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Partnership Schools. Impact Schools “schools where every aspect of professional learning is designed to have an unmistakable, positive impact on teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "Partnership Schools. Impact Schools “schools where every aspect of professional learning is designed to have an unmistakable, positive impact on teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnership Schools

2 Impact Schools “schools where every aspect of professional learning is designed to have an unmistakable, positive impact on teaching and, hence, student learning.” —Jim Knight, Unmistakable Impact, 2011, p. 6

3 Knight’s Assumptions  “we can radically improve how well our students learn and perform if our schools become the kind of learning places (for students and adults) our students deserve.”  “Students will not be energized, thrilled, and empowered by learning until educators are energized, thrilled, and empowered by leaning.” —p. 6, Unmistakable Impact

4 Exploring the 7 Partnership Principles

5 Jigsaw WHAT? Deepening your understanding of equality, choice, voice, reflection, dialogue, praxis, and reciprocity WHY?To expand our shared understanding of partnership principles and their relationship to professional learning HOW?Jigsaw Cooperative Learning activity

6 Part 1: Organizing for Jigsaw Forming a “Home Team.” 1. Number off 1-7 and reconvene in teams based on your assigned partnership principle. 2. Read about your assigned principle, highlighting and preparing to discuss it with others. #1 Equality pp. 29-31#2 Choice pp. 31-34 #3 Voice pp. 34-36#4 Reflection pp. 36-38 #5 Dialogue pp. 38-39#6 Praxis pp. 42-44 #7 Reciprocity pp.44-45

7 Part 1: Jigsaw Continued 3. As a team, discuss your thoughts from the reading. What would be important for others to know about your team’s principle? 4.Brainstorm ideas for a visual to represent your team’s principle.

8 Part 2-Picture It! 1. Using ideas from your team’s discussion, work together to create a visual/poster to represent your team’s principle. 2. Post your team’s partnership principle poster for a gallery walk.

9 Part 3- Gallery Walk  In your group, re-number yourself from 1-7  You will move to the poster that corresponds to your new number.  When directed, you will travel with your new group to each of the seven partnership principle posters.  When time comes for you to visit your original team’s poster from Parts 1&2, you will share the ideas of your team and encourage discussion.

10 So What…. What steps can I take to see that others at my school have an opportunity to learn about the Seven Partnership Principles?

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