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Planning Tier II Math Interventions Barbara Scierka, Ph.D. St. Croix River Education District

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Presentation on theme: "Planning Tier II Math Interventions Barbara Scierka, Ph.D. St. Croix River Education District"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning Tier II Math Interventions Barbara Scierka, Ph.D. St. Croix River Education District

2 Topics for Today Making the Case for Doing Tier II Interventions - Let the Data Speak How Can We Find the Time and Personnel What Do We Do With This Time How Do We Know It Is Working

3 Problem-Solving & Organization Assessment Instruction SCRED Response to Intervention Model: Academics & Positive Behavior Support Tier 1: Universal / Core 80% Tier 2: Strategic / Supplemental 15% Tier 3: Intensive 5%

4 Grade Level Team Meetings Problem Solving Teams Problem Solving Teams w/SPED INTENSITY OF PROBLEM RESOURCES NEEDED

5 Making the Case for Tier II Interventions Let the Data Do the Talking

6 Summary of Effectiveness Jerry Silbert, Ph.D. - University of Oregon Evaluates effectiveness of instruction for Core (Tier 1), Supplemental (Tier 2) and Intensive (Tier 3) Compares student performance in Fall with Spring Must use a reliable, valid, growth assessment

7 Fall Spring Grade 2 Example

8 Fall Spring What does color coding mean? Green = 75% chance or better of passing the MCA-II Yellow=50% chance Red=at best a 25% chance




12 Fall Spring 38 students

13 Fall Spring 38 students 22 students

14 Fall Spring 38 students 22 students 3 students

15 Fall Spring 38 students 60% 22 students 35% 3 students 5%

16 Fall Spring 38 students 60% 22 students 35% 3 students 5% Goal 80% 15% 5%

17 Fall Spring 38 students 22 students 3 students 35 of the 38 students continued to have a high probability of passing the MCA-II

18 Fall Spring 38 students 22 students 3 students 35 of the 38 students continued to have a high probability of passing the MCA-II 10 of the 22 students have a higher probability of passing the MCA-II 1 of 3 students

19 Fall Spring 38 students 22 students 3 students 35 of the 38 students continued to have a high probability of passing the MCA-II 10 of the 22 students have a higher probability of passing the MCA-II 1 of 3 students 92% 45% 33%

20 Lots of Percentages Percentage of Students in Tiers Likelihood of passing MCA-II Effectiveness of Instruction Tier 1 80% 75% or higher95% Tier 2 15% 50% Tier 3 5% 25% at best No Goal (good examples around 30-33%)

21 Fall Spring 38 students 22 students 3 students 35 of the 38 students continued to have a high probability of passing the MCA-II 10 of the 22 students have a higher probability of passing the MCA-II 1 of 3 students 92% 45% 33% 60% 35% 5%

22 What Can Happen Over Time





27 Effectiveness Goals for Tiers Tier 1 - Core Curriculum - 95% Tier 2 - Supplemental Instruction - 50% Tier 3 - Intensive Instruction

28 How to We Find the Time and Personnel Build It into the Schedule

29 Options for Tier 2 Schedules Assign personnel to work with each grade during Social Studies/Science/ Health/Unit Time TimeGrade Level Schedule Para/Title Teacher/ASP Teacher 8:00-8:504th Gr. has Social Studies 4th Gr Supplemental Rdg and Math 25 min. each 8:50-9:403rd Gr. has Social Studies 3rd Gr Supplemental Rdg and Math 9:40-10:302nd Gr. has Unit time 2nd Gr. Supplemental Rdg and Math

30 Scheduling Time for Supplemental Interventions Start with what’s currently happening Prioritize what you want to work on Core Supplemental Intensive Kindergarten-pink 1st Grade-tan 2nd Grade-light yellow 3rd Grade-green 4th Grade-blue 5th Grade-purple Bright yellow-specialists Black outline-lunch Red outline-playground

