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Regional Geomatics Group BC Ministry of Forest and Range Southern Interior Region Geomatics Strategy Will Burt, Sharon Cadieux, Cody Crocker March 14,

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Geomatics Group BC Ministry of Forest and Range Southern Interior Region Geomatics Strategy Will Burt, Sharon Cadieux, Cody Crocker March 14,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Geomatics Group BC Ministry of Forest and Range Southern Interior Region Geomatics Strategy Will Burt, Sharon Cadieux, Cody Crocker March 14, 2007 Regional Stewardship Meeting

2 Overview A team of four - Coordinator, two analysts, and a technician Our goal – To provide leadership and operational functions in geomatics for the districts of the Southern Interior Region Our clients – District and Regional staff One team, one goal

3 Getting Started 1.Draft Implementation Plan: Phase I: Initialization (what we do and how we do it) Phase II: Transition (start doing it) Phase III: Operational trial (do more of it, evaluate effectiveness) 2.Keep ‘Hands-on’: Working on projects Provide advice and assistance Build our knowledge and expertise Geomatics Strategy

4 Phase I: Responsibilities Implementation Plan Operation Function Summary: Get involved with district workloads, backfill Help districts with analysis projects Provide technical and policy advice and support Leadership Function Summary: Identify synergies between districts and capitalize on opportunities Coordinate region wide datasets Maintain a clear direction of the future trends in GIS Represent the region on provincial committees and initiatives

5 Phase I: Communications Group: Regularly scheduled conference calls, face-to-face meetings Sharepoint Project standards and documentation Client: Sharepoint Newsletter twice a year Monthly region wide geomatics conference call Project oriented district visits Region geomatics workshop once a year Implementation Plan

6 Phase II and III Phase II: Transition Continue to review our progress Refine direction and performance Build our workload (operational and leadership/coordination) Involve district staff in determining how the Regional Geomatics Group can provide training and knowledge exchange (i.e. imap, ilrr, arcview, spatial data sets, etc) Phase III: Operational pilot/trial Review and re-evaluate our performance Refine direction and performance Accepting and completing workload (projects, training / knowledge exchange) Re-evaluate our performance Implementation Plan

7 Group Initiatives Operations: 2005 Enhanced ortho image product packaging Mapbook Requirements Gathering VRI Extraction Tool OGMA area by BEC Variant ESSFwc TELSA data loading and pre-processing Leadership: FTA4 Training Coordination ILRR Training Session at DKL Current and Past Projects

8 Regional Geomatics Group Thank You Ministry of Forests Southern Interior Region We’re on the Web! Visit us at:

9 Title Text Sub

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