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Technical Activities: Overview with An Invitation to Participate Curtis Siller Vice President – Technical Activities

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1 Technical Activities: Overview with An Invitation to Participate Curtis Siller Vice President – Technical Activities

2 Technical Activities Technical Activities Includes a Technical Activities Council & Several Committees –Technical Activities Council Coordinates the Activities of 20 Technical Committees –Awards Committee –Distinguished Lecturers Selection Committee –Fellow Evaluation Committee –Standards Committee –TC Recertification Committee

3 Technical Activities Technical Committees Perhaps the Largest Single Community of Volunteers in the Society –TC sizes range from tens to hundreds Twenty Technical Committees Span the Breadth of Communications –Support the Societys Publications, Meetings and Conferences –A source for many of the Societys Distinguished and Expert Lecturers –TCs typically meet during ICC and GLOBECOM, though some meet elsewhere and others are virtual –Meetings are open to anyone!

4 Technical Activities Technical Committees Communications Quality and Reliability Gigabit NetworkingRadio Communication Communications SoftwareInformation InfrastructureSatellite and Space Communication Communications Switching and Routing Interconnection in High- Speed Digital Systems Signal Processing and Communications Electronics Communications Systems Integration and Modeling InternetSignal Processing for Storage Communication TheoryMultimedia Communications Tactical Communications Computer CommunicationsNetwork Operations and Management Transmission, Access and Optical Systems Enterprise NetworkingPersonal Communication

5 Technical Activities Technical Committees Your Personal Invitation! –Every communications professional is welcome to participate –Membership limited to: IEEE ComSoc (full) members IEEE ComSoc affiliate members Sister Society members –Attendance at meetings is not required Many individuals participate virtually –Contact TC Chair(s) to learn more

6 Technical Activities Technical Committees Why Become Involved? –TCs are an ideal chapter-ComSoc bridge Network with a global community of active volunteers Become directly involved in facilitating the Societys more than 50 annual meetings and conferences Identify potential chapter speakers – not just Distinguished and Expert Lecturers Chapters become a fertile ground for nurturing the TCs Collaboration strengthens both chapters and ComSoc

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