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Mrs. Cunningham’s Crew Welcome to 4th grade!. We are going to reach for the stars this year! Welcome! My contact information: You can get in touch with.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Cunningham’s Crew Welcome to 4th grade!. We are going to reach for the stars this year! Welcome! My contact information: You can get in touch with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Cunningham’s Crew Welcome to 4th grade!

2 We are going to reach for the stars this year! Welcome! My contact information: You can get in touch with me by calling the school and leaving me a message or emailing me. I will be sure to get back with you as soon as possible. Phone: 615-904-6705 Email: School website:

3 Classroom and school procedures

4 1. The Agenda – your child will be bringing it home everyday. Please check the agenda every day and sign it to show me that you have seen it. Their homework assignments, and conduct for the day will be in it as well. I will initial it everyday also. If their agenda is not signed they will get an “AG” mark! 2. Homework assignments – CHECK THEIR AGENDA. They will be responsible for writing down their homework assignments each day and bringing home any thing necessary for completing it. They will have homework most nights except Friday and will sometimes need to finish any unfinished class work at home. 3. Outside reading- Please encourage your child to read their chosen book at home each night for at least 15 minutes. Each student will set a reading goal for themselves that will be approved by me. I will have student conferences with each student at a set time to discuss their reading and their reading log, which will be kept in a sheet protector in their binders.

5 4. Classroom Discipline- My discipline plan will be sent home separately for you to read and sign. We follow the school- wide “Behavior Tracking System” which you can read about on page 14 of your child’s agenda. (When they get one) 5. Rewards System- Students will be rewarded daily for impressive behavior. They have incentive charts on their desk. If they get a specified number (most days will be 5) of “STAR marks” on their incentive chart for impressive behavior, they will get a piece of candy at dismissal that day. If you would like to donate candy to this cause it would be greatly appreciated.

6 6. Spelling Tests will be every Friday with a practice test on Thursday. Some weeks the spelling test may be individualized to the needs of certain students. Please make certain that your child is studying and completing their spelling work each night at home. 7. Monthly Newsletter – this will be sent home at the end or very beginning of every month, and it is also linked on my website. 8. Class website – My class website is up and running. On my website you can find homework assignments, newsletter, pictures of special events, news, ect. Find the link from the school website. It contains a lot of important information and links including the link to COMPASS which is a great tool to help your child get extra individualized practice of skills at home.

7 9. Progress Reports will be sent home mid-way through each grading period. These reports will indicate if there are any missing assignments. Missing assignments must be made up before the end of a grading period or it will be reflected in their grade. Students are responsible for making up work missed due to absence as well. 10. Absences – the school requires a written excuse for absences within 3 days of the absence – otherwise it is considered unexcused. Students are responsible for making up any work that is missed. A folder will be sent home containing all make-up work. All work should be returned in that folder. Please watch for this folder after any absences. I allow two days to make up work for each day of absence. 11. Tardies - Any student who enters the classroom after the 7:30 bell is tardy and will be sent to the office for a tardy slip. 3 tardies results in after school detention

8 12. Class Snack – We will be having a snack at 9am daily. Your child can bring a snack each day but will not be allowed to keep food in their lockers, desks or cubbies. Please send healthy snacks only. Water in class is fine. No other drinks are allowed. 13. Birthdays – If you want to send cupcakes, etc. for a birthday that is fine. Just let me know in advance when you plan to do so. These must be store bought. 14. Volunteers I will need parents to help with class parties and on field trips and with special projects. If you are willing to serve as a head-room parent please let me know!! I would greatly appreciate the help. 15. Field Trips – We will go on one or two field trips this year. We will send information about those later. 16. Money – when sending money to school please indicate in writing what it is for and how much you have sent. Grading Scale – A = 93-100; B = 85-92; C = 75-84; D = 70-74; F = 0-69.

9 Our Classroom Rules 1. Respect yourself, your teacher, and your peers. 2. Be a responsible and eager learner. 3. Listen carefully 4. Follow directions 5. Turn in work complete and on time 6. Always give your BEST!