31 Options for Tier 2 Schedules During Social Studies/Science time, redistribute students across classrooms to free up teacher to deliver Tier 2 instruction Teacher A Math Teacher B Math Teacher C Math Teacher A Social Studies Teacher C Supplemental Teacher B Social Studies

32 Options for Tier 2 Schedules Half hour during the day for enrichment - some students will get Tier 2 instruction –Each teacher selects a topic/skill for their group –Some would be enrichment, some supplemental Teacher A Enrichment Teacher B Enrichment Teacher C Enrichment Teacher D Enrichment Teacher E Enrichment Teacher F Supplemental - Concept of Fractions Teacher G supplemental - Multiplication of Multi-digits Teacher H Supplemental - Subtraction w/Regrouping Teacher I Supplemental - Addition with multi-digits Intensive

33 Options for Tier 2 Schedules After-school program –Late start for some teachers? Catch-up At Lunch Service Bursts Back Table Time - Small group Supplemental work as remainder of students work independently St. Cloud example: Swimming Along, Mellow Yellow, Stuck in the Mud groups

34 Determining Tier 2 Interventions Decide on a Standard Treatment Protocol –Could be a supplemental curriculum –Could be using supplemental pieces of your core curriculum ‘Standardize’ - For all students who are not performing adequately, they will get …

35 Ideal Math RtI System Core math curriculum that has independent research demonstrating it’s effectiveness Maximize effectiveness of core math (95% of students stay green) Grade Level Teams that are Professional Learning Communities School-wide Problem-Solving Teams Schedule and structure that allows time and personnel for Tier 2 and 3 interventions

36 Grade Level Teams/PLCs Usual kinds of adjustments teachers make Adjust the kind and size of numbers within your lessons Short Cycle Assessments Lesson Study The focus is on maximizing the effectiveness of your core math curriculum and identifying who needs additional help, and designing standard treatment protocol for those students.

37 Standard Treatment Protocol Grade Level Team design First Choice - use the supplemental components of your core curriculum If you use another program, be sure it is an easy transition with core curriculum. Time needs to be substantial to have effect - recommend three 20 minutes sessions per week. Balancing Act - need to give intervention time to work but don’t want to waste time on ineffective intervention.

38 Problem Solving Team Members: Principal, school psychologist, several general ed teachers from variety of grades, special ed teacher, etc. Investigate students who are not learning under the standard treatment protocol. Intervention design is more specific to student and smaller groups.

39 Problem Solving Team There isn’t a mandatory number of interventions that should be tried. Rather it’s a team of professionals that have designed the best instruction that can be delivered to the student and if student is not learning still, team may consider special education. Special education offers Due Process and additional staff, but the problem remains of trying to design instruction that will help the student learn.


41 Math Resource Room/Math Labs Secondary settings Students at-risk for not passing Math GRAD Extra math class Middle School - credit is not an issue High School - more problematic, elective credit 3 of 4 settings - daily, 1 setting - every other day

42 Purpose of Math Resource Rm. Fill in the gaps Address areas of weakness Can assist with other math class work, but not primary purpose

43 Staffing Math Resource Rooms Site 1 - Paraprofessional with teacher oversight Site 2 - Paraprofessional with teachers’ support during some periods Sites 3 & 4 - Teachers support students

44 Instructional Materials Site 1 - Accelerated Math Site 2 - Passing the MN Basic Skills Test, Study Island, Odyssey Site 3 - Odyssey, other math course materials Site 4 - Odyssey

45 Site 2 Data


47 How Do We Know It’s Working? Summary of Effectiveness Charts –By Grade Level –By Teacher –By Intervention

48 3rd Grade Example

49 2nd Grade Example

50 4th Grade Example

51 Grade 5 Example Summary of Effectiveness Core 92 % (36/39) Supplemental 48% (19/40) Intensive 35% (11/31)

52 Barb Scierka St. Croix River Education District Staff Development Teacher Resources Math Resources One-Click Reports

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