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C H A P T E R 15 Standardized Tests and Teaching

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1 C H A P T E R 15 Standardized Tests and Teaching
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update C H A P T E R Standardized Tests and Teaching

2 Learning Goals 1. Discuss the nature of standardized tests.
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update Learning Goals 1. Discuss the nature of standardized tests. 2. Compare aptitude and achievement testing and describe current uses of achievement tests. 3. Identify the teacher’s role in standardized testing. 4. Evaluate some key issues in standardized testing. 15.2

3 Standardized Tests and Teaching
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update Standardized Tests and Teaching The Nature of Standardized Tests The Purposes of Standardized Tests What Is a Standardized Test? Criteria for Evaluating Standardized Tests 15.3

4 The Nature of Standardized Tests
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update The Nature of Standardized Tests Standardized Tests Have uniform procedures for administration and scoring. Allow comparison of student scores by age, grade level, local and national norms. Attempt to include material common across most classrooms. 15.4

5 © 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update Enter the Debate Should students have to pass a test to earn a high school diploma? YES NO During a slideshow, text may be written on the slides in the yes/no boxes, and then saved for later reference. 15.5

6 Purposes of Standardized Tests
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update Purposes of Standardized Tests Diagnose students’ strengths and weaknesses Provide information for planning and instruction Provide information about student progress and program placement Contribute to accountability Help in program evaluation 15.6

7 The Nature of Standardized Tests
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update The Nature of Standardized Tests Standards-based tests assess skills that students are expected to have mastered before they can be permitted to move to the next grade or be permitted to graduate. High-stakes testing is using tests in a way that will have important consequences for the student, affecting major educational decisions. 15.7

8 Evaluating Standardized Tests
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update Evaluating Standardized Tests Norms – Does the normative group represent all students who may take the test? Reliability – Are test scores stable, dependable and relatively free from error? Validity – Does the test measure what it is purported to measure? 15.8

9 (positive or negative)
Correlation Indicates strength of relationship (0.00 to 1.00) Correlation coefficient r = + 0.37 OBJECTIVE 3-4| Describe positive and negative correlations and explain how correlational measures can aid the process of prediction. Correlation Coefficient is a statistical measure of relationship between two variables. Indicates direction of relationship (positive or negative) Psychology 7e in Modules

10 Pearson correlation coefficient
r = the Pearson coefficient r measures the amount that the two variables (X and Y) vary together (i.e., covary) taking into account how much they vary apart Pearson’s r is the most common correlation coefficient; there are others.

11 Computing the Pearson correlation coefficient
To put it another way: Or

12 Sum of Products of Deviations
Measuring X and Y individually (the denominator): compute the sums of squares for each variable Measuring X and Y together: Sum of Products Definitional formula Computational formula n is the number of (X, Y) pairs

13 Correlation Coefficent:
the equation for Pearson’s r: expanded form:

14 Example What is the correlation between study time and test score:

15 Calculating values to find the SS and SP:

16 Calculating SS and SP

17 Calculating r

18 Correlation Coefficient Interpretation
Range Strength of Relationship Practically None Low Moderate High Moderate Very High

19 © 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update Reliability Test-retest: The extent to which a test yields the same score when given to a student on two different occasions Alternate-forms: Two different forms of the same test on two different occasions to determine the consistency of the scores Split-half: Divide the test items into two halves; scores are compared to determine test score consistency 15.19

20 Methods of Studying Reliability
Interrater Reliability- The consistency of a test to measure a skill, trait, or domain across examiners. This type of reliability is most important when responses are subjective or open-ended. Copyright ©2006 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. Terry Overton Assessing Learners with Special Needs, 5e

21 © 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update Types of Validity… Content: Test’s ability to sample the content that is being measured Criterion-related: Concurrent: The relation between a test’s score and other available criteria Predictive: The relationship between test’s score and future performance Construct: The extent to which there is evidence that a test measures a particular construct 15.21

22 Factor Analysis statistical technique which uses the correlations between observed variables to estimate common factors and the structural relationships linking factors to observed variables. The diagram below illustrates how two observed variables can correlate because of their relationships with a common factor.

