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 You are asked to make decisions every day. Many of those are influenced by advertising. Do you know what advertisers are doing to get your money?

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3  You are asked to make decisions every day. Many of those are influenced by advertising. Do you know what advertisers are doing to get your money?  Camp’s Commercial Crew has hired you to create a commercial for one of their products. In order to do this, you must first understand what goes into an advertisement. You will explore slogans, logos, advertisements, and techniques used on teenagers. You will get into the minds of these advertisers n order to prepare your very own commercial.

4 1.Take the General Knowledge of Persuasive Communication Skills and Internet Understanding quiz. Write down your score on your handout. 2. Take the advertisement slogans and popular slogans quiz. Write down your score for both on your handout. 3. Describe the 15 teen advertising strategies. ategies.cfm Slogan and Logo handout.doc

5  Practice!! Create your own ad for Burp Cola! When you finish, you'll reach a screen that says, "Great Job!" Fill in this statement to describe the ad you created: This ad would likely appeal to someone who cks/createyourownad_flash.html

6  Complete the logo and slogan handout. See how many you can get right! Check your answers with a partner when I tell you. Slogan and Logo webquest.doc

7 CHECKLISTYESNO Quizzes were completed and grades were written down. Teen advertising strategies were written down and discussed. Burp Cola advertisement was created and the appeal was written down Slogans and Logo worksheet was completed Time was used wisely

8 Now that we have practiced analyzing advertisements, techniques, slogans, and logos, YOU are now ready to create your own commercial!

9 middle/robinson-middle-school- website/academics/eighth-grade/ms-allison-ball--- language-arts/propaganda-webquest

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