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District Results Module Preview This PowerPoint provides a sample of the District Results Module PowerPoint. The actual Overview PowerPoint is 59 slides.

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Presentation on theme: "District Results Module Preview This PowerPoint provides a sample of the District Results Module PowerPoint. The actual Overview PowerPoint is 59 slides."— Presentation transcript:

1 District Results Module Preview This PowerPoint provides a sample of the District Results Module PowerPoint. The actual Overview PowerPoint is 59 slides. The sample demonstrates the types of interactive activities included in the District Results Module. Each slide is included in the Participant’s Guide and the Facilitator’s Guide. There are live links in the presentation to extend learning. 1

2 RESULTS MODULE District Results 2

3 Session One Working With Each Other and Our Results? 3

4 School Bell Quality Community Impacting, Increasing, Improving Performance & Results SBQC Mission Developing the full potential of each person involved in K-12 education to improve and sustain the quality of every community. SBQC Vision Inspiring K-12 organizations to impact community, improve all learners, and increase results through performance excellence. SBQC Core Values Sustainability Future Focused Globally Aware and Connected Belief in Individual and Organizational Potential Leaving a Positive Impact 4

5 Purpose and Objectives Purpose Engage the District leadership team in identifying results that matter to improvement and using results to determine the next steps Outcomes Identifying the results that matter. Determine how to improve results. 5

6 Handshake Protocol The handshake protocol helps create relationship and gained understanding of each other’s perspectives. Everyone will stand and find a person in the room. It is important to move and circulate through the room rather than picking just those near you. When you make eye contact with a person, and move so you are facing each other. Greet each other with a handshake and then read the prompt and discuss your responses. When the signal to move to a new partner is given, thank your partner with a handshake and find a new partner. Repeat the handshake protocol. 6

7 Our “Why” Results provide us our mirror for improvement and need to looked at on a regular basis to be a continually improving organization. When districts use results in short cycles to examine their efforts and quality they move from autopsy study to improving the health of an organization. Analyzing results in the key areas provide the aligned and focused next steps for performance improvement. The mental framework used in the system’s approach looks a making changes in the system rather than blaming people. 7

8 Results Article Use the KWL and with your partner brainstorm what you know about results in continuous improvement. Discuss your brainstorm list of what you know with another partner pair. As a group of four determine what you want to know about results in order to better organization Individually read the article, Looking At Results Criteria. While reading the article, highlight key ideas and ideas that support or do not support your list of what you know and what you want to know. After reading the article, individually list what you learned and share it with your partner. Expand on what you learned through the discussion with your partner. Be ready to discuss your learning providing support from the article and discussion. Everyone will share what you want to know and use it in learning for this module. 8

9 Assessment Session Conversation Using Results Assessment 9

10 Data Review (insert personal data) 10

11 Assessment Discussion Review the data from the Results Assessment individually first. Determine strengths and areas for improvement. In teams of four discuss the individual findings from the data and draw two conclusions. Share your team’s conclusions with the whole group. 11

12 Closure Find three people and discuss these prompts: What was the most compelling information from the data? Which conclusions resonated with you? Explain why. What do you believe are the most important next steps? 12

13 Session Two Making Sure We Are Looking At Results 13

14 What Are Results? 14 Results are what happened based on a activity or strategy that your organization engaged in over a period of time. Formative results help you change and adjust your strategy during the year. Summative or end results are what you report to all organizational stakeholders and help you adjust your strategic initiatives. Results have performance targets that have been set prior to beginning the strategic initiative. Tracking whether performance targets have been met is an ongoing process. The most critical aspect of results is how you use them.

15 Examining Aligned Performance Targets and Results 15 Examine the SBUSD Strategic Plan and the performance targets and results with your line-up partner. What are things you like and what are things you might change? Examine your District Strategic Plan and with each strategic objective determine if you have appropriate performance targets and results. What are things you like and what are things you might change? Complete the Results Worksheet with your strategic plan. Provide the objective, a strategy, a measurement, and performance target.

16 Session Three Making the Right Adjustments? 16

17 Short Cycle Improvement Tool 17 What are we trying to accomplish? How will we know the change is an improvement? What changes can we make that will result in improvement? PLANDO STUDYACT

18 Develop Your Own PDSA In your group of three, discuss one of the strategic goals your district is currently working on to improve the implementation and results. Complete the PDSA worksheet with your team. Even if you have been implementing the strategy, a. PDSA can help the following: Focusing the strategy Measuring the progress Adjusting and acting on progress to ensure the results desired Share your thinking and worksheet with another team. 18

19 Session Four Using Results 19

20 District Scenario Read the short district scenario about organizational improvement and using results. Determine the key factors and interesting insights in the scenario related to improvement and using the results. Determine your recommendations to Superintendent Reed about what are the next three steps you would recommend. In groups of three, discuss your findings and discuss implications for your organization. Share and record the implications. 20

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