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WELCOME TO THE 2 ND GRADE BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT PRESENTATION Presented by: Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Martin, and Mrs. Friend.

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2 WELCOME TO THE 2 ND GRADE BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT PRESENTATION Presented by: Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Martin, and Mrs. Friend


4 All students will achieve mathematical proficiency by developing both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. The end result is the ability to think and reason mathematically and use mathematics to solve problems in authentic contexts. MATHEMATICS GOAL MATHEMATICS CURRICULUM – CURRICULUM 2.0

5 WELCOME TO GRADE 2 MATHEMATICS A new model for curriculum, assessment, and instruction Aligned to the Common Core State Standards A unique integrated curriculum designed to develop a college- ready mindset in all students by fostering critical and creative thinking and academic success skills Will provide enrichment/acceleration for our most advanced students and scaffolding for students in need of support

6 INTERTWINED STRANDS OF MATHEMATICAL PROFICIENCY Understanding ComputingReasoning Applying Engaging

7 Student Samples

8 Using Thinking and Academic Success skills to learn content provides students opportunities to apply their learning to new situations. THINKING AND ACADEMIC SKILLS

9 Critical Thinking Critical thinking involves being objective and open-minded while thinking carefully about what to do or what to believe, based on evidence and reason. Examples are Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. Creative Thinking Creative thinking involves putting facts, concepts, and principles together in new ways and demonstrating a novel way of seeing or doing things. Examples are Elaboration, Flexibility, Fluency, and Originality. Academic Success Skills Academic Success Skills involves possessing attitudes and behaviors that enable students to reach their full potential in academic settings. Examples are Collaboration, Effort/Motivation/Persistence, Intellectual Risk Taking and Metacognition. Thinking and Academic Skills

10 MATH BLOCK TIME FRAME 5 minutes: warm-up 25 minutes: focus lesson 40 - 55 minutes: guided math groups/independent practice/math stations Teachers are differentiating instruction to meet students’ needs. 5 minutes: closure 75 - 90 minute math block.

11 What Topics Will Your Child Be Learning In Second Grade Math?

12 OPERATIONS AND A LGEBRAIC T HINKING Add and Subtract Within 100 concrete models drawings equations One- and Two-Step Problems adding to taking from putting together taking apart comparing Basic Facts Within 20 16 = 7 + 9 13 – 8 = 5

13 N UMBER AND O PERATIONS IN B ASE T EN Three-Digit Numbers 402 equals 4 hundreds, 0 tens, and 2 ones 341 < 413 Count within 1000 287, 297, 307 … 536, 436, 336 … Mentally Add and Subtract 10 or 100 Add and Subtract within 1000 models, drawings, written methods place value strategies properties of operations

14 M EASUREMENT AND D ATA Estimate and Measure inches, feet, centimeters, meters & compare lengths Money bills and coins problem solving Bar Graphs and Picture Graphs single-unit scales problem solving Time to the nearest 5 minutes analog and digital Units of Different Lengths measure twice using different units relate measurements to size of units Relate Addition and Subtraction to Length number line problem solving with lengths (same units)

15 G EOMETRY Partition Shapes halves, thirds, and fourths Attributes Partition Shapes rows and columns

16 Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Language Block 60 – 90 minutes Guided Reading: reading stations, independent reading, buddy reading, follow-up activities to guided reading, word work. Teachers are differentiating instruction to meet students’ needs. 30 minutes: Writing 120 minute language arts block.

17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 4 15 16 17 J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 2ND GRADE KINDERGARTEN 1ST GRADE 3RD GRADE 4TH GRADE5TH GRADE

18 OTHER SCIENCE UNITS OF STUDY Growth and urvstructure ival wit Growth And Survival Within A Habitat Earth’s Natural Features And Properties of Materials Properties of Earth’s Materials Properties And Changes of Celestial Objects Relationship Between Parts And The Whole magnetism transparenc y hardness color texture structure

19 My Job Your Job Our Job In Social Studies Our Students Will Learn About: Rights & Responsibilities In Social Studies Our Students Will Learn About: Rights & Responsibilities

20 Geographic Characteristics bird’s eye view Exploring Different Cultures Goods and Services Natural, Capital, and Human Resources Transportation and Technology

21 Every year the 2 nd Grade puts on a 2 nd Grade Musical. This is an opportunity for students to be immersed in music, choreography, costumes, staging while learning many facts about animals. This experience has shown over the years to boost self confidence and a sense of community and belonging to a group.

22 In progress (I) In progress toward meeting the grade-level standard. Exceptional (ES) Exceptional at the grade-level standard. Meets the grade-level standard by demonstrating proficiency of the content or processes for the measurement topic. Proficient (P) Levels of Performance Instruction begins at the grade-level standard. How the student performs at the grade-level standard determines level of proficiency. How the student responds Instruction on the Measurement Topic Not yet or minimal (N) Not yet making progress or making minimal progress toward meeting the grade-level standard.

23 Grade 2 Standards-based Report Card Subject Measurement Topic

24 Homework Plan for Second Grade Our homework plan involves 2 Mandatory parts! Nightly reading! Recorded on an at home reading chart turned in 3 times a quarter. Nightly Math Practice! Your child will receive math practice sheets reviewing concepts already covered in class. These are from a Common Core Reteaching and Practice work book and other practice pages aligned with instruction. This is meant to be independent practice. Please check to see if it is completed. We will check for mistakes in class. This will help us to know where your child needs assistance so we can meet with them in small groups to address their needs.

25 MCPSAP-PR (Montgomery County Public Schools Assessment Program- Primary): This is a Montgomery County test that is given three times a year. Once in the Fall, Winter and Spring. It is a reading test to test comprehension and word recognition. MAP-P(Math Assessment Primary) ): This is a Montgomery County test that is given two times a year. Once in the Fall and once in the Spring. It is a math test to show the progression of skills attained in math. Global Screening: This is the test that is given to all second graders in the spring to recognize students of high ability and thinking skills. The results will be mailed to your home at the end of the school year. Testing in Grade 2

26 DONATIONS PLEASE We have lunch at 1:30pm. We eat a snack daily at 10:45ish. Please send in a small nutritious snack with your child everyday. We will occasionally be able to provide a small snack for students who forget to bring one. However, the funding for snacks may not continue the entire year. Please remember not to send in any items with nuts

27 Birthdays!!! William Tyler Page Policy: Students’ birthdays are not celebrated with food of any kind. Students’ birthdays will be acknowledged during the morning announcements and students will come to the main office to select a birthday gift of their choice.

28 FIELD TRIPS Strathmore Hall  November (Date to be determined)  Free Mad Science  Spring 2015  In school field trip  Approximately $7.00 Show on the Road  May/June  Approximately $4.00

29 Sign in on the clipboard. Sign up for a November Conference Sign up to volunteer in the classroom or for PTA Events Add your email to our class email list if you haven’t already Read the letter your child wrote to you. Write a note to your child. Take the folder on your child’s desk it has a lot of important information.

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