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The Truth behind the Greatest Lie in American History

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1 The Truth behind the Greatest Lie in American History
The Myth Revealed: The Truth behind the Greatest Lie in American History

2 What is a Myth? A Myth is a story used to explain something that has no logical explanation. Common myths include the Creation and the Great Flood.

3 How is Lincoln a Myth? Lincoln was deified by America after the Civil War. America needed someone to represent the new face of America as it moved away from a society based on Property Authority and an Aristocracy. Many of Lincolns personal and political faults are overlooked as a result of this deification. An Example of this deification is the Lincoln Memorial which portrays Lincoln as a god.

4 Lincoln the Man: Lincoln throughout his political career claimed fervent faith in Christianity while in fact anyone who was close to him knew him to be an atheist and freethinker. (Dickson) Lincoln published a series of essays denying the divinity of the Bible, which later became known as the Infidel Book. Lincoln was known for attending Blackface and taking frequent pleasure in “nigger jokes”

5 Lincoln’s Politics Lincoln was strongly opposed to the restriction of Presidential powers imposed by the Constitution. Lincoln was loyal to his section and and his political faction rather than the Union as a whole. (Dickson) It is also ironic to note that in his speech attacking President Polk Lincoln made two statements which can be cited against him in his own conduct in the War between the States. Lincoln stated: Any people any when, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government and form a new one that suits them better ... Any portion of such people that can, may revolutionize, and make their own of so much of the territory as they inhabit. More than this, a majority of any portion of such people may revolutionize, putting down a minority, intermingled with, or near about them, who may oppose their movement. (Dickson)

6 Lincoln as Dictator During the Civil War Lincoln abused his wartime powers. Lincoln Suspended Habeas Corpus and Imposed martial law on the Union. He also suspended freedom of the press and arrested anyone who spoke out against him. Lincoln also declared war without the Senate which is not Constitutionally allowed. Lincoln also deported the entire Anglo-Saxon Population from Missouri to ensure it couldn’t secede from the Union.

7 Lincoln the Abolitionist:
Lincoln didn’t support Emancipation until it was Politically and Militarily advantageous for him to do so. Frederick Douglas claimed later that Lincoln was a “white man’s President” Lincoln , in his famed debate with Stephen Douglas, claimed the inferiority of negroes and advocated for a degraded state of civil rights. (Dickson)

8 Lincoln and War Crimes Lincoln was responsible for many war crimes during the Civil War. The Union death rate at P.O.W. camps was astronomically higher than the Confederate P.O.W. camps. Sherman’s March to the Sea was one of the most destructive campaigns ever. His senseless destruction of Georgia resulted in an astronomical loss of civilian property. Lincoln fully supported this campaign.

9 The Myth Revealed The Myth of Lincoln was made possible by his timely death. Lincoln’s Death lead to the complete destruction of the South much like Germany after World War II

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