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1 Topical Call Series: Improving Data Quality and Use Collecting Student Outcome Data After Exit Thursday, August 6, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Topical Call Series: Improving Data Quality and Use Collecting Student Outcome Data After Exit Thursday, August 6, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Topical Call Series: Improving Data Quality and Use Collecting Student Outcome Data After Exit Thursday, August 6, 2015

2 2 Who is on the call? What is your role? State TIPD Coordinator CSPR or EDFacts Coordinator Other Staff at State Education Agency State Agency/SEA Transition Coordinator Local Education Agency Transition Coordinator Guidance Counselor Other Facility Staff

3 3 Agenda Overview of student outcome data in the CSPR Building relationships surrounding student –Irma Arellano (Ingham County Youth Center) Working closely with parole officers –Jennifer Sanders (Buckeye United School District) Utilizing longitudinal N or D data collection system –Jamie Miller (Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit) Discussion and Q&A NDTAC is funded through a contract with U.S. Department of Education. The content of this slide and presentation does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Education, nor does it imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

4 4 Liann Seiter NDTAC Overview of student outcome data in the CSPR

5 5 Student Outcome Data was split out by “in facility” and “90 days after exit” in SY 2012–13

6 6 Student Outcomes Achieved Within 90 Days After Exit (CSPR Table Enrolled in local district school Earned a GED Obtained a high school diploma Earned high school course credits Enrolled in a GED program Accepted and/or enrolled into post-secondary education Enrolled in job training courses/programs Obtained employment

7 7 Subpart 1 (State Agencies) Title I, Part D SY 2012–13 Source:

8 8 Subpart 2 (Local Education Agencies) Title I, Part D SY 2012–13 Source:

9 9 Exclusions Subpart 1Subpart 2 Earned High School Course Credits2813 Obtained High School Diploma2820 Enrolled in a GED Program2916 Earned a GED3022 Number of states excluded from SY 2012–13 after exit calculations Source:

10 10 Barriers to Collecting Student Outcome Data After Exit What barriers are you facing to collecting student outcome data after exit? Legally unable to have contact with the student post-release Do not have enough resources to follow the students after they exit Little or no connection to organizations that have contact with the students after exit Lack of “buy-in” from facility staff to collect data Other What are some of the other barriers you face?

11 11 Three approaches to collecting student data after exit Facilities can collect data about students after they exit from the following sources: 1.Students and/or families 2.Organizations, agencies and people the students may have contact with after they are released 3.Longitudinal data system

12 12 Irma Arellano Ingham County Youth Center Building relationships that surround the student

13 Ingham County 700 E. Jolly Lansing, MI. 48910 Youth Detention Irma Arellano, Grant Coordinator August 6, 2015 \

14  Located in Lansing, Michigan  24 hour-24 Beds secure detention facility  Currently averaging between 13 Boys, and 11 Girls on a nightly basis.  Current population of 23  Average length of stay- 10 days August 6, 2015Irma Arellano, Ingham County Youth Center 2015

15  Transition Plan-List of Stakeholders  Youth Educational Goals  Vocational Life Goals  Short and Long Term goals  Strengths and Weakness  Support Systems  Youth Profile  Medical Information  List of Stakeholders August 6, 2015Irma Arellano, Ingham County Youth Center 2015

16  Communication with stakeholders “Before” youth is released  Psychologist  School Counselors  Juvenile Court Officers  Teachers  Parents/Guardians  Community Partners (work placements, etc.) August 6, 2015Irma Arellano, Ingham County Youth Center 2015

17  49.03% (unduplicated count) of all intakes released from the Youth Center since their first detainment in January 2015 have remained in school or active in the community for over 6 months.  32.9% were female  67.11% were males  50.97% Rearrested  70% of youth received comprehensive transitional services. August 6, 2015Irma Arellano, Ingham County Youth Center 2015

18  ICYC has an account with the LSD database & 30th Judicial Circuit Court database’s that provides an ongoing collaboration between all stakeholders which allows real-time information for effective support services.  Databases allows for pre-transition strategies; To establish an effective post-transition plan with all stakeholders. August 6, 2015Irma Arellano, Ingham County Youth Center 2015

19 19 Jennifer Sanders Buckeye United School District Working closely with parole officers

20 20 Jamie Miller Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit Utilizing longitudinal N or D data collection system

21 N&D Reporting in PA Our Data Story

22 History  2000 – First System  2012 – New System  2013 - October Child Count Added  Work in progress












34 Reports  Students by date  Student Profiles  3048 Final Report (October Child Count)  Profile Extract to CSV File

35 System Administrator Responsibilities  Provides PD & TA  Updates user guide  Monitors data  Coordinates programming  Communicates information  Maintains agency/LEA administrative users

36 LEA/agency Administrative User Responsibilities  Building address  Phone number  Users  Finalizes reports

37 System Design  Visual Studio   SQL Server  Microsoft Access database

38 System Benefits  Student level data  Data quality  Proof  Versatility  Longitudinal data

39 Future Endeavors  Updates to the system  State system

40 N&D Advisory Committee  Funded through state set aside funds  Provides guidance to PDE  Provides technical assistance and professional development  Funds the reporting system  Coordinates an annual Symposium each fall

41 N&D Fall Symposium  2015 - 13 th Annual Symposium  Approximately 250 attend  Free spots  Additional spots  Registrants responsibilities

42 Starting a New System  Start simple  Don’t be overwhelmed  Make lists  Choose programmers  Pilot group  First year  Sell  Reach for the stars

43 Suggestions  Facility administrator  Data parameters  Versatility  Relationships  Ease of use  Login retrieval  Incorrect data  Pick your battles

44 Resources  (currently being re- designed)  Jamie Miller –

45 45 Q&A and Discussion

46 46 Q&A and Discussion Q&A: Feel free to ask questions of the presenters via chat box or verbally Discussion Questions: Where are your facilities and state in terms of collecting data after exit? What next steps do you foresee to improve data quality of student outcomes after exit? How might you get buy in for the collection of data after exit at all levels (i.e., administration, transition coordinators, students and parents)?

47 47 Other NDTAC Topical Calls Series NDTAC Resources to Meet TA Needs Subgrantee Monitoring Tools For more information see our website:

48 48 Contact Information Irma Arellano (Ingham County Youth Center) – Jennifer Sanders (Buckeye United School District) – Jamie Miller (Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit) – Liann Seiter (NDTAC) –

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