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1 Resume Writing for International Students

2 Tell me about yourself c Who wants to work in U.S.? During/after GW? Or both GW? What do you know about U.S. resumes? What is the purpose of a resume??

3 International Student Career Programs: Fall 2015 (9/8 to 10/20/15) Sep 2015 67 8 9 10 11 12 3p Resume Writing HOLIDAY Resume Madness ES5:30 Dress for Success 1314 15 16 17 18 19 3p Make Most of the Career Fair Career Fair 1-5pm 2021 22 23 24 25 26 3pm Job Search Strategy 11a Curricular Practical Training (CPT) 2728 29 30 1 2 3 GWSB Fair 11a Occupational Practical Training Oct 2015 45 67 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 3pm Networking 6pm International Student Alumni Networking Night 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3p Interview

4 What do you think? Evaluate Today’s Program Check iPhone for link to program evaluation Have you learned from the program today? – I have learned more about myself. – I have learned more about connecting with employers. – I have learned more about how to be a professional. Comments & Ideas

5 Learning Outcomes Students will be able to : – Identify the purpose of a resume – Describe differences in US resumes – Write a standard resume with correct structure, format, and language – Practice writing about work and relevant experiences in a resume format – Identify services of the Center for Career Services

6 Purpose of the Resume Marketing/branding tool Highlight skills and accomplishments Present academic and other achievements Demonstrate value to employers THE INTERVIEW, not a job

7 US Resumes: Dos and Don’t’s DO THIS Personal information: full name, telephone, address, city, state Links: Website, Blog, LinkedIn Education/GPA: Most recent first Relevant coursework (optional) All employment and internships Relevant experiences (optional) Research experiences Course/independent projects Student leadership Volunteer/community service Skills (language, computer, etc.) DO NOT DO THIS Personal information: age, gender, marital status, race/ethnicity, home country Immigration status Photographs Religion Language Skills section: “English” International permanent address TOEFL or SAT scores Language: Misspelled words Typos or grammar errors

8 Types of Resumes Chronological Resume – Best for college students and people with limited experience. Education and Experience sections is listed in reverse chronological order, most recent first. Functional Resume – Best for career changers, executives or who have gaps in employment. Highlights skills, rather than jobs

9 Resume Standards ONE PAGE! Margins 0.5 – 1.0 inches Font size: 10-12 point (headers may be larger) Font type: Times Roman, Calibri, other traditional NO, NO: Tables, charts, graphs, templates NO: photos, social security #s, personal information Standard English grammar – International Student Career Ambassadors 1 st Floor of School of Engineering Hall for 1 st Review !!

10 Structure of the Resume CONTACT INFORMATION EDUCATION EXPERIENCE SKILLS Optional Sections Objective Skills and/or Technical Skills ResearchRelevant Coursework/Projects Activities Leadership Volunteer Awards

11 Example: Contact Information Martha Washington 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW202-334-1000 Washington, DC

12 Example: Education EDUCATION M.S., Computer Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Expected May 2017 George Washington University, Washington, DC --Relevant Coursework: Computer Architecture and High-Performance Computing, M Microcomputer Systems Architecture, Introduction to High-Performance Computing Honors: Tau Beta Pi Engineering Society Oxford University, Oxford, UK, September - December 2011 Completed courses in World History and British Culture; researched public policy

13 Example: Experience EXPERIENCE (may include internship/work experience) US Department of State, Policy and Development Intern, Washington, DC, January 2014 - Present Middle East Democracies Project Research the impact of social media on grassroots organizations and authoritarian governments in the Middle East and presented 35-page research report and two page abstract to chief of division Coordinate four meetings attended by more than 350 mid- and senior-level subject-matter experts during day-long seminars Organize online database of information, including scholarly articles and foreign news distributed worldwide via DoS ConnectInfo Global Public Policy Institute, Research Intern, Oxford, England, September 2014 - December 2011 Developed online questionnaire in English and German for a program on democracy Analyzed questionnaire results and summarized findings with SAS statistical software Institute for Security and Conflict Studies, The George Washington University, Student Assistant, May 2012 - May 2014 Organized research materials for 7 projects from 10 different researchers Created new office manual for 8 incoming student assistants Greeted visitors and fielded incoming phone and email correspondence daily

14 Example: Optional Sections SKILLS Computer: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SAS Statistical Software Languages: German (Intermediate Written Proficiency) and French (Professional Working Proficiency) LEADERSHIP Secretary, Circle K International, January 2012 - Present Member, GW Independents, September 2009 - Present Member, GW Diplomats Club, September 2009 - 2010

15 Exercise: Draft Your Resume* Contact Information Education Experience Skills Others

16 Best Resumes... Write your own resume. Do not use templates. State objective facts – Degrees, coursework, skills, experiences – State experiences clearly. Note results of work quantitatively. – What did you accomplish? What improved as a result of you? Tailor resume to each employer or position – Research employer and identify position/position description – Analyze description for required skills/education/experience – Describe how your skills/education/experience match the requirements of the postion/employer

17 Describe Your Experiences Be Concise: Don’t say too much at once Instead of: “Led groups of prospective students on tours of campus while answering questions and encouraging them to apply, resulting more informed, excited applicants.” Say: “Led three campus tours weekly for more then 50 prospective students and parents. Be Specific: Add descriptive words and numbers Instead of: “Showed leadership skills with group project” Say: “Led group of five students in team project by creating schedules and delegating tasks to supported team productivity and the completion of 25-page research paper.

18 More Descriptions Use Action Verbs and Vary Them Instead of: “Was responsible for answering the phones and did scheduling for students’ appointments” Say: “Answered phones and scheduled student appointments In Resumes: Fragments are Okay Instead of: “My work included managing two other student workers” Say: “Managed two other student workers” Don’t Use First-Person Instead of: “Created complex spreadsheets based on my research” Say: “Created complex spreadsheets based on personal research”

19 Center for Career Services CCS Assists You Share resources Enhance resume/cover letter/search materials Refine your career goals Facilitate networking Produce career workshops Offers 1:1 career coaching But, CCS Does Not.... Provide an internship/job Re-write resumes/letters’ English language/grammar Direct you to a career Make personal referrals Customize individual events Meet weekly

20 Career Coaching: Discuss resumes, cover letters, interviewing, job/internship search, career options, resources (TOP TEN) Career Workshops: Skill-building programs, industry panels, employer Information sessions* Self-Assessment: Workshops *Career Fairs: Site Visits, Employer-in-Residence Special Programming: International students Center Services

21 Top 10 Skills Sought by U.S. Employers* Ability to verbally communicate with persons inside/outside organization Ability to work in a team structure Ability to make decisions and solve problems Ability to plan, organize, and prioritize work Ability to obtain and process information Ability to analyze quantitative data Technical knowledge related to the job Proficiency with computer software programs Ability to create and/or edit written reports Ability to sell or influence others * National Association of College and Employers, Annual Survey of Employers, December 2013

22 What do you think? Evaluate Today’s Program Check iPhone for link to program evaluation Have you learned from the program today? – I have learned more about myself. – I have learned more about connecting with employers. – I have learned more about how to be a professional. Comments & Ideas

23 Colonial Crossroads, Marvin Center 505 202.994.6495 Questions? Connect & engage with the GW Center for Career Services

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