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LIVE INTERACTIVE YOUR DESKTOP Start recording—title slide—1 of 3 March 25, 2013 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Eastern time Preparing for the 2013 STEM.

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Presentation on theme: "LIVE INTERACTIVE YOUR DESKTOP Start recording—title slide—1 of 3 March 25, 2013 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Eastern time Preparing for the 2013 STEM."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIVE INTERACTIVE LEARNING @ YOUR DESKTOP Start recording—title slide—1 of 3 March 25, 2013 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Eastern time Preparing for the 2013 STEM Forum & Expo— Part II: How to Maximize Your Participation in the STEM Forum Presented by: Amy Bodin, Margie Gifford-Hawkins, Mijana Lockard, John Quinn, Jennifer Martin, Tanisha Wesby, and Eric Wilson 1

2 NSTA Learning Center—2 of 3 2

3 About the NSTA Learning Center—3 of 3 10,600+ resources –3,700+ free! –Add to “My Library” to access later Community forums Online advisors to assist you Tools to plan and document your learning NSTA Learning Center 3

4 Introducing today’s presenters… Introducing today’s presenters Amy Bodin Duluth, Minnesota Margie Hawkins Lebanon, Tennessee Mijana Lockard Central Florida John Quinn Baltimore, Maryland Jennifer Martin O’Fallon, Missouri Tanisha Wesby Nashville, Tennessee Eric Wilson Red Lion, Pennsylvania 4

5 Welcome! From Honorary Steering Committee Member Shaun Bates Unlike many other states, business and industry leaders in Missouri are concerned…it is difficult to find the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math talents to stay competitive. Lagging student performance in K-12 is a serious issue. Missouri has joined at least 44 other states in adopting rigorous math standards for K-12—common core state standards. All of us are working hard to develop robust tests that align with these standards. While there are promising results, we must all maintain this vigilance to be successful. As such, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is pleased that this year’s STEM Forum & Expo … Partnerships and Applications, April 11-14, is in our state. We welcome all of you who are committed to guaranteeing the superior preparation and performance of every child in school and in life. On behalf of the 2013 STEM Forum & Expo, we invite you to Missouri and encourage you to take advantage of everything this Forum has to offer! - Shaun Bates Science Education, Office of College and Career Readiness Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 5


7 What is the purpose of the STEM Forum & Expo? 2013 NSTA STEM Forum & Expo Goals: Tools and Partnership Implementing PreK-12 STEM Instruction Applying PreK-12 STEM Instruction Sustaining PreK-12 STEM Instruction Definition of STEM: STEM is an integrated discipline that removes the traditional barriers between science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and instead focuses on innovation and the applied process of designing solutions to complex contextual problems using current tools and technologies. 7

8 Keynote Speaker, Wednesday, 6:30-8:00 PM Ainissa Ramirez, “Why We Need Science Superheroes?” Invited Panels, Thursday and Friday, 8:00-9:00 AM and 9:15-10:15 AM What Is a STEM School and What Do STEM Schools Look Like? Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards STEM in Urban Science Education: Engaging—and Keeping—More Girls and Minorities into STEM STEM X: The New State STEM Networks—How Are They Working to Change STEM Education? Public/Private Partnerships and Out-of-School and Informal Programs That Excite Students to the World of STEM Putting the “T” and “E” in Your STEM Program A Whole-School Approach to STEM—What You Need to Know Promising STEM Programs: Three to Watch STEM Forum & Expo Highlights 8

9 “Family” Science Night, Friday, 7:30-9:30 PM Closing Session, Saturday, 8:00-10: AM Part I: Strand Leaders Reports: Each of the six strand leaders will provide a brief description of highlights from his or her perspective strand during the STEM Forum. Time will be allocated for some Q&A. Part II: Student Panel Discussion: Food for Thought – “How can we better prepare our students for STEM-related careers?” Let’s hear first-hand what a group of local high school students have to say about this. STEM Forum & Expo Highlights (continued) 9

10 You could qualify to win a free registration to the 2013 STEM Forum & Expo for you or a colleague! How? Participate in the entire PART II webinar and you can qualify! 10 Free Registration!


12 Grades Pre K-2 Strand Rationale Q: As educators of our youngest students, how do we provide the best instruction possible while meeting the needs of the “whole child?” A: We need to embrace the curiosity that accompanies this age group and the desire they have to learn. They also need instructors that can teach in a technology- driven world, integrating the content of many curricular areas into each lesson. The sessions in this strand are engaging and feature a hands-on, age appropriate approach to instruction. 12

13 Sessions in this strand focus on… Using examples from a child’s world to teach STEM skills Incorporating Math and Literacy to help struggling readers Integrating the Common Core Collaborating with STEM and Art Utilizing technology in primary classrooms Learning strategies to support Science instruction Students working together to benefit their learning 13

