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Management Process And Workforce Management Manpower Planning Section.

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2 Management Process And Workforce Management Manpower Planning Section

3 7 In short... Management Basics Training & Development Delegation

4 8 Organisation Two or more people who work together in a structured way to achieve a specific goal or set of goals

5 9 Goal: The purpose that an organisation strives to achieve (Goals are fundamental elements of an organisation)

6 10 Levels of Goals Strategic Goals Tactical Goals Operational Goals

7 11 Why do we need Goals? Goals provide a sense of Direction Goals focus our effort Goals guide our plans and decisions Goals help us evaluate our progress

8 12 Management: The process of Planning & Decision Making, Organising, Leading and Controlling of work of organisation members utilising all available organisational resources to reach stated organisational goals

9 13 What are the resources for an Organization Financial Physical Human Informational

10 14 Manager: Person responsible for directing the efforts aiming to help organisations to achieve its goals and objectives. Or is someone,who plans & make Decisions, organise, leads & Control Human, Financial, Physical & Information Resources.

11 15 Levels of Managers Top Manager Middle Manager First Line/ Operational Manager

12 16 Managerial Skills Technical Interpersonal Conceptual Skills

13 17 Managerial Roles Interpersonal Roles Informational Role Decisional Role

14 18 Why do we study Management & Organisations? Organisations contribute to the present standard of living Organisations build the future

15 19 Managerial & Organisational Performance Managerial Performance Managerial Performance: The measure of How efficient and Effective a Manager is. Organisational Performance Organisational Performance: The measure of How efficient and Effective an organisation is.

16 20 Efficiency Vs Effectiveness Peter Drucker ( Management Guru) Says, Doing the thing right is Efficiency Doing the right thing is Effectiveness

17 21 Doing the Thing Right... Minimise the cost Minimise the Time Minimise unintended consequence on others Adhere to Social & Ethical Standards

18 22 Doing the Right Thing …... Know the Goal & Strategy Judgement ( Facts & Values in the light of the Goal)

19 23 Process: A systematic method of handling activities

20 24 Management Process: Planning Organising Leading Controlling

21 25 Planning Process of establishing goals and suitable course of actions for achieving those goals.

22 26 Planning Process Selection of Goals Establishing Goals for sub units/ Divisions Program for Achieving Goals Relationships & Time are Prime Factors Responsibility & Accountability

23 27 Organising The process of engaging two or more people in working together in a structured way to achieve a specific goal or a set of goals

24 28 Organising ( Different Thinking) Is deciding How best to group organisation elements, Just as a child selecting different kind of building blocks, Manager can select variety of structural possibilities and Just as child can assemble the blocks in many ways, manager can put the organisation in many different ways.

25 29 Key Building Blocks Job Designing Job Grouping Establishing Reporting Relationships among Jobs Distributing Authority Among Jobs Co-ordination Activities between Jobs Differentiating Between Positions

26 30 Delegation: Why Do We Delegate? 1.Reluctance of Delegation 2.Fear of Subordinate will do better 3.No trust 4.Reluctance to Accept the Authority 5.Avoid the Risk 1.Ease the Mangers Burden 2.Expertise of Subordinate 3.Development of Subordinate 4.Improve Managerial Skills of Subordinate Problems of Delegation

27 31 Guidelines for Delegation Decide which tasks to be delegated Delegate the assignment Decide who should get the work Provide sufficient Resources Be prepared to run interference if necessary Establish a good feedback system

28 32 Leading The process of directing and influencing the task related activities of group members of an entire organisation

29 33 How to Lead? Behave as a Example Motivate Pull From to front Guiding / Advising Problem Solving Coaching / mentoring Counselling

30 34 Leading …. Will be covered under HR role of Line Managers

31 35 Controlling The process of ensuring that actual activities conformed to planned activities

32 36 How to Control? Establishing standard of Performance/ Benchmarking Measuring current performance Compare the current performance to established standards Taking corrective actions if deviations are detected

33 37 SWOT Analysis SStrength WWeaknesses OOpportunities TThreats

34 38 Training & Development  Training: Imparting Knowledge & Skills for the needs of today  Development:Developing knowledge & Skills for tomorrow.

35 39 Training As an individual requirement As an Outcome of Performance Appraisal Future requirement based Divisional requirement

36 40 Training Needs Analysis Individual Divisional From succession plan

37 41 For training to be effective Should be after proper analysis Should train the right person Post training evaluation Feed back to supervisor from trainer Feed back to trainer from trainee & Vis Versa Feed back from trainer to supervisor

38 42 Thank You Contact: 2433200

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