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Welcome! AP REVIEW #1 - round one 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Humanism New.

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3 Welcome!

4 AP REVIEW #1 - round one 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Humanism New Monarchs Art & Artist Renaissance Society The City- State

5 Humanism 100 Italian humanists stressed the of the classics for what they could reveal about human nature. of the classics in order to understand the divine nature of God. c. absolute authority of classical texts. (a)

6 Humanism 200 A concern for social reform based on Christian ideals would reflect the belief of which of the following humanist? a.Petrarch b.Erasmus c.Mirandolla b. Erasmus

7 Humanism 300 Humanist who’s book blamed the problems of society on property ownership and corruption? Thomas More

8 Humanism 400 His book; The Decameron, embodied the new secular spirit. Boccaccio

9 Humanism 500 Which subject would NOT be part of the humanist curriculum? a.History b.Theology c.Poetry d.Language b. Theology

10 New Monarchs 100 The Tudors won the support of the upper middle class by a. promoting peace through diplomacy and providing social order. b. restricting the wages of the working classes. c. lowering taxes and subsidizing the wool industry. (a)

11 New Monarchs 200 The name of the court, designed to end the influence of powerful nobles on the English courts? The Star Chamber

12 New Monarchs 300 All of the following were aspects of the centralizing efforts of Charles VII of France EXCEPT? a.publication of the Pragmatic Sanction. b.a permanent royal army. c.redistribution of feudal lands to the peasants. (C)

13 New Monarchs 400 The state (country) that maintained a confederation system, gained control of the church hierarchy, and revived the use of the Hermandades? Spain

14 New Monarchs 500 The monarchs of England, France, and Spain all used which of the following to centralize power? a.Royal Councils made up of middle-class b.Representative assemblies c.The Inquisition a. Royal Councils

15 Art & Artist 100 Based on his work Lives of the Artists, ______ is considered to be the first art historian. a.Petrarch b.Vasari c.Raphael b. Vasari

16 Art & Artist 200 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Renaissance Art: a.Impressionism b.Realism c.Perspective d.balance a. Impressionism

17 Art & Artist 300 Which of the following was the reaction of the Catholic church to the Renaissance? a.attempted to crush the secularism of the Renaissance. b. used Renaissance ideals to promote moral reform. c.adopted the Renaissance spirit, especially when it came to art. (c)

18 Art & Artist 400 Patrons sponsored artists and works of art for what purpose? please God glorify themselves and their families enlighten the masses. (b)

19 Art & Artist 500 The artist of the Primavera Botticelli

20 Renaissance Society 100 True or False: The status of women in the Renaissance improved. False

21 Renaissance Society 200 Female humanist who argued that the inferiority of women was due to their failure to live up to their own potential? Laura Cereta

22 DAILY DOUBLE – Renaissance The assimilation of the feudal nobility and the commercial elites of the cities was accomplished largely by what means? Intermarriage

23 400 Renaissance Society 400 Rape that was viewed as a most serious when it involved: a.a married woman b.a peasant woman raped by an upper-class man c.A young upper-class woman by a lower class man (c)

24 500 Renaissance Society 500 Florentine organization established to enforce laws against homosexuality? Office of the Night

25 City States 100 location of the first artistic and literary manifestations of the Italian Renaissance Florence

26 City States 200 Italian balance-of-power diplomacy was designed to a.prevent foreign domination of Italy. b.prevent a single Italian state from dominating the peninsula. c.Reduce the influence of the Condotierri (b)

27 300 City States 300 All of the following were among the Italian powers that dominated the peninsula except a.Naples. b. Venice. c. the Papal States. d. Genoa. d. Genoa

28 City States 400 The event that marked the end of the Italian Renaissance. Sack of Rome in 1527

29 City States 500 The French invasion if Italy at the end of the fifteenth century was predicted by Savonarola

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