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NASYUA Newsletter North American SYTU Alumni & Friends Association 江大北美校友會 Volume 2006.2 June 2006 NASYUA Will Have First Assembly Meeting and Election.

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Presentation on theme: "NASYUA Newsletter North American SYTU Alumni & Friends Association 江大北美校友會 Volume 2006.2 June 2006 NASYUA Will Have First Assembly Meeting and Election."— Presentation transcript:

1 NASYUA Newsletter North American SYTU Alumni & Friends Association 江大北美校友會 Volume 2006.2 June 2006 NASYUA Will Have First Assembly Meeting and Election on June 27, 2006 at Orlando, FL See detail in Meeting AgendaMeeting Agenda Chair’s Column Dear Alumni and Friends, NASYUA preparation committee has been working effectively and made some substantial progresses over last two months as you will see from this newsletter. I would like just to highlight a couple of them. Our membership has been quickly expanding since we opened up for registration about a month ago. We now have about forty paid members. It is such an encouraging message to the preparation committee members that many of you concur with us the core value of our association. Please read the treasurer’s report to learn more. If you have not signed up for a membership, please contact Xingqiu, our diligent treasurer, soon. We love to see you to join the family. The first election of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee is an utmost important step toward formalizing the governance and operation of the association. Dr. Feng Guan and his nomination/election committee have prepared a ballot for the members to vote on. These candidates all expressed their enthusiastic willingness to serve the members. Please exercise your right to help the association to select the best representatives to serve the common interests of this community. The association will celebrate its founding with a banquet in Orlando, Florida coincided with the IFT annual meeting. The inaugural assembly of the association members will follow the banquet. The newly elected officers will meet the members to discuss their visions and plans for the healthy infancy of the association. This is an important meeting to contribute your thoughts and ideas, so do not miss it. With great joy, I am looking forward to seeing you all in Orlando. Respectfully, Hongda Chen, Chair of the NASYUA Preparation Committee Nomination and Election of NASYUA Board and Executive NASYUA 2006 Nomination/Election Committee was formed in April with thee members: Zhou, Liuming; Wu, Chao; and Guan, Feng. A guideline for this year nomination and election proposed by N/E Committee was approved by Preparation Committee in May. Only one candidate was nominated for each position due to too many positions need to be filled up for the star-up organization, and only two months for the nomination and election without knowing how many total active members who can be considered as nominee. Total fourteen candidates were nominated for eighteen positions of both Board and Executive Committee. Ballots Counting Group was formed by three active members (Feng, Guohua; Xu, Ansui; and He, Huifen) who are not candidates for 2006 election. Ballots will be distributed to active members on June 3, 2006. Members can vote through email, phone call, and regular mail. The cutoff day for counting ballots is June 20, 2006. Alumni who register and become active members after June 3, 2006 but prior to June 20, 2006 will receive ballots for voting.

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