetic modernization of tenement housing  Program for technological promotion  MONEX-Microfinancing Baden-Württemberg  MBG (Mittelständische Beteiligungsgesellschaft) – provides loans of up to 1 Mio Euros for SMEs  Legal (loan) guarantees  Program for the promotion of exports  Guarantees for SMEs  Junior or subordinate loans

4 4 Best Practice 1: Klimaschutz+ (Climate Change Protection +)  Launched by the Ministry of the Environment of Baden-Wuerttemberg in 2002. The program is divided into three parts, all of which aim to reduce CO 2 emission: –CO 2 -Minderungsprogramm – CO 2 Reduction Program: this program focuses on energy reduction in non-residential buildings, for example through the modernization of buildings, implementation of renewable energy sources, and the rational use of energy. The program covers a maximum of 15% of investments up to a total of 75,000 Euros per project. –Modellprojekt Klimaschutz – Model Projects Climate Change Protection: The promotion and distribution of future oriented and technically advanced technologies with great emission reduction potential are the goals of this program. Grants of up to 75,000 Euros are possible. –Beratungsprogramm Energieeffizienz – Consulting for Energy Efficiency: the aim of this program is to increase knowledge and competence in the field of energy efficiency. 50% of the daily fee for external consultants is covered up to a maximum of 350 Euros for up to 5 days. Climate Change Protection +

5 5 Best Practice 2: Demonstration Projects  Program “Demonstration Projects of Rational Energy Use and Use of Renewable Energy” This program of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Baden-Wuerttemberg supports huge development project to create a reference installations as a demonstration examples of new innovative environmental energy technology. The goal of this project is to develop technical processes with lower energy consumption and with a higher amount of used renewable energy. This program supports projects only from enterprises with up to 500 employees and an annual turnover up to 102.26 Mio Euros. The subsidy is to 40% of the general costs including investments. Demonstration Projects Rational Energy Use

6 6  BEST = Betriebliches Energie- und Stoffstrommanagement (Energy and Material Flow Management for Enterprises) The target group is composed of primarily SME with the aim of improving their energy and material efficiency. The program offers two different levels of the consulting support: a)BEST START – an initial consultation b)BEST INTENSIV – a detailed consultation –BEST START covers subsidies of up to 50% of the total consulting costs to 5,000 Euros. Generally it is realized within a so-called “convoy” – a group to 10 enterprises – and includes consultations and workshops. –BEST INTENSIV covers subsidies of up to 50% of the total consulting cost to 20,000 Euros. It covers a detailed analysis of the entire enterprise or of a segment with a compilation of all energy, material and finance data. The consultants build a process flow model during the assessment and identify improvement potentials. This includes all kind of eco- innovations including technical, logistical, management and communication solutions. Best Practice 3: Consultation Programs BEST BEST, ECO + and ECO Fit

7 7  Defined Methodology  Results are available (Internet Publications, Reports)  Best Practice Examples  Different Branches  Approximately 50 projects Best Practice 3: Consultation Programs BEST BEST, ECO + and ECO Fit

8 8 Best Practice 3: Consultation Programs ECO+ and ECO-Fit  Directed only towards SME including manufactures  ECO+ is a consulting program for manufactures and micro-enterprises. It is an initial step to improve the eco-efficiency in micro enterprises with the help of checklists. The Eco+ check is free of charge for the user. About 200 projects have been finalized. The budget of this program is about 300,000 Euros.  ECO-Fit covers SME and includes a two-day-assessment of the enterprises. The goal is an improvement of the environmental performance with short-term solutions. The enterprises should realize maximum results with a relatively small effort. BEST, ECO + and ECO Fit

9 9 Best Practice 4: Platform Environmental Technology  The Landesverband der Baden- Württembergischen Industrie e. V. (LVI) [Association of Industry of Baden- Württember - platform environmental technologies is involved in the world wide marketing of enterprises from Baden-Wuerttemberg, informs its members of special funding opportunities and projects, conducts market analyses and holds events of interest for its members, etc.  "Environmental Technology Guide", which depicts the competencies of the Baden-Württemberg environmental technology enterprises to support the export (website with a database and a journal with CDROM) Platform Environmental Technology LVI

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