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Standard Grade Assessment There are 4 different methods of assessment for Standard Grade Drama. Folio work (2 pieces) Final Presentation (Easter of 4th.

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Presentation on theme: "Standard Grade Assessment There are 4 different methods of assessment for Standard Grade Drama. Folio work (2 pieces) Final Presentation (Easter of 4th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standard Grade Assessment There are 4 different methods of assessment for Standard Grade Drama. Folio work (2 pieces) Final Presentation (Easter of 4th Year) Written Paper (May/June of 4th Year) Continuous Assessment throughout 3 rd and 4 th Year.

2 Final Presentation Stimulus paper issued by the SQA in February of 4 th year, final presentations by Easter. Creating mark assessed by observations of class teacher. Presenting mark assessed by another teacher in dept.

3 Folio Pieces Extended written reports. Evaluation of Self - Analysing the strengths and weaknesses of your own group’s work in relation to all parts of the the Drama Process.

4 Evaluation of others – An appraisal of the final presentation of the work of others (including professional companies) in terms of effective portrayal of roles, successful realisation of purpose, use of dramatic and theatre arts. 2 written reports to be selected for inclusion in folio by February break of 4 th year.

5 Written Paper All pupils will sit a General Paper Additionally Some pupils will sit a Foundation Paper Some pupils will sit a Credit Paper All papers are marked externally.

6 Continuous Assessment Your teacher’s observations and grading of your drama work in class, undertaking Creating and Presenting tasks, and an assessment of your Knowledge and Understanding related to written and homework tasks. Ongoing throughout 3 rd and 4 th year.

7 ? ? Creating 7 assessible elements Ideas offered Use of ideas towards creation of drama Ideas of others Quality of Role Sustaining Roles Language & Movement Use of Space and Resources ?

8 Presenting 7 assessible elements Contribution to planning ways of presenting Consideration of production constraints Character portrayal in terms of language & movement Space and planning decisions Audience awareness Speech and movement Use of theatre arts, materials and equipment.

9 How each element is graded Each element can be awarded a grade of:- Foundation (5 or 6) General (3 or 4) Credit (1 or 2) depending on the actions, behaviours and ability of the candidate.

10 It’s obvious really….. From Creating, this example Ideas offered One or two simple (F) Several (G) A wide range (C)

11 Not brain science… Creating again:- Quality of role Simple or stereotyped (F) Beyond obvious or stereotyped(G) Fairly complex giving consideration to relevant aspects and relationships (C)

12 Makes sense really… An example from Presenting:- Character Portrayal Simple character(F) More challenging(G) Wide range(C)

13 And one for luck… Presenting again Audience awareness Some(F) Generally good(G) Full & consistent(C)

14 Unit Assessment Many elements assessed in each unit. Overall grade for Unit established by adding together grades and dividing by number of assessments. Incomplete elements and units will be graded at 7. ATTENDANCE will impact on Grades

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