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SET UP A SOHO SERVER AND NETWORK: THE BASICS Tony Hancock (NET 2012 Capstone. EKU) Presented by: Tony Hancock.

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Presentation on theme: "SET UP A SOHO SERVER AND NETWORK: THE BASICS Tony Hancock (NET 2012 Capstone. EKU) Presented by: Tony Hancock."— Presentation transcript:

1 SET UP A SOHO SERVER AND NETWORK: THE BASICS Tony Hancock (NET 2012 Capstone. EKU) Presented by: Tony Hancock

2 2 OUTLINE Motivation – Why I chose this project Components of Project Problems Encountered Solutions and What I Learned Future Work with Project

3 3 MOTIVATION Strengthen Knowledge of Computers and Networking Explore Capabilities of Windows Server 2008 R2 and Active Directory

4 4 MOTIVATION CONTINUED Server Implementation and Management Will be important in a future Job Make my Home Network More Secure

5 5 INTRODUCTION I work with electronics and PLCs everyday at work. The skills would be essential for a System Administrator Trial and Error: Learn by Doing

6 6 INTRODUCTION CONTINUED Scope: Simulates a Small Office Network Server Users Internet Connection Client PCs

7 7 PROBLEM STATEMENT Spec and Build a Server PC Install Windows Server 2008 R2 Install Server Roles Install RADIUS on Server and Wireless Router Create Users in the Domain Join Client PCs to Domain

8 8 PROPOSED SOLUTION Build the PC Intel Core I3 CPU (3.1 GHz) ASRock P67 Motherboard G.Skill 12 GB DDR3 SDRAM 3 Seagate 1TB SATA Hard Drives (RAID 5) RAIDMAX Tornado ATX Tower with 450 Watt Power Supply

9 9 ASSUMPTIONS Simulate a Small Office Environment I am the System Administrator Data Integrity and Security Budget $800


11 11 PROPOSED SOLUTION Install Windows Server 2008 R2 Install Server Roles DNS Active Directory Domain Services Active Directory Certificate Services Network Policy and Access Services RADIUS File Services

12 12 PROPOSED SOLUTION Server Roles

13 13 PROPOSED SOLUTION Add Users and PCs to the Domain

14 14 PROPOSED SOLUTION Network Layout

15 15 PROPOSED SOLUTION Install and Utilize RADIUS: Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service

16 16 RESULTS Successfully Created a Small Office Server Network Got Experience with Active Directory Created a Domain (, Organizational Unit, Forest, and Users

17 17 RESULTS Secured the Network with RADIUS and WPA2 Used RAID5 for Data Recoverability Users Do Not Like Change

18 18 CONCLUSIONS Achieved Goal of Gaining Experience as a System Administrator Two most Difficult Tasks: Active Directory RADIUS I feel Much More Confident Now Working with Windows Server and Active Directory

19 19 FUTURE WORK Continue to Explore the World of Active Directory Implement Email Server Utilize Update Services Utilize Group Policy Management Email –

20 REFERENCES Windows7Forums (2010, August 23). How to Configure Windows Server 2008 R2 [Video File]. Video posted to (2009, November 9) Build a Windows Server 2008 R2 Domain Controller. Posted to windows-server-2008-r2-domain-controller/ windows-server-2008-r2-domain-controller/ Hester, M., & Henley, C. (2010). Windows Server 2008 R2 Administration. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing, Inc. Garcia, A. (2010). SP1 for Windows Server 2008 R2 requires a lot of new hardware. EWeek, 27(12), 28-30 20

21 REFERENCES Microsoft. (2009, July). Active Directory Domain Services in Windows Server 2008 R2 Technical Overview. Podcast retrieved from services-in-windows-server-2008-r2-technical- overview/2319421?promo=100511&tag=mantle_skin;content services-in-windows-server-2008-r2-technical- overview/2319421?promo=100511&tag=mantle_skin;content Newegg TV (2011, June 2). How to Build a Computer – Part 2 – The Build [Video File]. Video posted to (2003, December 1) Using RADIUS For WLAN Authentication, Part I. Posted to 21

22 REFERENCES (2009, January 9) Administering Active Directory Domain Services. Posted to us/library/cc794908(v=ws.10).aspx us/library/cc794908(v=ws.10).aspx Newegg TV (2011, May 13). How to Build a Computer – Part 1 – Choosing Your Components [Video File]. Video posted to (2010, March 29) Installing Windows Server 2008 R2. Posted to 22

23 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS WL20nM:&imgrefurl= u_data_breach_laws_set_toughen&docid=jzjGD8_Y0iBVzM&imgurl=http://__FeqE6AH5sNGZBA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=414&s ig=107504711781035159248&sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=162&tbnw=146&start=0&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0,i:141&tx=69&t y=98 WM:&imgrefurl=!&doci d=y5E6i8- dGp8lGM&imgurl= 389&h=352&ei=LR2UT9DEHqLA6AG6- pS8BA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=183&vpy=293&dur=527&hovh=163&hovw=180&tx=145&ty=139&sig=107504711781035159 248&page=1&tbnh=131&tbnw=145&start=0&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:0,i:84 Mike Jamison (Hitachi I.T.) – Helped with IPhone Connection to RADIUS Wireless Network 23

24 THANK YOU Any Questions? 24

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