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International Conference on Software Engineering 2007

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1 International Conference on Software Engineering 2007
Reconceptualizing a Family of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems via Explicit Architectural Support Presenter: Sam Malek George Mason University Coauthors: Chiyoung Seo Sharmila Ravula Nenad Medvidovic Brad Petrus Univ. of Southern California Bosch Rsrch. & Tech. Center International Conference on Software Engineering 2007 May, 23, 2007

2 Outline Motivation MIDAS Architectural Middleware Experience
Coping with Heterogeneity Managing Resource Consumption System Development Support Conclusion

3 Software Engineering for Embedded Systems
Proliferation of distributed embedded devices E.g., Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) Widely used across many domains Many organizations are developing families of embedded applications intended to execute on WSN Software engineering for WSN is challenging Requirements: fault-tolerant, efficient, scalable, etc. Constraints: limited battery power, memory, processor, etc. Therefore, software intended for WSN is often very complex!

4 Software Architecture
A high-level model of a system Represents system organization Components Connectors Events Architectural Style

5 From Architectures to Implementation
There is a gap between architectural diagrams and low-level PL constructs Existing middleware technologies do not support important architectural concepts E.g., architectural styles, explicit connectors End result Architectural erosion: architecture does not match the implementation Architecture-based software development has been shown to work Using the architectural constructs as the basis of implementation, deployment, and evolution Practitioners have concerns on its applicability to embedded systems Another layer of abstraction  Not efficient enough Lack of fine-grain control over system’s resources  Not predictable enough

6 Motivating Questions Is architecture-based development a viable option for embedded systems? Is it efficient? Does it scale? What are the characteristics of an infrastructure that provides support for architecture-based development in embedded domains? What are the required facilities? What are the dependencies and relationships?

7 Outline Motivation MIDAS Architectural Middleware Experience
Coping with Heterogeneity Managing Resource Consumption System Development Support Conclusion

8 MIDAS Bosch’s family of sensor network applications Sensors Gateways
Monitor the environment around them Gateways Aggregate and fuse the data received from the sensors Manage the sensors Hubs Visualize the data received from the gateways Provide administrative services for managing the gateways and sensors PDAs Events could be forwarded to the PDAs used by the mobile operators

9 Software architecture support
Requirements Requirements for MIDAS: Heterogeneity Performance Scalability Manage Resource Consumption Fault-Tolerance System Modeling and Analysis Component-Based Deployment Service Discovery Monitoring System and Software Properties Architecture-Based Development Multiple Architectural Styles Non-functional System development Software architecture support Can we do 10 & 11, while achieving 1-9?

10 Outline Motivation MIDAS Architectural Middleware Experience
Coping with Heterogeneity Managing Resource Consumption System Development Support Conclusion

11 Prism-MW A middleware intended for architecture-based development
Provides PL-level constructs for architectural concepts One-to-one mapping of architectural concepts and their implementation Full-featured version of Prism-MW was developed in Java

12 Prism-MW Extensibility Mechanism
Core constructs are subclassed via specialized classes (e.g., ExtensibleComponent, ExtensiblePort) each of which reference a number of AbstractClasses

13 Outline Motivation MIDAS Architectural Middleware Experience
Coping with Heterogeneity Managing Resource Consumption System Development Support Conclusion

14 Software architecture support
Requirements 11 key requirements for MIDAS: Heterogeneity Performance Scalability Manage Resource Consumption Fault-Tolerance System Modeling and Analysis Component-Based Deployment Service Discovery Monitoring System and Software Properties Architecture-Based Development Multiple Architectural Styles Non-functional System development Software architecture support Prism-MW natively supports requirements 10 and 11, but can it support requirements 1-9?

