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The Computer vote ! The Way of the Future ?. The old-fashioned way is the way! The mind set of most people. (it was good enough for dad, it’s good enough.

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Presentation on theme: "The Computer vote ! The Way of the Future ?. The old-fashioned way is the way! The mind set of most people. (it was good enough for dad, it’s good enough."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Computer vote ! The Way of the Future ?

2 The old-fashioned way is the way! The mind set of most people. (it was good enough for dad, it’s good enough for me !) In spite of Florida’s mishaps with CHADS (punch cards), they are the answer ! Reliability of new method is questionable because it does not produce a paper trail (but some states still require it, yet many do not)

3 But the new way is easier ! Under the “Help America Vote Act of 2002” Disabled citizens can vote at home or at a mobile poling place. Easier then filing your taxes on line Confirmation #’s are given and you get to see you vote before it is recorded and sent.

4 The personal touch ! The campaign people, trying to sway votes at poling places. The cyber possibilities of an on-line campaign.

5 What will it cost? $ COSTS DIVIDED Federal And State funded $ 3.8 billion funded by disability Company Contribute $ To try for fed. contract.

6 The “Help America Vote of 2002” Public Law 107-252 Goal is to establish program to provide funds to states to replace the punch card voting system. va.htm va.htm

7 How secure is it ? According to national studies they said it is secured and monitored by the National Defense Security Council. The on-line trail is better then an old fashion paper trail, and the voters may see their vote before they are sent. The same “bugs” that critics worry about are the same as the “OFW” ! The politicians are set the debate up for “The electoral weapons of mass destruction vs. the reliability of E-voting”. The Fed. Government has checked out most soft ware but because of National Security it has to be on a trust system.

8 Companies to watch for ! Diebold Inc. Election Systems & Software Inc. Sequoia Voting Systems Inc. Hart Inter. Civics Voting Tech. Inter. For an Example Of The Voting Procedure you may visit Voting Tech’s website

9 Reference References FCW.Com [E-Voting vendors look to 2006.] April 7, 2005 Government Enterprise [ Too Good To Give Up On] June 07, 2004 CNN Money [The Trouble with e-voting] August 30,2004 The Administration on Developmental Disabilities [ Help America Vote Act of 2002 ] CBS News.Com [ Is E-voting Secure ? ] Oct. 27, 2004 Computer World [ Criticism of electronic voting machines’ security is mounting. ] Dec. 12,2003

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