10 BEHAVIOR TRACKING SYSTEM The codes listed below will be used in all areas of the school campus. When the need for a behavior correction occurs, the appropriate code will be recorded in the student AGENDA or daily behavior calendar and also on the Behavior Tracking Sheet kept by the teacher. DA – disrespect to authority (such as eye-rolling, grunting, refusal to answer, etc) DP – disrespect to peers (arguing, bickering, gossiping, etc) DT – disrespect to things (not taking care of school property, hands/feet on walls, etc) OT – off task (not completing assigned tasks, not following directions when given, etc) T – talking (in line, during class, at inappropriate times) R – responsibility (not being prepared for class) H – homework (not completing AND returning homework assignments) C – cheating Dh – dishonesty S – stealing (taking ANYTHING that does not belong to you) P – profanity &/or vulgar gestures IO - Immediate Office Referral – (fighting, zero-tolerance offenses, arguing with, cussing at, or back talking an adult, explosive anger) – An office referral must be submitted at the time of the event. The administrator determines consequences. Students receiving OSS (out-of-school suspension) are prohibited from being on school grounds for the duration of the suspension, including all extracurricular activities. Event codes recorded in (brackets) are for documentation only. (B) – left class to go to the bathroom (A) – absent (AG) – unsigned agenda Students are expected to have their agendas signed daily. This is a joint responsibility for the student, teacher, and guardian.

11 ALL GRADE LEVELS – At the 5th mark in one week … The student is placed in isolation in a partner teacher’s classroom for the remainder of the day with grade level work to complete. The student is referred to the grade level counselor for conferencing and goal setting. The counselor tracks behavior for a minimum of 3 weeks. Continued improvement will result in child being “off watch” and receiving weekly coupons for improved behavior. No improvement in 3 weeks will result in a referral to administration and an automatic assignment to detention hall in grades 3-5 At the 6th mark in one week … The student is placed in isolation in a partner teacher’s classroom. The student is referred to an assistant principal. The first referral will be an automatic assignment to detention hall in grades 3-5. Future administrative referrals will result in appropriate consequences as determined by administration. Participation in planned activities (field trips and extracurricular activities) may be revoked as well. 7 & 8 marks in one week… 9 & 10 marks in one week…

12 Morning Math Help Your child can come in the learning lab at 6:45 daily for math homework help. Please encourage your child to use Compass to get extra support and practice in math

13 Lea Ann Kobeck Lea Ann Kobeck Lynn Jacobs Instructional Leaders Instructional Leaders How to contact us: 904-6705 Ext. 27314 Learning Lab Ext. 27452 Parent Pad Find us under parent resources Find us under parent resources Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation's schools. The goal of Title I is a high-quality education for every child. The program provides extra help to students who need it most. As a participant in this program we are required by No Child Left Behind legislation to notify the public of the qualifications of our staff. For the 2010-2011 school year we are proud to announce that the entire staff of Stewartsboro meets the standards to be regarded as “highly qualified”. The Title I Program does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, or age. What is the Parent Pad? Mrs. Jacobs and Mrs. Kobeck, our Instructional Leaders, manage the Parent Pad. Federal funds are sent to the states then directed to the local school districts. All students and teachers benefit from our resources. The Parent Pad has resources for parents to help their children learn. We are located across from the office…just follow the frogs! School Wide Title Program

14 Dates to Remember No school Monday Sept. 3 rd Labor Day Fall Break- Monday Oct. 1 st - Oct. 5 th No school- Nov. 6 th - inservice day, Jan. 21 st MLK, Feb. 18 th President’s Day, march 29 Good Friday Thanksgiving- Nov. 21-23 The following six dates are early dismissal days. The students will be released at 10:30 on: October 9 November 13 February 6 The students will be released at 9:30 on: December 19 May 29 Parent/ teacher conferences October 9 th March 12th Report Card Dates October 18 January 10 March 21 May ? Grade Level Award Programs Date TBA Fall Break October 1-5 2012 Winter Break December 20, 2010 – January 1, 2011 Spring Break April 1-5

15 The End… We are ready to BEGIN our wonderful 4 th grade year!

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