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Components of Voc. Curriculum Evaluation and Certification Group 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Components of Voc. Curriculum Evaluation and Certification Group 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Components of Voc. Curriculum Evaluation and Certification Group 4

2 Towards Postsecondary Education Education after the high- school/Pre-VT towards higher education Options for students with intellectual and other developmental disabilities include community colleges, university colleges and institutions, vocational-technical colleges, and the other various forms of adult education.

3 Eligibility An alternative method of assessment Recognising prior learning (RPL) of special schooling or home based learning to equivalent to minimum class V or VIII by open basic education of National Institute of Open Schooling. This student typically, though not always need following steps to make them eligible for higher education-

4 Framework credit Based on a credit for certification with Sector Skill Council University Board NIOS…. To meet the objective of achieving skill competencies of that equivalent level.

5 Credit Learning outcomes linked to duration Say 200 School/College days in one year 5hrs per day = 1000 hrs /year considering only 960 hrs/yr One std. credit = 30hrs 32 credits /yr

6 Vocational curriculum components Foundation Core Application Project/Particles

7 Models

8 Assessment PapersInternal Wt. External Wt. Theory40%60% Practical / Project60%40% Unit Credit System 1 Credit =25 Marks10 Marks15 Marks

9 Examination Internal Assessment AssignmentAttendance 60%Classroom participationVerbal Expressions External Examination SemesterTerms

10 Accommodation Examination Alternative Testing Site Private or semi-private distraction-reduced room Exam Laptops ("scrubbed" laptop) Auxiliary Aids Scribes, readers, ASL interpreters, real-time captioning Extended Times and Breaks Assistive Technology Hardware & Software

11 Certification Based on credits Non-Credit customised programme Personal Management Sexuality Training Basic arithmetic, writing, and reading skills Etc. Programme LevelMin. Dur.Max. Dur.Credits Certificate6m12m16 Diploma12m36m32 Advanced Dip24m60m64

12 Examination and Certification Guideline

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