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“Unite to Lead” Leadership Symposium Class of 2012 Academy of Future International Leaders Initiative Allison Johnston & Polly Calderon.

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Presentation on theme: "“Unite to Lead” Leadership Symposium Class of 2012 Academy of Future International Leaders Initiative Allison Johnston & Polly Calderon."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Unite to Lead” Leadership Symposium Class of 2012 Academy of Future International Leaders Initiative Allison Johnston & Polly Calderon

2 Project Proposals  Plan A  Partnership with Mr. Marvin in creating a new study abroad initiative at his San Miguel Hacienda. This initiative would bring students of all majors to work with the organization Feed the Hungry. Students would participate in the education of the students, helping cultivate and bring in new agriculture techniques, helping with the business and expansion of Feed the Hungry.  Plan B  Full day conference on leadership development of student leaders on campus. Our international focus would be on creating an awareness of the inadequate educational conditions around the world. We wanted to partner up with Save the Children Foundation to collect school supplies to send to the areas that were in need of supplies for classrooms.

3 Final Proposal  Plan C  “Unite to Lead” Leadership Symposium was finally underway. We decided on a half day symposium that would focus on the topic of “Transformational Leadership.” Our focus would be to challenge the leadership on campus to start thinking outside of their current span of influence onto a global environment. Our international component would be to showcase the AFIL projects to further promote and encourage similar partnerships or initiatives.

4 Mission Statement “To encourage student leaders to expand and challenge their impacts as ambassadors for Texas A&m university on campus and abroad.”

5 The purpose is to host a half-day symposium to revitalize the all student leaders at Texas A&M University. We want to focus on cultivating and sharpening personal leadership abilities, all the while challenge the way student leaders at Texas A&M University serve. Furthermore, we hope to expand the boundaries of our student organizations to think about their global impact potential. Our goal is unite together as student leaders at Texas A&M University to maximize and transform our leadership responsibilities. Purpose and Goal

6 Logo Design and Quote “ Effort and courage are not enough without purpose and direction” --JFK

7 Program of Events 1:00-1:30Check-In and Welcome 1:30-3:00“Transformational Leadership” Dr. Ed Davis, President of Texas A&M Foundation 3:00-3:15Break and Refreshments 3:15-4:15Project Presentations and Discussion Allison Johnston and Polly Calderon, Directors 4:15-5:00Closing Remarks Jeff Pickering, Student Body President

8 Challenges Time constraint Dr. Davis’s dates of availability Room scheduling No funding Advertising and attendance Late date of implementation Securing a proper international component

9 Successes  Confirming Dr. Davis as our Keynote speaker  Confirming Jeff Pickering as our closing speaker  Making the symposium free to attend  Using our project as a platform to promote AFIL and the international projects initiated by our fellow members  Excellent feed back concerning the event, even though individuals were not able to attend  We designed a half day symposium, application, logo, and evaluation, confirmed speakers, and booked a room all in two months time.

10 End Results Unfortunately “Unite to Lead” had to be cancelled due inadequate attendance This symposium would have better results if partnered with a big name like the MSC, and if done in the fall We have joined “Zooming Out for a Global View” Conference to help with last minute needs and to serve as speakers on leadership at a local level.

11 Mission Statement: “To encourage student leaders to expand and challenge their impacts as ambassadors for Texas A&m university on campus and abroad.” “Effort and courage are not enough with our purpose and direction”-JFK

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