15 Approach Separate the core architectural facilities from both
System level facilities Domain specific facilities

16 Software architecture support
Requirements 11 key requirements for MIDAS: Heterogeneity Performance Scalability Manage Resource Consumption Fault-Tolerance System Modeling and Analysis Component-Based Deployment Service Discovery Monitoring System and Software Properties Architecture-Based Development Multiple Architectural Styles Non-functional System development Software architecture support

17 Coping with Heterogeneity
Wide spectrum of devices with different capabilities Types of heterogeneity in MIDAS Hardware Platform ARM-based, Compaq iPAQ, KwyikByte, Intel-based, proprietary sensor platforms System software Windows CE, XP, Linux, eCos Programming Language C++ and Java Network Wireless network cards with TCP/IP, infrared or serial port with IPC

18 Modular Virtual Machine (MVM)
A configurable family of utilities that provide an abstraction layer on top of the computational substrate Resource abstractions Implementations Factories The pluggable nature of MVM can be used to customize it An executable image of MVM is created by building the source code with the appropriate implementation files included

19 Heterogeneity of Computational Substrate
Ported Prism-MW on top of MVM Extensive separation of concerns  Prism-MW remained intact

20 Domain Specific Heterogeneity
Domain specific heterogeneity is not abstracted away by a virtual machine layer An architectural middleware’s extensibility and flexibility are essential to cope with these kinds of heterogeneity

21 Heterogeneity Support

22 Software architecture support
Requirements 11 key requirements for MIDAS: Heterogeneity Performance Scalability Manage Resource Consumption Fault-Tolerance System Modeling and Analysis Component-Based Deployment Service Discovery Monitoring System and Software Properties Architecture-Based Development Multiple Architectural Styles Non-functional System development Software architecture support

23 Managing Resource Consumption
Why? Performance Minimize the runtime overhead associated with (de)allocation of resources Predictability Ability to estimate the resources required by a given application Resource pools Pre-allocate system-level as well as architectural-level objects Factory facilities Export an API used by application developers for accessing instances of objects

24 Software architecture support
Requirements 11 key requirements for MIDAS: Heterogeneity Performance Scalability Manage Resource Consumption Fault-Tolerance System Modeling and Analysis Component-Based Deployment Service Discovery Monitoring System and Software Properties Architecture-Based Development Multiple Architectural Styles Non-functional System development Software architecture support

25 Advanced Facilities

26 Meta-Level Components
A meta-level component is an ExtensibleComponent with the appropriate implementation of an extension installed on it ExtensibleComponent can change the system’s software architecture

27 Deployment, Analysis, and Adaptation
Architecture 2 SD Engine Comp A Comp B Repository Admin DeSi Adapter Arch. Architecture 1 Comp A Monitor DLL DLL DLL Unicast Connector Repository Effector Byte Array Connector D Admin Comp C SD Engine Repository

28 Advanced Facilities Advanced facilities on top of architectural layer has two advantages keeps the core small reaps the benefits of architectural middleware for these facilities as well

29 Outline Motivation MIDAS Architectural Middleware Experience
Coping with Heterogeneity Managing Resource Consumption System Development Support Conclusion

30 Conclusion Architecture-based development can be achieved effectively in the embedded domain The MIDAS experience has increased our understanding of architectural middleware Prism-MW’s design helped us to clearly separate system, architectural, and domain specific facilities from one another

31 Questions

32 DeSi DeSi is a visual environment that supports specification, analysis, and manipulation of a distributed software system’s deployment architecture

33 Efficiency vs. Configuration Complexity
Pro: more efficiency and control Con: much harder to configure Size of event queue Number of pre-allocated system resources: thread, mutexes, sempahores, etc. Number of pre-allocated architectural constructs: components, ports, connectors, etc. Size of network sockets There is a clear trade-off between resource utilization control and configuration complexity of a middleware solution

34 MIDAS Architecture Advanced facilities implemented as meta-level components are shown in gray

35 Advanced facilities implemented as meta-level components are shown in gray

36 Conclusion The results demonstrate that it is feasible to apply principles of software architecture in an embedded setting The MIDAS experience has increased our understanding of architectural middlewares It helped us to clearly separate system, architectural, and domain-specific facilities from one another MIDAS is an ongoing project

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