14 Integrating with STEM Integrating Art and STEM - This session is a result of research on "why, what, and how" the visual and creative arts can be integrated into STEM in the classroom. How to Help Emergent Readers Succeed in a STEAM Environment - Teaching children to read and integrating science? Seriously! Learn tips and strategies to get your struggling readers moving full STEAM (science, technology, arts, and mathematics) ahead in reading achievement. 14

15 Technology iPads and Apps to Support Primary Science Instruction: BYOD - This iPad workshop focuses on primary students using apps to construct knowledge and communicate information and ideas as they create and share products individually, or collaboratively. It's BYOD (bring your own device). The Cause for "APP"LAUSE! - Claps and shouts of celebration for "apps" and technology in education! Join me as I share ideas for ways to use these valuable resources for instruction. 15

16 Instruction How Do You STEM Up? - Make the most of your time! Discover ways to intentionally address the T.E.M. in a typical K–2 science lesson to enhance any elementary core curriculum. STEM Can Be as Easy as 1-2-3 - Join us and learn how to modify instruction in your current classroom to support STEM foundations in young students or discover how to incorporate STEM into your everyday instruction. Professional Development Strategies to Support Science in Pre K - We will share strategies that help pre K teachers become more knowledgeable about and intentional in their planning of meaningful science experiences for young children. 16

17 What questions do you have? 17

18 In what year did the number of engineering degrees awarded in the U.S. peak? A.2012 B.1997 C.1985 D.2003 Source: Tapping America’s Potential; STEM trivia 18

19 In what year did the number of engineering degrees awarded in the U.S. peak? A.2012 B.1997 C.1985 D.2003 Source: Tapping America’s Potential; STEM trivia 19


21 Hook them or lose them! Research indicates that by the time students enter the 4th grade, a third of them will lose interest in science! Goal of this strand is to identify effective strategies and resources that actively engage students and integrate components of STEM into the 3–5 elementary curriculum. Program will provide activities, ideas, and strategies for schools and classrooms to increase academic performance and hook students on STEM. 21

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24 What questions do you have? 24


26 Grades 6-9 Strand Rational With a national push to ensure middle grades students demonstrate a mastery of basic skills in math and language arts, how do we teach these subjects most effectively? The answer is an integrated approach to teaching and learning as experienced in STEM Education The sessions in this strand showcase STEM programs and instructional strategies and have already been successfully integrated into the traditional middle grades curriculum. 26

27 This Strand has sessions/workshops offering everything you need… If you are new to STEM Education Trying to set up a STEM program Wanting to enhance a current program Looking for ways to integrate Common Core Looking for more ways to utilize technology Wondering how to fund a STEM program Want to help struggling learners in the STEM classroom 27

28 How to start the integration? Transitioning to STEM - Emphasis will be placed on a model for transitioning to STEM with learning communities working together to design trans-disciplinary units built around the big ideas of STEM. Creating Integrated STEM Curricula - Experience a STEM learning cycle and learn how to create them. Integrating Hands-On Science with Math, English Language Arts, and Technology - Create learning activities that integrate hands-on science, literacy, and math to help your students master the Common Core State Standards. STEM—Make It Connect Using Literacy- The premise of this presentation is to present research-supported strategies for improving the literacy skills of middle grade students using science, technology, engineering, and mathematics as the content medium. 28

29 Common Core/NGSS What Does Science Have to Do with Math? Interdisciplinary Team Teaching FUN! - Let us introduce you to hands-on labs and activities for students at the middle level that reinforce science concepts while team teaching with your math colleagues…and enhancing the Common Core State Standards. STEM Where? Integrating STEM into the Science Classroom in Anticipation of the Next Generation Science Standards - What is STEM? What role does it play in a science classroom? How can you incorporate engineering and math into your already full curriculum? What does A Framework for K–12 Science Education and the upcoming Next Generation Science Standards have to do with STEM? 29

30 Looking for more technology options? iPad Invasion in the Science Classroom - Come learn how to effectively use iPads daily in your science classroom. Is There an App for That? Scientific Inquiry Enhanced by Smartphones and Electronic Tablets - Little gives students more joy than their smartphones. These devices hold the potential for fostering learning. Join us as we share several apps that support inquiry. Unleash the Power of Technology into Your Classroom - This session will address promoting the available technology and its valuable use for student learning. Stop arguing with your students about cell phones and iPads…instead, incorporate them into your math and science class. 30

31 New ways to do old things? Tired of the old fashion science fair? Virtual Science Fair as a Vehicle for Inquiry - Join us as we describe our transition from science fair to virtual science fair as a means do digital inquiry. For those who use notebooks: STEM Notebook: A Student's Best Friend- Get great tips on using the STEM notebook effectively to enhance student learning, accountability, and motivation. And, you have probably been hearing a lot about the new movement to flip your classrooms. But, if you are not yet ready to completely flip your classroom yet – consider… Somersaulting the Classroom- For those fearful of a total flip, come look at various ways to create and share online video tutorials. 31

32 Meeting the needs of ALL learners: STEM for Those with Learning Differences - This session will present a variety of laptop tools and STEM projects designed to aid all types of learners, especially those with language-based differences. Exciting opportunities for students: SciJourner: Engaging Teens in Writing Through Science Journalism - Come learn how middle school students learn credible sources, research skills, development and analysis of survey data, and communication with professors as they write a publishable science news article for the SciJourner newspaper. 32 Specialized interests?

