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SYMBIOSIS How are our relationships comparable to ecology?

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Presentation on theme: "SYMBIOSIS How are our relationships comparable to ecology?"— Presentation transcript:

1 SYMBIOSIS How are our relationships comparable to ecology?

2 What is symbiosis? Symbiosis: is a close ecological relationship between the individuals of two (or more) different species. Symbiosis: is a close ecological relationship between the individuals of two (or more) different species. Mutualism: cooperative relationship in which both species derive some benefit. Mutualism: cooperative relationship in which both species derive some benefit. Example: Pollination Example: Pollination Parasitism: one individual known as the parasite, feeds on another individual, known as the host. Parasitism: one individual known as the parasite, feeds on another individual, known as the host. Endoparasite- Internal Endoparasite- Internal Ectoparasite- External Ectoparasite- External Commensalism: interaction in which one species benefits and the other is not affected. Commensalism: interaction in which one species benefits and the other is not affected.

3 Objectives 1. To explain that all things have relationships. 2. To go into detail of Symbiosis: 2. To go into detail of Symbiosis: Parasitism Parasitism Commsensalism Commsensalism Mutualism Mutualism

4 How do we understand Symbiosis? Every ecosystem has many different symbiotic relationships. Each fills a niche. All symbiotic relationships are specific to the organisms. You can’t replace one with another. Every ecosystem has many different symbiotic relationships. Each fills a niche. All symbiotic relationships are specific to the organisms. You can’t replace one with another.

5 Parasites Dog Fleas Heart Worm Giardia

6 Commensalism 1. An orchid lives on a tropical tree. It lives on the tree to reach the sunlight.

7 Mutualism 1. T here is a bird, the Egyptian plover, which cleans crocodile teeth by eating the left over food particles in the crocodile’s mouth.

8 So what do my relationships have to do with ecology? Ecology is all about the relationships within an ecosystem. Ecology is all about the relationships within an ecosystem. If the relationships work well the ecosystem is healthy. If the relationships work well the ecosystem is healthy. We all have relationships if they are healthy we are vibrant, productive, happy and fulfilled! We all have relationships if they are healthy we are vibrant, productive, happy and fulfilled!

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