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8 th Grade Portfolio Muscular Fitness. What is Fitness? FITNESS is the ability of the body to function at maximum efficiency. There are two types of FITNESS:

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Presentation on theme: "8 th Grade Portfolio Muscular Fitness. What is Fitness? FITNESS is the ability of the body to function at maximum efficiency. There are two types of FITNESS:"— Presentation transcript:

1 8 th Grade Portfolio Muscular Fitness

2 What is Fitness? FITNESS is the ability of the body to function at maximum efficiency. There are two types of FITNESS: – Skill Related Fitness – Health Related Fitness In middle school, our focus in on HEALTH RELATED Fitness.

3 What is Fitness? Skill Related Fitness includes: – Agility – Reaction Time – Balance – Power – Coordination – Speed

4 What is Fitness? Health Related Fitness includes: – Cardiovascular Fitness – Muscular Fitness – Flexibility – Body Composition In 6 th the focus is FLEXIBILITY In 7 th the focus is CV Fitness In 8 th the focus is MUSCULAR STRENGTH & ENDURANCE

5 Fitness Strength - How much power your muscles can generate.

6 Fitness Endurance - The ability to do an activity over a period of time, OR to do an activity over and over again. There are two types of endurance – cardiovascular and muscular.

7 Fitness Muscular endurance would be tested by an exercise like push-ups. Cardiovascular endurance would be tested by activities like jogging. cacher/upload/

8 Use the scale on your paper to rate your level of fitness. THIS IS YOUR OPINION!! Circle a FIVE if you feel you are very fit in that area.Circle a ONE if you feel you are NOT fit in that are.

9 Mr. Muscle Triceps Biceps Oblique Abdominus Quadriceps Gastrocnemius (calf muscle) Tibialis (shin) Hamstring (back of thigh) Rectus Abdominus Pectoral Deltoid

10 Mr. Muscle (front) Biceps Oblique Abdominus Quadriceps Gastrocnemius (calf muscle) Tibialis (shin muscle) Rectus Abdominus Pectoral Deltoid

11 Mr. Muscle (back) Trapezius Triceps Latissiumus Dorsi Gluteals Hamstring

12 I will reach my goal by _____________________________________________________________________________ Why is Cardio-Respiratory endurance important for you? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Identify some activities for muscular strength & endurance. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

13 The FITT Principle Frequency Intensity Time Type

14 The FITT Principle Frequency – 2-3 times a week Intensity – Body weight Time – – Multiple sets of 6-10 repetitions – As many reps as you can do. – The total number of reps should be greater than your goal. Type – Muscular strength


16 Benefits Increases muscle size Increases speed/reaction time Increases bone density Speeds up metabolism (burn fat faster) Strengthens connective tissue (tendons and ligaments) Increases blood flow to muscles

17 Benefits Increases blood flow to muscles Increases oxygen flow to muscles Speeds recovery from other exercises Improves posture Reduces muscle fatigue Improves confidence and self-image Improves posture

18 Overload Principle You get stronger by increasing the workload or the resistance each time you work out. – That means each time you work out you add more sets and reps OR you use more weight. This OVERLOADS the muscles, and the body adjusts by getting stronger. Specificity – Any exercise you do needs to be SPECIFIC to the area you are trying to improve. – For example, you don’t do sit-ups or the mile run to increase your score on the push-up test.

19 I will reach my goal by _________________________________________________________________________________________ Why is flexibility important for you? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ How can you improve or maintain a healthy level of flexibility? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ The end of the 9 weeks. (Think about different stretches we have done and the FITT principle we have learned.) (Look at the list of benefits and pick some that are important to you. MAKE SURE TO EXPLAIN WHY.)

20 Healthy Fitness Zones Girls Age Sit-Up Push-Ups Sit & Reach MilePacerBMI Shoulder Stretch 10≥ 12≥ 799:30-12:3021 + 19.5 – 14.1 Touching fingertips behind the back. 11≥ 15≥ 7109:00-12:0023 + 20.4 – 14.5 12≥ 18≥ 7109:00-12:0027 + 21.2 – 14.9 13≥ 18≥ 7109:00-11:3029 + 22.0 – 15.4 14≥ 18≥ 7108:30-11:0031 + 22.8 – 15.9 15≥ 18≥ 7128:00-10:3037 + 23.5 – 16.4 16≥ 18≥ 7128:00-10:0042 + 24.1 – 16.9

21 Healthy Fitness Zones Boys Age Sit-Ups Push-Ups MilePacer Sit & Reach BMI Shoulder Stretch 10≥ 12≥ 711:30-9:3036 +8 18.9 – 14.3 Touching fingers behind the back. 11≥ 15≥ 811:00-8:3042 +8 19.7 – 14.6 12≥ 18≥ 1010:30-8:0048 +8 20.5 – 15.1 13≥ 21≥ 1210:00-7:3054 +8 21.3 – 15.5 14≥ 24≥ 149:30-7:0060 +8 22.1 – 16.1 15≥ 24≥ 169:00-7:0066 +8 22.9 – 16.6 16≥ 24≥ 188:30-7:0071 +8 23.7 – 17.2

22 Body Mass Index (BMI) 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Height In Incehs

23 Endomorphic Body Type: Soft body Underdeveloped muscles – May also have large muscles without much definition Round body shape Over-developed digestive system Often gain weight around waist & chest

24 Famous Endomorphs Shaquille O’Neal

25 Famous Endomorphs Fat Joe

26 Famous Endomorphs Jack Black

27 Famous Endomorphs Queen Latifah

28 Mesomorphic Body Type: hard, muscular body often mature early “V” shaped body for guys “hour glass” body for girls thick skin upright posture usually considered to be “natural” athletes

29 Famous Mesomorphs John Cena

30 Famous Mesomorphs Beyoncé

31 Famous Mesomorphs 50 Cent

32 Famous Mesomorhs Jessica Alba


34 Ectomorphic Body Type: thin flat chest delicate build young appearance (baby faced) tall Small, but well-defined muscles stoop-shouldered difficulty gaining weight good at endurance activities

35 Famous Ectomorphs Paris Hilton

36 Famous Ectomorphs Lance Armstrong

37 Famous Ectomorphs Keira Knightley

38 Body Composition – A ratio that compares the weight of the fat in your body to the weight of your muscles, bones, and organs. Body composition is written as a percentage – For girls, a normal range is 17-25% – For guys, a normal range is 10-18% Body TypeFemaleMale Athlete<17%<10% Lean17-22%10-15% Normal22-25%15-18% Above Average25-29%18-20% Overfat29-35%20-25% Obese35+%25+%

39 Hydrostatic Weighing

40 Hyrdrostatic Weighing

41 Bio-electrical Impedance

42 Skinfold Thickness


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