23 Standardized Tests and Teaching
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update Standardized Tests and Teaching Aptitude and Achievement Tests Comparing Aptitude and Achievement Tests District and National Tests Types of Standardized Achievement Tests High-Stakes State-Mandated Tests 15.23

24 Aptitude vs. Achievement Tests
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update Aptitude vs. Achievement Tests Aptitude Tests Predict a student’s ability to learn a skill or accomplish a task. (Stanford Binet, Wechsler, SAT when used to predict success) Achievement Tests Measure what the student has learned or mastered. (California Achievement, IOWA Basic Skills, SAT when used to determine what has been learned) 15.24

25 High-Stakes State-Mandated Tests
Possible Advantages Criticisms - Improved student performance - More teaching time - Higher student expectations - Identification of poor-performing schools/teachers - Improved confidence in schools - “Dumbing down” and more emphasis on rote memorization - Less time for problem-solving and critical thinking skills - Teachers “teaching to the test” - Discrimination against low-SES and ethnic minority children

26 National Assessment of Educational Progress
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update National Assessment of Educational Progress A federal “census-like” exam of students’ knowledge, skills, understanding, and attitudes Reading 1992– th grade no improvement 1992– th and 12th no improvement Math 1990– th and 8th improvement 1990– th decline Science 1996– th and 8th no change 1996– th decline 15.26

27 Standardized Tests and Teaching
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update Standardized Tests and Teaching The Teacher’s Role Using Standardized Test Scores to Plan and Improve Instruction Preparing Students to Take Standardized Tests Understanding and Interpreting Test Results Administering Standardized Tests 15.27

28 The Don’ts of Standardized Testing
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update The Don’ts of Standardized Testing DON’T Teach to the test Use the standardized test format for classroom tests Describe tests as a burden Tell students that important decisions will be made solely on the results of a single test Use previous forms of the test to prepare students Convey a negative attitude about the test 15.28

29 Counting the Data-Frequency
Look at the set of data that follows on the next slide. A tally mark was made to count each time a score occurred Which number most likely represents the average score? Which number is the most frequently occurring score? Descriptive statistics are the mathematical procedures that are used to describe and summarize data.

30 Frequency Distribution
Scores 100 99 98 94 90 89 88 82 75 74 68 60 Tally 1 11 1111 1111 1 Frequency 1 2 5 7 10 6 Average Score? Most 88 Most Frequent Score? 88

31 This frequency count represents data that
closely represent a normal distribution. 1111 1 Tally 1111 1 11

32 Descriptive Statistics
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update Descriptive Statistics 15.32

33 Frequency Polygons 60 68 74 75 88 89 90 94 98 99 100 Data 100 89 99 89
5 4 3 2 1 Scores

34 Measures of Central Tendency
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update Measures of Central Tendency Measures of central tendency provide information about the average or typical score in a data set Mean: The numerical average of a group of scores Median: The score that falls exactly in the middle of a data set Mode: The score that occurs most often 15.34

35 Mean- To find the mean, simply add the
Central tendency = representative or typical value in a distribution Mean Same thing as an average Computed by Summing all the scores (sigma, ) Dividing by the number of scores (N) Mean- To find the mean, simply add the scores and divide by the number of scores in the set of data. = 355 Divide by the number of scores: 355/4 = 88.75

36 Mean

37 Measures of Central Tendency
Steps to computing the median 1. Line up scores from highest to lowest 2. Count up to middle score If there is 1 middle score, that’s the median If there are 2 middle scores, median is their average Aron, Aron, & Coups, Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: A Brief Course (3e), © 2005 Prentice Hall

38 Median-The Middlemost point in a set of data
Data Set 1 100 99 98 97 96 90 88 85 80 79 Data Set 2 100 99 98 97 86 82 78 72 70 68 The median is 84 for this set. 84 represents the middle most point in this set of data. Median 96

39 Mode-The most frequently occurring score in a set of data.
Find the modes for the following sets of data: 88 and 87 are both modes for this set of data. This is called a bimodal distribution. Data Set 3 99 89 75 Data set 4 99 88 87 72 70 Mode: 89

40 Measures of Variability (Dispersion)
Range- Distance between the highest and lowest scores in a set of data. 35 = 35 is the range in this set of scores.

