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Eastern Africa Private Sector New Partnership for Africa’s Development 24/25 th June 2004 AfricaRecruit/

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1 Eastern Africa Private Sector New Partnership for Africa’s Development 24/25 th June 2004 AfricaRecruit/


3 Background… Few would dispute that shortage of skills is a critical constraint on investment, job creation and improved public services. Approximately 40% of all African professionals have left the continent's shores over the decades (80-100,000/yr) approximately 3.8 millions Africans live outside Africa - mainly in Europe and North America The lack of available managerial, technical and professional skills is a very practical constraint on investment and growth. “Without the right skills, the jobs, wealth and improved social services envisaged by NEPAD cannot be created”. The Labour market is a calibration index of national development In many ways, the loss of skills could be counted as Africa's foreign assistance to the developed world!

4 USA Europe Middle East Canada Asia UK Ugandan- Agricultural Economist 10+yrs Rwandan - Economist 10+yrs Ethiopian- Investment banker 6+yrs Kenyan-Marketing & Int’l Business 10+yrs Ugandan- Management 10+yrs Kenyan- Corporate Strategy 10+yrs Tanzanian -Telecomm Engineer 8 yrs Sudanese- Systems/Network Analyst 7yrs Intellectual flight-The United Nations calls brain drain one of the greatest threats to economic development in sub-Saharan Africa.

5 Africa’s greatest offshore asset… The power of the Diaspora over 12billion US$ a year Beware of the seed vs. fruit mentality AfricaRecruit snap survey of 173 African Diaspora Approximately 75% had postgraduate qualifications 54% left Africa for career and professional developments 67% would like to return to Africa within the next 0-5 years

6 Achieving the balance - turning the tide AfricaRecruit Building framework Findajobinafrica facilitating access Human Capital Retain Attract & reclaim

7 Principles of managing demand and capacity 1. Use predictions to anticipate human resource needs 2.Identify and manage the constraint in the skills flow e.g to minimise the push and pull factors Push from within such as rigid government employment system; professional isolation;tribal/ethnic discriminatory appointments Pull from abroad career opportunities/development and dual nationalities 3. Resolve capacity problems at the appropriate point in the system role extension, multi-skilling New ways working e.g. sabbaticals;volunteers;interims etc Innovative technology 4Reduce all unnecessary obstacles e.g free flow of labour encourage dual nationality; facilitate highly skilled or skills in short supply 5. Match capacity and demand areas

8 What is the Process... “Skills underpin all of NEPAD objectives” good governance; more investment and better services all require excellent technical, professional and management skills” Skills Mapping - using innovative technology Communication programme on/offline - seminars; road shows and outreach Channel and Direct - Strategic alliances with various Organisations both private and public sectors; management/recruitment consultants; professional bodies and the African Diaspora organisations and associations Transfer - within Africa Build on the skills in quality and quantity - Valued asset Retain

9 Access - online and offline Access Africans based locally/regional Africans in the Diaspora Repatriate e.g of success Ugandan head a department in NPA Ethiopia, Kenya and other parts of Africa 0-20+yrs exp Expatriates Misconceptions Negative information Lack/poor information No meeting point Fear of the Unknown Local-Regional-Global Treat skills premium-good skills-good investment- investment in people Over I million hits/month 35,000 CV’s

10 Framework.. Africa Human Resources Society Human Resources Networks and Seminar Review changes Dissemination Vision AfricaRecruit Understanding the HR perspectives Understand the structures and systems Identifying best practices Recruit Build skills Transfer skills

11 Harnessing… INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL Entrepreneur SME’s Job creation Service industry Quality of life Trade Cooperation Global links Mutual partnership Private sector Mentorship Best practices Transfer Productivity Public sector Infrastructure Good governance National development Investment Transfer of resources

12 The Role of the Private Sector Job creation Building the leaders and entrepreneurs for tomorrow Small-Medium size business to service the needs Attracting investment President Bush secured G-8 Leaders' agreement on an innovative action plan to apply the power of entrepreneurship and the private sector to the challenge of poverty alleviation. (White House Press Release after G-8 meeting June 2004)

13 “You will never solve the problem with the mindset that created it” Albert Einstein

14 “Building robust and enduring productive capacity in Africa” “The one stop employment search engine for Africa” Thank you!

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