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Report on IEEE 802.22, IEEE J-SAC, and IEEE DySPAN 2007 tutorials Carlos Cordeiro Philips Research North America TCCN meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Report on IEEE 802.22, IEEE J-SAC, and IEEE DySPAN 2007 tutorials Carlos Cordeiro Philips Research North America TCCN meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report on IEEE 802.22, IEEE J-SAC, and IEEE DySPAN 2007 tutorials Carlos Cordeiro Philips Research North America TCCN meeting at Globecom on November 27, 2006

2 CONFIDENTIAL Philips Research North America, C. Cordeiro 2 Discussion Points IEEE 802.22 Standardization Effort IEEE J-SAC SI on Adaptive, Spectrum Agile, and Cognitive Wireless Networks IEEE DySPAN 2007 tutorials

3 CONFIDENTIAL Philips Research North America, C. Cordeiro 3 Discussion Points IEEE 802.22 Standardization Effort IEEE J-SAC SI on Adaptive, Spectrum Agile, and Cognitive Wireless Networks IEEE DySPAN 2007 tutorials

4 CONFIDENTIAL Philips Research North America, C. Cordeiro 4

5 CONFIDENTIAL Philips Research North America, C. Cordeiro 5 Application Overview Frequency: –Operates in TV bands from 54 to 862 MHz –6 MHz, 7 MHz and 8 MHz channel bandwidth Rates: –From 18 Mbps to 24 Mbps –1.5 Mbps upstream, 300 kbps downstream Transmit power: –4W CPE transmit power Service Range: –Nominally 33 km, up to 100 km –Propagation delays exceed 300 µs

6 CONFIDENTIAL Philips Research North America, C. Cordeiro 6 On-going Activities The main 802.22 working group (WG) has been conducting parallel activities in four areas: –Physical Layer (PHY) –Medium Access Control Layer (MAC) –Spectrum Sensing –Geolocation/Database In addition, two other task groups (TG) under 802.22 have been formed: –IEEE 802.22.1 In the process of creating a standard which specifies methods to provide enhanced protection to low power devices such as those licensed as secondary under FCC Part 74 in the USA (e.g., wireless microphones) –IEEE 802.22.2 In the process of developing recommended practices for installation and deployment of IEEE 802.22 systems

7 CONFIDENTIAL Philips Research North America, C. Cordeiro 7 IEEE 802.22 Status as of November 2006 Now: Draft standard version 0.1 is out January 2007: Expected to release draft version 0.2 March 2007: Go to WG ballot July 2007: Go to Sponsor ballot –Point where Draft 1.0 is expected to be available January 2008: IEEE 802.22 standard approved by the IEEE Standards Association

8 CONFIDENTIAL Philips Research North America, C. Cordeiro 8 For more information… Visit the IEEE 802.22 website at: Join the IEEE 802.22 related reflectors and participate!!! –Instructions can be found on the main IEEE 802.22 website All the documentation is available for free from the IEEE 802.22 website Feel free to email me if you have questions

9 CONFIDENTIAL Philips Research North America, C. Cordeiro 9 Discussion Points IEEE 802.22 Standardization Effort IEEE J-SAC SI on Adaptive, Spectrum Agile, and Cognitive Wireless Networks IEEE DySPAN 2007 tutorials

10 CONFIDENTIAL Philips Research North America, C. Cordeiro 10 IEEE J-SAC SI Guest Edited by: –Carlos Cordeiro, Philips Research North America –Babak Danenshrad, UCLA –Joseph Evans, University of Kansas –Narayan Mandayam, WINLAB at Rutgers University –Preston Marshall, DARPA/ATO –Sai Shankar, Qualcomm Timeline: –Submission: February 2006 –Acceptance: August/September 2006 –Publication: April 2007 CFP website: SAC/Calls/cognitive_radios.html SAC/Calls/cognitive_radios.html

11 CONFIDENTIAL Philips Research North America, C. Cordeiro 11 IEEE J-SAC SI A large number of quality papers were received in response to the CFP Each paper received at least 3 reviews and was personally looked at by at least one of the Editors Papers were selected based on: –Appropriateness and relevance for the SI –Comprehensive and well rounded treatment of the many different and interesting topics in this emerging area In the end, 11 papers have been accepted covering a variety of very important topics: –Fundamental performance aspects, spectrum sensing, detection and estimation approaches to spectrum sharing, MAC design, competitive spectrum sharing and resource allocation, and etc.

12 CONFIDENTIAL Philips Research North America, C. Cordeiro 12 Discussion Points IEEE 802.22 Standardization Effort IEEE J-SAC SI on Adaptive, Spectrum Agile, and Cognitive Wireless Networks IEEE DySPAN 2007 tutorials

13 CONFIDENTIAL Philips Research North America, C. Cordeiro 13 IEEE DySPAN 2007 Tutorials Together with John Chapin (Vanu, Inc.), I am co-chairing the technical tutorial activities of DySPAN 2007 The official deadline for technical tutorial proposal submission was November 15, 2006 However, we may consider additional proposals provided they are submitted by November 30, 2006 Please contact the technical tutorial co-chairs at and if you have questions

14 CONFIDENTIAL Philips Research North America, C. Cordeiro

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