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MANA 4328 Dr. George Benson Job Analysis 1 MANA 4328 Dr. George Benson 1.

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1 MANA 4328 Dr. George Benson
Job Analysis 1 MANA 4328 Dr. George Benson 1

2 Job Analysis Systematic process for collecting information on the important work-related aspects of a job. Work activities – what the worker does, how and why these activities are conducted. Tools and equipment used in performing work activities. Context of the work environment, such as work schedule or working conditions. Requirements for performing the job – KSA’s.

3 Uniform Guidelines Section 14 Technical Standards for Validity Studies
C. (2). There should be a job analysis which include and analysis of the important work behavior(s) required for successful job performance and their relative importance, and…an analysis of the work product(s). If work behaviors are not observable, the job analysis should identify and observe those aspects of behavior(s) which can be observed. The work behavior(s) selected should be critical… and/or constituting most of the job.

4 Job Analyses Situations
Job analysis particularly important for: Jobs with potential adverse impact in selection Entry-level positions and gatekeeper positions Jobs with large numbers of applicants Jobs with performance deficiencies

5 Job Analysis Applications
HR Planning Recruitment: job descriptions and want ads Selection: job requirements and qualifications Pricing jobs Training and Development Performance Management

6 Types of “Job” Analysis
Task statements KSA’s Competency analysis Competencies Matrix / Models Compensation analysis “Compensable” factors Hay Process

7 Job Analysis Methods Gather job information Analyze job information
Validate job information

8 Job Analysis Methods Gather job information Job documents
Interviews: Critical Incident Technique Questionnaires: Functional Job Analysis Position Analysis Questionnaire Task Inventory Analysis (KSA matrix) Observation: Motion studies Diaries: Time studies

9 O*NET Occupational Information Network
Database of worker attributes and job characteristics.

10 Job Analysis Methods Analyze job information Create task statements
Action verbs Concise summary Create KSA’s or job qualifications

11 Task Statements Characterize activities with action verbs.
Tasks have identifiable beginnings and endings. Identifiable outputs or consequences. Mean the same thing to all respondents. Non-trivial but complete. What the worker does, how they do it, to who or what and why?

12 KSA’s Defined Knowledge: A body of information (typically of a factual or procedural nature) that required for successful completion of a task. Skill: An individual’s level of competency or proficiency in performing a specific task. Usually be expressed in numerical terms. Ability: A more general, enduring trait or capability an individual possesses when he or she first performs a task.

13 KSA’s Defined Knowledge: Various engineering fields and terms.
DOT regulations Skills: Typing 50 words per minute without error. Basic PC operations including . Abilities: Writing and edit business correspondence. Interviewing clients for marketing information.

14 KSA’s Really necessary for task performance?
Must newly hired employees have this KSA? To what degree would it differentiate between high and low performance of new employees?

15 Job Analysis Methods 3. Validate job information Survey job incumbents
Managers Subject Matter Experts (SME’s)

16 Summary: Analyzing a Position
Identify major responsibilities Write task statements Rate tasks Identify KSA’s for essential tasks Rate KSA’s Validate the description

17 Job Descriptions Identifying Information Job Title
Exempt or Non-exempt Full-time or Part-time Gender neutral Summary Brief description Place in org. structure

18 Job Descriptions Duties and Responsibilities What does the person do?
How do those tasks get done? Under what conditions? Using what materials? Requirements and Qualifications KSA’s Certifications or degrees Appropriate for the job

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