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Create A Customer Service Revolution at your Library! Presenters: Darin Butler, Maggie Mills, Susan Spicer, Tina Miller, Dawn Smith, Robin Chalhoub.

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Presentation on theme: "Create A Customer Service Revolution at your Library! Presenters: Darin Butler, Maggie Mills, Susan Spicer, Tina Miller, Dawn Smith, Robin Chalhoub."— Presentation transcript:

1 Create A Customer Service Revolution at your Library! Presenters: Darin Butler, Maggie Mills, Susan Spicer, Tina Miller, Dawn Smith, Robin Chalhoub




5 Extravaganza!! 1. Sticky note your branch guidelines to the standards’ posters 2. Break up into small groups to discuss and organize the identified behaviors for each standard.

6 Customer Service Policy

7 Performance & Development Plan

8 What is in your Revolution Toolbox? 1.Staff Input / Buy in Identify customer service behavior 2.Policy Define clearly as a foundation 3.Accountability Institute a method to evaluate good customer service behavior Use feedback and mentoring Celebrate Successes!

9 We are all Customer Service Superheros

10 Viva la Customer Service Revolution

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