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Easy migration to a new Chart of Accounts Chitra Kanakaraj.

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1 Easy migration to a new Chart of Accounts Chitra Kanakaraj

2 Agenda The University of Waikato Easy migration to a new Chart of Accounts without affecting the subsystems that uses the COA Oracle 11g feature Rules Manager and Expression Filter Oracle Business Rules







9 The University of Waikato About Me What was the need to migrate to New COA Impact of the change How to... Wondered how to modify and manage business logic easily

10 Uow Transactions per Year SystemsTransactions per year Receivables21,000 Payables66,000 PCard32,000 Journals1,000 AnfieldTransactions are included in Payables stats Assets160,000 Payroll1,100,000 distribution lines JadeSMS82,000 Printcost5,000

11 UOW COA Structure COA Structure Segment1Segment2Segment3Segment4Segment5Segment6 OLD99A9AA99AAAA99A999 NEW99A9AA99999999A999

12 Modify and Manage Business logic Oracle 11g feature Rules Manager and Expression Filter What is this? How it works? Skills Needed Practical Implementation

13 Rules Manager Rules manager API - Defines, manage and enforce complex rules in Oracle Database This API can be used across multisession and environment Rules manager can model any event- condition-action(ECA)-based system. Applications for Rules Manager are...

14 What is a Rule? Typically, rules follow Event-Condition-Action (ECA) The ECA components are defined as: Event -- the state information for the process Condition -- the Boolean condition that evaluates to true or false for the event Action -- the action to be carried out if the rule condition evaluates to true for the event.

15 Rules Manager Implementation Process Identify your ECA Create Event Structure Create Rules Class Table Replace System Generated Callback Procedure with your implementation Insert Rows in the Rule Class Table Process the Rules for an Event

16 What is My ECA ON validCOA(Seg1,Seg2,Seg3, Seg4,Seg5,Seg6) IF Seg4 = 30 and (Seg5 > 8400 and Seg5 <= 8599) THEN getGatePass(‘Unimarket’)

17 Create Event Structure An event structure that is defined as an object type with attributes that describe specific features of an event. Seg1,Seg2,Seg3,Seg4,Seg5,Seg6

18 PL/SQL Code to Create Event Structure CREATE TYPE validCOA AS OBJECT ( Seg1 VARCHAR2(2), Seg2 VARCHAR2(2), Seg3 VARCHAR2(4), Seg4 VARCHAR2(2), Seg5 VARCHAR2(4), Seg6 VARCHAR2(4));

19 Toad image of Event Structure

20 Create the rule class for the event structure. Rule class creation creates a table to store the corresponding rule definitions and action preferences. Rule class creation implicitly creates the skeleton for a callback procedure to perform the action.

21 PL/SQL Code to Create Rule Class BEGIN dbms_rlmgr.create_rule_class ( rule_class => 'COARules', event_struct => 'validCOA', action_cbk => 'getGatePass', actprf_spec => 'SubSystemName VARCHAR2(50)'); END;

22 TOAD Image of Create Rule Class

23 Toad Image of the Rules Table

24 Toad Image of the Callback Procedure

25 Modify the Procedure getGatePass If rlm$rule.subsystemname = 'UniMarket' then dbms_output.put_line ('This is a valid COA code for the UniMarket Sub System'); end if; If rlm$rule.subsystemname = 'StaffClaim' then dbms_output.put_line ('This is a valid COA code for the StaffClaim Sub System'); end if;

26 Toad Image of the Modified Procedure

27 Insert Row in the Rules Class Table Each row inserted typically contains a rule identifier, a condition, and values for action preferences. Adding rules consists of using the SQL INSERT statement to add a row for each rule.

