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Cambodia. Khmer Rouge 1975- brutal communist government Pol Pot- reeducation camps / killing fields 2 million die Killing fields 1 Killing fields 2.

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1 Cambodia

2 Khmer Rouge 1975- brutal communist government Pol Pot- reeducation camps / killing fields 2 million die Killing fields 1 Killing fields 2

3 Vietnam after the war After 1975 N Viet imposed harsh control 1000s of people = reeducation camps Saigon = Ho Chi Mihn City 1.5 people flee to freedom overcrowded ships- refugee camps Many settle in the US Normal relations w/ U.S. in 1995

4 Non-aligned countries Some countries didnt want to be part of cold war –India –Indonesia

5 Third World countries Competition for 3rd world countries US vs USSR vs China –Try to gain influence –Use covert tactics CIA vs KGB US gave aid - schools, poverty, volunteers USSR military and technical assistance

6 Latin America Cuba- Fidel Castro 1959 –Harsh dictator- suspended elections/ jailed opponents –U.S. trade embargo

7 Nicaragua Communist Sandinista rebels topple govt Danie



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