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Bi-national Collaboration in Delivering Port-of-Entry Highway Infrastructure Improvements Case Study: Pembina-Emerson Port-of-Entry and Innovations in.

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Presentation on theme: "Bi-national Collaboration in Delivering Port-of-Entry Highway Infrastructure Improvements Case Study: Pembina-Emerson Port-of-Entry and Innovations in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bi-national Collaboration in Delivering Port-of-Entry Highway Infrastructure Improvements Case Study: Pembina-Emerson Port-of-Entry and Innovations in Performance Measurement Presenter: David E. Lettner, BA, MPA, MCIP Senior Transportation Planning Consultant Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation 2015 International Legislators Forum Deadwood, SD Friday June 26, 2015 | Highway Infrastructure Session

2 POE Trade Data | Top 20 POE’s Canada-USA-Mexico

3 POE Efficiency has Supply Chain Implications  Top 20 POE’s in North America (164: 120 CDN-USA / 44 MEX-USA)  $930 B (96%) of all NAFTA two-way truck based trade  System wide delay adds billions to supply chain costs  2013 US-Mexico border delays estimated to add @ $8B to costs  Auto Industry production line delays @ $13,000.00 / minute  Costs for average truck: @ $200 / hour

4 Connecting a Vision to Infrastructure Solutions The Planning Process  Building the right infrastructure in the right place at the right time The Vision Coordinated Infrastructure Solutions The Planning Process “Connecting the Vision to the built environment” “The Devil is in the Details”

5 POE Infrastructure Delivery Challenges  POE project delivery requires 6-10 years to complete a number of sequential planning and implementation steps  Conceptual Planning > Functional Design > Final Design  Tendering > Construction  Coordination required for a number of interrelated activities  Environmental approvals and Land Acquisition  Presidential Permit and International Boundary Commission approval process  Federal cost-sharing and agency capital programming considerations

6 POE Infrastructure Delivery Challenges  The bi-national Pembina-Emerson POE context requires input from 8 agencies to deliver an integrated infrastructure solution

7 Foundations for Success | Early Collaborations Pembina-Emerson POE partnerships  2010: MIT initiates P-E POE Conceptual Planning Study ($200K)  Transport Canada provides funding to MIT under GBCF  NDDOT co-funds conceptual planning study with MIT  2012: Phase 1 conceptual planning study completed  Agreement on recommended port improvement concept by all participating bi-national agencies:

8 POE Infrastructure Planning Principles

9 P-E POE: Recommended Port Improvement Concept

10 POE Improvements Benefit Transportation Users Pembina-Emerson Conceptual Planning Study (2012)  by 2020: (Proposed Investments)  $30M in Pembina-Emerson POE improvements  2020-2035: (Return on Investment)  $500M in benefits to transportation users (16:1 benefit ratio)  Reduced delay and congestion (wait times)  Reduced fuel consumption  Reduced GHG emissions

11 Foundations for Success | Ongoing Collaborations Pembina-Emerson: Project Planning and Implementation  2013: GOC commitment $10M for CBSA improvements  2011-2013: MIT ($2M) + NDDOT ($3M) in POE improvements  2013-2014: MIT, GSA, NDDOT, CBSA initiate secondary planning  2014: NDDOT applies for FHWA / TIGER grants ($12M in 2015)  2015: NDDOT has programmed $9.3M for NB improvements  2015: CBSA budget increased to $11.2 M  2015: MIT to complete functional design (obtain project costs)

12 POE Performance Measurement Innovations  What planning tools will better assist us in making the best investment at POE’s?  Introducing a Level-of-Service (LOS) framework for POE’s  Developed during the Pembina-Emerson POE study (2012)  Evaluation tool for assessing port improvement concept trade-offs between:  Infrastructure (ie: highways and border service agency facilities)  Technology deployment (ie: how can processing rates be increased)  Staffing levels (ie: staff available to process vehicles)

13 What is the Innovation? | LOS Methodology for POE’s LOS Criteria A-F Service Level Categories Service Policy Settings

14 How it Works | Generating Performance Measurement Algorithms convert hourly arrival data into LOS categories LOS Framework: Policy Settings LOS Output: Trade-Off Analysis

15 How it Works | Trade-Off Analysis

16 How it Works | Pre to Post Improvement Analysis LOS Decay (Pre and Post Investment) pre-investment trigger point LOS “D” LOS gain post-investment LOS would continue to decay without POE improvements Benefits Costs

17 Who benefits from LOS Information  Federal, State and Provincial agencies  Trade-off analysis for various port improvement scenarios  Inland Ports | Logistics Interests  Supports business case analysis to assess fluidity at POE’s  Other Key Stakeholders (elected officials, public)  Provides consistent, meaningful, understandable and accurate data on future port performance

18 What are the benefits | LOS applications (micro) The LOS output provides:  A snapshot for any or all 8,760 hours in a year  Longitudinal analysis over a 20+ year planning horizon  Capability to set service level standards and assess LOS policy  Capability to evaluate PIL infrastructure or staffing levels  Capability to evaluate various processing time scenarios  Output generated by direction of travel  Output generated by vehicle type

19 What are the benefits | LOS applications (macro)  Provides a new paradigm for evaluating POE performance by providing a standardized approach to:  Evaluating pre-to-post POE improvements  Standardized port-to-port comparisons  Standardized border-to-border comparisons

20 What are the benefits | Summary of LOS  A standardized approach for system-wide POE planning  A concept that is user-friendly & easy to understand  Predictive capabilities (20+ years)  Ability to express positive measures of POE performance  Ability to conduct multi-variant trade-off analysis  An efficient & cost effective tool for scenario testing  Multiple beneficiaries and applications

21 A Final Word: POE Planning & Infrastructure Delivery  POE infrastructure projects typically require 6-10 years to complete (concept planning, functional design, final design, tender, construction)  The bi-national agency context typically involves coordination from as many as 8 agencies to deliver an integrated infrastructure solution  The LOS concept is a new tool for evaluating trade-offs between various POE improvement scenarios to optimize transportation system benefits and improve supply chain performance

22 Presenter Contact Information David E. Lettner, BA, MPA, MCIP Senior Transportation Planning Consultant Transportation Systems Planning Branch Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation CONTACT T: 204.945.5270 E:

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