41 Variance - Describes the total amount
that a set of scores varies from the mean. 1. Subtract the mean from each score. When the mean for a set of data is 87, subtract 87 from each score.


43 2. Next-Square each difference- multiply each difference by itself.
= 13 = 11 = 8 = 4 = -2 = -7 = -27 3. Sum these differences 1,152 Sum of squares

44 4. Divide the sum of squares by the number of scores.
1,152 divided by 7 = This number represents the variance for this set of data.

45 Standard Deviation-Represents the typical
amount that a score is expected to vary from the mean in a set of data. 5. To find the standard deviation, find the square root of the variance. For this set of data, find the square root of The standard deviation for this set of data is or 13.





50 Ceiling and Floor Effects
Ceiling effects Occur when scores can go no higher than an upper limit and “pile up” at the top e.g., scores on an easy exam, as shown on the right Causes negative skew Floor effects Occur when scores can go no lower than a lower limit and pile up at the bottom e.g., household income Causes positive skew

51 Skewed Frequency Distributions
Normal distribution (a) Skewed right (b) Fewer scores right of the peak Positively skewed Can be caused by a floor effect Skewed left (c) Fewer scores left of the peak Negatively skewed Can be caused by a ceiling effect

52 Understanding Descriptive Statistics
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update Understanding Descriptive Statistics The Normal Distribution: A “bell-shaped” curve in which most of the scores are clustered around the mean; the farther from the mean, the less frequently the score occurs. 15.52

53 Bell Curve

54 Commonly Reported Test Scores Based on the Normal Curve
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update Commonly Reported Test Scores Based on the Normal Curve 15.54

55 Z Scores When values in a distribution are converted to Z scores, the distribution will have Mean of 0 Standard deviation of 1 Useful Allows variables to be compared to one another even when they are measured on different scales, have very different distributions, etc. Provides a generalized standard of comparison Aron, Aron, & Coups, Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: A Brief Course (3e), © 2005 Prentice Hall

56 Z Scores To compute a Z score, subtract the mean from a raw score and divide by the SD To convert a Z score back to a raw score, multiply the Z score by the SD and then add the mean Aron, Aron, & Coups, Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: A Brief Course (3e), © 2005 Prentice Hall

57 Standardized Tests and Teaching
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update Standardized Tests and Teaching Issues in Standardized Testing Standardized Tests, Alternative Assessments, High-Stakes Testing Diversity and Standardized Testing 15.57

58 Issues in Standardized Testing
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update Issues in Standardized Testing Alternative Assessments Assessments of oral presentations Real-world problems Projects Portfolios Diversity and Standardized Tests Gaps on standardized tests have been attributed to environmental rather than hereditary factors Special concern in creating culturally unbiased tests 15.58

59 Crack the Case Standardized Tests
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update Crack the Case Standardized Tests What are the issues involved in this situation? Examine Ms. Carter’s testing procedures. What does she do incorrectly? How might this reduce the validity of the students’ scores? How would you answer each of the parents’ questions? This case is on page 513 of the text. 15.59

60 Reflection & Observation
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Santrock, Educational Psychology, Second Edition, Classroom Update Reflection & Observation Reflection: What standardized tests have you taken? How have these tests affected your perceptions of competence? Observation: What are some of the mother’s concerns regarding her son’s standardized test scores? What error does the teacher make in interpreting one of the test scores? How would you explain this score? Classroom Observation Video: “Interpreting Test Scores” Please note: Some of these videos are very large; large videos may take a minute or two to download. You will need QuickTime player to view the videos.

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