33 Or… Hook them with music!: Explore the Universe: Teaching STEM with Music- This session features innovative STEM activities matched with scientifically based lyrics that line up with the Tennessee standards. Hit singer/songwriter Beth Nielsen Chapman will perform. Let’s see a preview: 33

34 What questions do you have? 34

35 Of the 4 million U.S. 9 th graders in 2001, how many were expected to graduate with a degree in STEM? A.1.2 million B.856,000 C.167,000 D.430,000 Source: National Center for Education Statistics; Digest of Education Statistics STEM trivia 35

36 Of the 4 million U.S. 9 th graders in 2001, how many were expected to graduate with a degree in STEM? A.1.2 million B.856,000 C.167,000 D.430,000 Source: National Center for Education Statistics; Digest of Education Statistics STEM trivia 36


38 Strand sessions include: Cross section of all science content areas Practical applications of STEM Many sessions are hands-on and/or take-away The goal of these sessions is to provide effective strategies and resources to integrate STEM into the high school curriculum 38

39 Session preview 39

40 Session preview 40

41 Session preview 41

42 What questions do you have? 42

43 How many STEM-related jobs are expected to be created by 2014? A.2 million B.900,000 C.4.5 million D.5.5 million Source: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation STEM trivia 43

44 How many STEM-related jobs are expected to be created by 2014? A.2 million B.900,000 C.4.5 million D.5.5 million Source: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation STEM trivia 44


46 Administrator Strand Rationale STEM is important. We must do better. We can do better. Need to seed, nurture, and cultivate a love for STEM to sustain long-term growth and innovation. 46

47 In this strand find out… What good STEM instruction is. What successful STEM Programs do. The lessons learned when starting and implementing STEM programs. 47

48 Use STEM to integrate across disciplines. Create a STEM focused school. Use partnerships to improve STEM outcomes. Use STEM to address the needs of diverse populations of students. 48 Also discover how to…

49 What questions do you have? 49

50 What percent of U.S. engineering doctoral degrees are awarded to individuals ineligible for defense industry security clearances? A.29% B.15% C.7% D.50% Source: Tapping America’s Potential; STEM trivia 50

51 What percent of U.S. engineering doctoral degrees are awarded to individuals ineligible for defense industry security clearances? A.29% B.15% C.7% D.50% Source: Tapping America’s Potential; STEM trivia 51


53 What is a S.T.E.M. partnership? It is an Education Community partnering with businesses, universities, and/or museums.

54 Why S.T.E.M. Partners? Businesses, Universities, and/or Museums know what they want from the employees/patrons in the future. The students of today must be prepared for these needs. The Education community must understand these needs/wants and prepare students accordingly.

55 How are S.T.E.M. Partnerships Formed?

56 Communication Outreach Education Business

57 S.T.E.M. Family Night Southwest Airlines Sponsored Engineering Activity Washington University S.T.E.M. Mobile Outreach Monsanto Sponsored Science Activity High School Robotic Demonstration Boeing Sponsored Math Activity S.T.E.M Partnerships in ACTION!

58 What questions do you have? 58

59 Join us in the Gateway City May 15-18 for a STEM-u-lating professional development opportunity! Early bird deadline is Friday, March 29! Advance deadline is Friday, April 19! The STEM Forum & Expo will provide: Networking Connections Interactive Learning Opportunities Resources and Ideas 59 Wrap Up

60 Thanks to today’s presenters! Introducing today’s presenters Amy Bodin Duluth, Minnesota Margie Hawkins Lebanon, Tennessee Mijana Lockard Central Florida John Quinn Baltimore, Maryland Jennifer Martin O’Fallon, Missouri Tanisha Wesby Nashville, Tennessee Eric Wilson Red Lion, Pennsylvania 60

61 Thank you to the sponsor of today’s web seminar: This web seminar contains information about programs, products, and services offered by third parties, as well as links to third-party websites. The presence of a listing or such information does not constitute an endorsement by NSTA of a particular company or organization, or its programs, products, or services. Thank you to the sponsor of tonight’s web seminar—1 of 6 61

62 Thank you to NSTA administration—2 of 6 National Science Teachers Association David Evans, Ph.D., Executive Director Zipporah Miller, Associate Executive Director, Conferences and Programs NSTA Web Seminar Team Al Byers, Ph.D., Assistant Executive Director, e-Learning and Government Partnerships Brynn Slate, Manager, Web Seminars, Online Short Courses, and Symposia Jeff Layman, Technical Coordinator, Web Seminars, SciGuides, and Help Desk 62

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