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National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) Sector Specific Plan (SSP) AFDO Annual Meeting June 7, 2005 LeeAnne Jackson, Ph.D. Center for Food Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) Sector Specific Plan (SSP) AFDO Annual Meeting June 7, 2005 LeeAnne Jackson, Ph.D. Center for Food Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) Sector Specific Plan (SSP) AFDO Annual Meeting June 7, 2005 LeeAnne Jackson, Ph.D. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Food and Drug Administration

2 NIPP ●Scope and Framework established in HSPD-7 “Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization, and Protection” released December 2003 ●HSPD-7 identified 17 specific Critical Infrastructure/Key Resource Sectors ●Food and Agriculture is a critical infrastructure

3 NIPP ●Interim NIPP released February 2005 ●NIPP Base Plan released June 1, 2005 ●NIPP Base Plan comments due June 15, 2005 ●Revised NIPP Base Plan distributed July 6, 2005 ●Revised NIPP Base Plan comments due July 18, 2005 ●Final NIPP Base Plan Distributed August 25, 2005

4 Sector Specific Plans ●Food and Agriculture SSPs submitted by USDA and FDA in September 2004 ●Next step is to revise SSPs based on state and industry review and in accordance with revised provisions in the NIPP Base Plan

5 SSP Structure ●Foreword ●Sector Background ●Identifying Sector Assets ●Assessing Vulnerabilities and Prioritizing Agents ●Developing Protective Programs ●Measuring Progress ●Planning for Research and Development ●Current Research and Development Initiatives

6 Sector Background ●Sector Profile ─FDA CFSAN and CVM activities ─Overview of the size and scope of the food industry ●Review of Regulatory Authorities ●Relationships between Federal, State, Industry partners and the National Food Safety Laboratory System ●Challenges and Initiatives ●Milestones

7 Identifying Sector Assets ●FDA Inspectional Assets ●Process for Identifying Sector Assets ●Defining Asset Data Parameters ●Challenges and Initiatives ─Implementation of the BT 2002 Rules ●Milestones ─Publication and stand up of the BT 2002 Rules and the Prior Notice Center

8 Assessing Vulnerabilities and Prioritizing Assets ●Process for Assessing Vulnerabilities and Asset Prioritizing ●Challenges and Initiatives ─Classified “SECRET” issues ─Undergoing CARVER + Shock training and partnerships with selected commodity groups ●Milestones

9 Developing Protective Programs ●Ten point plan for ensuring safety and security of the food supply ●Challenges ●Initiatives ─Food Security Awareness training ─Implementation of Bioterrorism Act of 2002 ─Guidance documents

10 Measuring Progress ●Three types of metrics for the program: ─Descriptive ♦Necessary to understand sector resources and activity but do not reflect critical infrastructure performance ─Process ♦Measure whether specific activities are performed as planned, track the progression of a task and report on the output of a process ─Outcome ♦Track progress toward a strategic goal, in terms of results rather than a level of activity

11 Research and Development ●Four main areas for planning: ─Prevention Technologies ─Agent Characteristics ─New Methods ─Dose Response Relationships ●Current research includes: ─Development of prevention and mitigation technologies and strategies ─Elucidation of agent characteristics ─Development of the means for continuously assessing foods for contamination

12 Next Steps ●Revise SSPs based on state and industry review and in accordance with revised provisions in the NIPP Base Plan ●Review is being done by NIPP Joint Council Working Group for Food and Ag Sector

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