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Y-12 National Security Complex Protecting America’s Future.

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Presentation on theme: "Y-12 National Security Complex Protecting America’s Future."— Presentation transcript:

1 Y-12 National Security Complex Protecting America’s Future

2 The Manhattan Project Y-12 began as part of the Manhattan Project during World War II Y-12 was built as a facility to separate U-235 for the first atomic bomb. Y-12 1943 Electromagnetic Process

3 Y-12’s Legacy Provided the enriched uranium for “Little Boy” to help America and her allies win World War II

4 Y-12’s Transformation In the 1950s, Y-12 became a nuclear weapons component plant In the 1970s and 1980s, Y-12 played a key role in building nuclear defense

5 Components for Every System

6 Y-12 Demographics More than 6,000 people work at Y-12 each day: –4,600 BWXT Y-12 employees –81 NNSA employees –Wackenhut Services and construction 380 NNSA facilities (5.1 million ft 2 ) 2 1/2 miles long, 1/2 mile wide FY 2006 annual budget of ~$800 million

7 National Nuclear Security Administration Created by U.S. Congress as a separately organized unit of DOE Stood up on October 1, 2000 Oversees the operations of the Nuclear Weapons Complex –Four production plants –Three design labs –Test site

8 NNSA Organization Administrator reports directly to the Secretary of Energy Y-12 Site Manager reports directly to NNSA Headquarters

9 Y-12 Missions Today Ensure stockpile safety and reliability Refurbish/remanufacture nuclear weapons components Safeguard and secure strategic materials Support nonproliferation activities Work for other federal agencies and technology transfer

10 ~ 468 Facilities 35 Facilities Require EPHA Per DOE O 151.1C Y-12 National Security Complex

11 Types of Hazardous Material Chemical Radioactive Acetic AcidMethanolUranium AcetonitrileMethalene Chloride Beryllium/Beryllium OxideNitric acid CadmiumPotassium hydroxide CalciumSodium hydroxide Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate (MDI)Sulfuric acid Hydrogen fluorideTributyl Phosphate Lithium compoundsUranium Mercury

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