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HEP Experiment Integration within GriPhyN/PPDG/iVDGL Rick Cavanaugh University of Florida DataTAG/WP4 Meeting 23 May, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "HEP Experiment Integration within GriPhyN/PPDG/iVDGL Rick Cavanaugh University of Florida DataTAG/WP4 Meeting 23 May, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEP Experiment Integration within GriPhyN/PPDG/iVDGL Rick Cavanaugh University of Florida DataTAG/WP4 Meeting 23 May, 2002

2 23.05.2002VO Management2 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Brookhaven National Laboratory Indiana University Boston University Argonne National Laboratory U Michigan University of Texas at Arlington Oklahoma University l Grid credentials (based on globus CA) distributed Process of updating to ESnet CA credentials l Grid software: Globus 1.1.4/2.0, Condor 6.3 (moving towards full VDT 1.x) l ATLAS core software distribution at 2 sites (for developers) (RH 6.2) l ATLAS related grid software: Pacman, Magda, Gridview, Grappa l Testbed has been functional for ~ 1 year l Accounts (individual user, group) created at all sites l GRAT – Grid Application Toolkit for ATLAS grid applications (RH 7.2) US-ATLAS Test Grid

3 23.05.2002VO Management3 l Develop a Condor+GDMP+Magda package Magda: distributed data manager prototype Data production is waiting for cataloguing hooks using Magda l Develop data analysis tools (to simplify user experience) Enhance GRAPPA web portal l Use Virtual Data Toolkit (VDT) and test the GriPhyN Virtual Data Catalog (VDC) l Participate in Data Challenge 1 l Automate grid package production mechanism l Deploy a hierarchical GIIS server l Develop an MDS information provider for Pacman-deployed software l Interoperate with US-CMS Test Grid and EDG Run ATLAS apps on US-CMS Test Grid (done!) Run ATLAS apps from US-ATLAS Site on EDG Testbed (done!) Near Term US-ATLAS Plan

4 23.05.2002VO Management4 Master Site Remote Site 1 IMPALA/ BOSS mop_submitter DAGMan Condor-G GDMP Batch Queue GDMP Remote Site N Batch Queue GDMP l Grid credentials (based on globus CA) distributed Process of updating to ESnet CA credentials l Grid software: VDT 1.0 l Globus 2.0 beta l Condor-G 6.3.1 l Condor 6.3.1 l ClassAds 0.9 l GDMP 3.0 l Objectivity 6.1 l MOP – distributed CMS Monte carlO Production l Testbed has been functional for ~ 1/2 year l Decentralised account management l DAR – Distribution After Release for CMS applications (RH 6.2) US-CMS Test Grid “MOP”

5 23.05.2002VO Management5 Near Term US-CMS Plans l Prototype Virtual Data Grid System (VDGS) Based upon VDT (and the GriPhyN Virtual Data Catalog) First prototype by August Production prototype for November l Grid-enabled Monte Carlo Production Build upon the CMS and MOP experience (already quite mature) Run live CMS production this Summer Integrate with VDGS for November l Grid-enabled Analysis Environment Based upon web services (XML, RPC, SOAP, etc) Integrate with VDT and VDGS for November l Interoperate with US-ATLAS Test Grid and EDG Run CMS apps on US-ATLAS Test Grid Run CMS apps from US-CMS Site on EDG Testbed

6 23.05.2002VO Management6 D0 SAM Deployment Map l Cluster data according to access patterns l Cache data which is frequently accessed l Organize requests to minimize tape mounts l Estimate resources for file requests before they are submitted l Make decisions concerning data delivery priority l All sites are functional D0 centers that routinely send/receive data to/from FNAL anticipate one or more stations at each collaborating institution eventually Processing Center Analysis site

7 23.05.2002VO Management7 Commissioning of SAM for CDF GOALS support 5 groups that do data analysis enable access to datasets of interest production availability of the systems limit impact on CDF enstore CDF portakamp 6509 CDF Offline 6509 Border Router CDFen DCache fcdfsam sam station enstore stat ~1TB Cache Perm. Disk fndaut (sun) name service sam db server optimizer logger web server monitoring fcdfora2 Oracle DB (dev, int) nglas09 sam_station (analysis) Cache Fermilab remote sam_station (analysis) Cache remote sam_station (analysis) Cache remote sam_station (analysis) Cache remote sam_station (analysis) Cache remote sam_station (analysis) Cache STKen 5TB 100 MB 1 GB 100 MB (multiple) fcdfora1 Oracle DB (prd) CD Switch STATUS Hardware and Software infrastructure in place Translation of the CDF DFC ready to go in production Developed AC++ interfaces to SAM to retrieve and analyze files. Automatic output to SAM not ready, yet. Enabled access to DCache. Deploying to test sites to sort out configuration issues. Test user are starting now to use SAM to do physics.

8 23.05.2002VO Management8 Conclusion l Other non-HEP experiments (LIGO, SDSS) not mentioned in this talk l LHC Experiments have short term plans which are aggressive Test Grids are still young and fault-prone Inter-experiment and inter-grid integration Distributed data analysis Distributed Monte Carlo data production but realistic Uses existing (for the most part) software and tools Emphasis is on building prototypes and learning from them l FNAL Experiments appear well integrated ! l Critical need to demonstrate the value of the grid!

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