28 PL/SQL Code to Insert Rows in the Rules Class Table --COA Rules for the UniMarket subsystem INSERT INTO COARules (rlm$ruleid, SUBSYSTEMNAME, rlm$rulecond) VALUES ('987', 'UniMarket', 'REGEXP_INSTR(Seg5, ''^8[4-5][0-9][0-9]$'') > 0 and REGEXP_INSTR(Seg4, ''^[2,4,6,9]0$'') > 0');

29 PL/SQL Code to Insert Rows in the Rules Class Table --COA Rules for the StaffClaim subsystem INSERT INTO COARules (rlm$ruleid, SUBSYSTEMNAME, rlm$rulecond) VALUES('973', 'StaffClaim', 'REGEXP_INSTR(Seg5, ''^2[0-6][0-9][0-9]$'') > 0 and REGEXP_INSTR(Seg4, ''^[2,4,6,8]0$'') > 0');

30 Toad Image of the Insert Rows in the Rules Class Table

31 Toad Image of the Rules Table after inserting two rows

32 Process the rules for an event Use the dbms_rlmgr.process_rules( ) procedure to process the rules in a rule class for an event instance. Processing the rules consists of passing in an event instance as a string of name-value pairs (generated using the getVarchar( ) procedure)

33 PL/SQL Code to Process the Rules BEGIN dbms_rlmgr.process_rules ( rule_class => 'COARULES', event_inst => VALIDCOA.getVarchar('XX', 'XX', 'xxxx', '60','8573', 'zzzz')); END;

34 Toad Image of Processing the Rules

35 Toad Image of the Process Output

36 Shocking News

37 Oracle Issued an Obsolescence Notice Obsolescence Notice: Rules Manager and Expression Filter features of Oracle Database are obsolete in the next major release after Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2). Support will only be available for the life of Oracle Database Release11g Release 2. See My Oracle Support Note ID 1244535.1 for more information.

38 Replacement Product Oracle Business Rules Core component of Oracle Fusion Middleware and Fusion Application products Integrates with Oracle SOA Suite and BPM suite Rule scope expands beyond a single instance of database Oracle Business Rules supports Event-Condition-Action (ECA) Rules Oracle Business Rules takes a workflow centric view of the requirements for the product. Complex events are modelled through sequential or concurrent firing of rules.

39 Basic Oracle Business Rule Concepts Facts: - Are data or business objects on which the Rules Engine evaluates rules Rules: - Are declared as: “IF condition THEN action” Ruleset: Has a collection of rules - Is a unit of execution -May be chained Dictionary: -Has a collection of fact types, global variables/constants functions and rulesets Bucketsets: - Are constraints on the values associated with Facts. -List of values/Range of values of a specified type

40 Overview of the Business Rules Component A Business Rules service component can be used in a SOA composite application: Wired and executed by BPEL Exposed as a Web Service Executed to implement dynamic routing with a Mediator components Implemented as advanced routing rules in Human Task definitions

41 Creating a Business Rule Component 1 2 Input... Output.... Define initial XML Facts Define Decision Service name in Advanced tab 3 5 4 Tick to expose

42 Input XML Schema

43 Rules Editor in Jdeveloper - Facts Facts Type Element attributes derived from the input schema Bucketset Attached with Attributes

44 Rules Editor in Jdeveloper - Bucketsets Constraints for Seg5 Range or LOV

45 Rules Editor in Jdeveloper - Rulesets RuleSet IF/THEN Condition Condition If Seg5 is between 8400 to 8599 and Seg4 is any value in (20, 40, 60, 80) Condition If Seg5 is between 8400 to 8599 and Seg4 is any value in (20, 40, 60, 80) Action Modify the systemName value to “UNIMARKET” Action Modify the systemName value to “UNIMARKET” Rule

46 Rules Editor in Jdeveloper – Decision Functions Web Service for executing exposed decision functions for underlying Oracle Business Rules

47 Deploy Web Service Business rules created in an SOA application are deployed as part of the SOA composite when you create a deployment profile in Oracle JDeveloper. The SOA composite application ‘COA_RULES_CHITRA’ is deployed to Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g. Test the Decision Service in the Oracle Enterprise Manager.

48 Testing the Web Service Input values for Seg4, Seg5,SystemName

49 Testing Web Service Out Put Modified value for the SystemName

50 Summary Yes you can easily migrate to a new Chart of Accounts in eBusiness Suite, without affecting the subsystems that uses the Chat of Accounts. How :- By having the business logic as rules or expressions in an Oracle 11g table or exposing the business logic as a Decision Service. Products :- Oracle 11g Rules Manager and Expression Filter OR Oracle Business Rules

51 Questions and Answers


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