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How does this question impact on our lives? Think-pair-share activity Why do we need to know “What first”?

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Presentation on theme: "How does this question impact on our lives? Think-pair-share activity Why do we need to know “What first”?"— Presentation transcript:


2 How does this question impact on our lives? Think-pair-share activity Why do we need to know “What first”?

3 To help us remember the order of things we use mnemonics? What mnemonics do you use in Math? What mnemonics do you use for first aid? What mnemonics do you use in Art? BOLTS is an mnemonic for what? Research: What other examples can you find?

4 Why is it important to remember the order of things?

5 How is asking “what first?” useful for English?

6 What is Structure? Structure is a fundamental and sometimes intangible notion covering the recognition, observation, nature, and stability of patterns and relationships \ of entities.

7 What types of writing are there? Placemat activity 1) Form Groups of 4. 2) Each person collects a role card. 3) Two minutes for individuals write down types of writing. 4) Ten minutes to collate ideas for the middle square 5) Time for groups to share with whole class. 6) Record the Class discussion; draw a graph or keep a tally.

8 slain expedition serpent palace legendary assembled kingdom enchanted lived in talking cat leprechaun – What type of writing is this? - What is the genre?

9 Fantasy books are stories that may contain strange or otherworldly settings or characters. It can occur in the past, present, or future, but the rules of science usually do not apply. The characters may use special powers and impossible strategies or the story may contain unrealistic elements such as talking animals or magic. What is the fantasy genre? Think of fantasy books you have read or movies you have seen. Your task at the end of the term is to write a Fantasy Story but “What First?”


11 We will review this again later on….

12 What questions would a Fantasy narrative answer? Make up questions

13 Organise your thoughts using a Mind Map Fantasy

14 After you have organised your thoughts using a Mind Map, put the question words onto the map Fantasy setting characters characteristics plot name

15 ABC Fantasy Characteristics & Characters What words do you associate with fantasy genre ? We will record the class data here in another session. First you fill in a template to complete your own brainstorm then you will enter this data in a google document.

16 xxx ????? **** ???

17 --- <3 @  ^^^^

18 ?? J l k m

19 %^% ppp ?? :-)

20 rrr ssss t uuu vvv

21 www xxxx xx xxx

22 Lotus Diagram Write the theme to be explored in the grey box in the very middle. Write a subheading in each of the 8 numbered boxes around the grey square in the middle. Each subheading is written again in the numbered middle box that matches. Ideas that are associated with the subheadings are explored within that box. 2) 3) 5) 1) 4) 6)7)8) 6)7)8) Fantasy Creatures small large evilwinged extra features Australian Greek half human

23 1) Which creature has characteristics different to the others? Throughout history people have believed in all kinds of magical creatures and supernatural beings. Task 1: Complete the “Odd Word Out” worksheet. Task 2: Design 5 of your own hyperlink puzzles. Task 3: Use the hyperlink instruction sheet help you to create your own interactive quiz. leprechaun Your reason: ____________________________ fairy sphinx pixie

24 leprechaun Return to questionReturn to question 1 Incorrect: think of it’s size and body

25 fairy Return to question 1 Incorrect: think of it’s size and body

26 sphinx Go to next question Question 2 Correct: This is a half creature, half lion, half human. A leprechaun, fairy and pixie are not half creatures and are small.

27 pixie Return to question 1 Incorrect: think of it’s size and body

28 Organise your thoughts using a Mind Map Fantasy setting

29 Fantasy books are stories that may contain strange or otherworldly settings or characters. It can occur in the past, present, or future, but the rules of science usually do not apply.

30 What are your favourite Fantasy settings? Write down 5 Fantasy texts that have different settings? Text typeTitleSetting StoryBeauty and the BeastFrench Village, Beast’s Castle

31 Your thoughts organised using a Mind Map Fantasy setting characters characteristics plot name


33 Fantasy setting characters characteristics plot name beginningmiddleend Your thoughts organised using a Mind Map

34 HeadingMeaning Presentation of information the audience needs to understand the story’s action, such as character, character description and setting. central part of the story during which various problems and complications arise that cause the characters to take action, highest point or turning point of the action. contains the action or dialogue necessary to lead the story to a resolution. end of story in which problems are solved. Climax, Resolution, Exposition, Falling Action, Rising Action. Beginning Middle End You are familiar with the terms beginning, middle and end. Using the following terms can help us better shape our story, so that the reader is taken on an exciting rollercoaster ride.

35 Use the heading cards to match the structural headings with their meaning

36 Remember your task is to soon write a Fantasy Narrative. It is the last assessment task in this project You will keep track of your progress by completing a self-direction rubric and blogs after some sections.

37 Task: Research an unfamiliar fairytale from the internet. Record your findings on the template Discussion: How could you share your fairytale with the class?

38 What first when writing a book review? What information is included in a book review?

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