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Nonprofit Capacity Conference 2014: The Power of Proactive Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Nonprofit Capacity Conference 2014: The Power of Proactive Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nonprofit Capacity Conference 2014: The Power of Proactive Planning

2 Agenda 1. Strategic Planning Overview 2. Best Practices / Pitfalls 3. Planning Model 4. Q&A

3 What is Strategic Planning? The process by which leaders of an organization determine what it intends to be in the future, and how it will get there

4 Benefits of Strategic Planning Builds consensus for goals, objectives & priorities Provides a basis for resource allocations & operational planning Defines baselines for measuring & controlling outcomes Helps evaluate departmental performance

5 The Power of Planning Strategy Alone =

6 The Power of Planning Strategy + Implementation = Business Results

7 Cascading the Plan Dept. Plan TEXT Dept. Plan Strategic Plan Project PlanPolicy/ProcedureProject PlanPolicy/Procedure Top down planningBottom up results

8 Common Pitfalls Business as usual Not my problem Lack of Ownership Anxiety Misunderstanding Lack of Communication Mired in day to day Goals seem irrelevant Lack of Integration/ Measurement Confusion Frustration Lack of Relevance Failure to produce intended results

9 Best Practices Buy-in Ownership Involve/Assign Staff Clear understanding Excitement Regular Communication Activities tied to goals Clear line of sight Integrated into Operations & Measured Clear understanding of departmental role and unique contribution Goals are Relevant Business results!

10 Steps in Planning STEP 1 Analysis Department-specific Information gathering (SWOT or SPOT) Understanding the business Evaluation of departmental role in impacting the outcomes

11 Steps in Planning STEP 1 Analysis STEP 2 Vision Mission Role Where are we going as a department? What is our purpose with respect to the larger organization? What is our role in achieving organizational goals?

12 Steps in Planning STEP 1 Analysis STEP 2 Vision Mission Role STEP 3 Broad Goals What results generally do we want to accomplish? How will our department help achieve organizational goals?

13 Steps in Planning STEP 1 Analysis STEP 2 Vision Mission Role STEP 3 Broad Goals STEP 4 Objectives What specifically will we each do to reach our department’s goals? The organization’s goals? Does it meet the “SMART” criteria?

14 SMART Objectives: Provide clear direction to supervisors and employees about outcomes, not actions Provide a common frame of reference for performance management Define success, and cultivate a sense of fulfillment Help clarify the specific expectations of the supervisor and employee

15 SMART Objectives: By August 1, 2014, implement a new performance management system for all staff using clearly defined processes and guidelines so employees and managers can more competently evaluate performance and develop their careers.

16 SMART Objectives: By August 1, 2014, implement a new performance management system for all staff using clearly defined processes and guidelines so employees and managers can more competently evaluate performance and develop their careers. Specific: Why Specific: What Specific: How

17 SMART Objectives: By August 1, 2014, implement a new performance management system for all staff using clearly defined processes and guidelines so employees and managers can more competently evaluate performance and develop their careers. Measurable: Is the performance system operational by August 1?

18 SMART Objectives: By August 1, 2014, implement a new performance management system for all staff using clearly defined processes and guidelines so employees and managers can more competently evaluate performance and develop their careers. Attainable: Do you have the skill set, resources and ability to achieve the goal?

19 SMART Objectives: By August 1, 2014, implement a new performance management system for all staff using clearly defined processes and guidelines so employees and managers can more competently evaluate performance and develop their careers. Results Focused: What is the result of reaching the goal?

20 SMART Objectives: By August 1, 2014, implement a new performance management system for all staff using clearly defined processes and guidelines so employees and managers can more competently evaluate performance and develop their careers. Time Based: By when will you achieve the goal?

21 Steps in Planning STEP 1 Analysis STEP 2 Vision Mission Role STEP 3 Broad Goals STEP 4 Objectives STEP 5 Barriers CSF’s What could stand in our way? What needs to go right in order to succeed?

22 Steps in Planning STEP 1 Analysis STEP 2 Vision Mission Role STEP 3 Broad Goals STEP 4 Objectives STEP 5 Barriers CSF’s STEP 6 Tactics What specific products, services or initiatives will we undertake?

23 Steps in Planning STEP 1 Analysis STEP 2 Vision Mission Role STEP 3 Broad Goals STEP 4 Objectives STEP 5 Barriers CSF’s STEP 6 Tactics STEP 7 Communicate Review Adjust How will we measure our progress? How often will we review ourselves? Are our efforts helping to achieve organizational goals?

24 Communicating Strategy

25 Audience Mission/ Vision Strategic Objectives Goals Individual Actions KPI’s Board Managers Staff Community Funders Tip: Consider Message, Channel and Frequency

26 Strategy Dashboard Strategic Priority ObjectivesTacticsOwnerTimelineKPI’s Goal or Priority 1 Obj. 11. 2. 3. Obj. 21. 2. 3.


28 Thank You! Mary-Claire Burick 703-951-7723

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