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Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for Faculty ARP ISD. Updating for 21 st Century Skills Know the 21 st Century Skills:

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Presentation on theme: "Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for Faculty ARP ISD. Updating for 21 st Century Skills Know the 21 st Century Skills:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for Faculty ARP ISD

2 Updating for 21 st Century Skills Know the 21 st Century Skills: %20century%20skills.pdf %20century%20skills.pdf WATCH these:

3 READ the Policies for Teachers New Policies AUP (Acceptable Use Policy: CQ(R) Policy: CIPA Policy: BYOT Policy: ALL BYOT must be checked out & receive a TAG from the Technology Department before it can be used in the classroom or on campus!!!!!

4 READ the Policies for Teachers New Policies Posting Policy: Purchasing Policies: Inventory Policies:

5 Computers are NOT Toys for students to play on Babysitters for students to stay occupied with Excuses for students to talk through email or chat with friends Excuses for surfing the Internet without Teacher Direction and Monitoring

6 You MUST protect the District Resources Student should NOT be on a computer if SOMEONE else is logged onto that computerEVER! With one click of a mouse they can gain access to the entire district grade book FOLDER – they dont need your password. With one click of a mouse they can delete many teacher resources.

7 If you think a student has seen your password ---CHANGE it! Your login opens up all types of resources to an intruder You can be held liable by both state and federal laws for giving a student unauthorized access to district and Internet resources

8 Student Technology Tools Everyone has Blog space on TigerTube: Students must follow the appropriate Access Procedures for their Blogs. etup.htm Please be familiar with these. etup.htm Posting Policies Apply: etup.htm etup.htm

9 Student Technology Tools Students are able to access your online content in both TigerTube and Epsilen (Project Share) Students (6-12 th ) and Teachers have School Web Lockers (hard drive space in the cloud) to store their files and folders in for access 24/7 from anywhere. Students have online drop boxes & e- Portfolios for assignments

10 Student Technology Tools Everyone has online resources: purchased by the district. See: rces2.htm rces2.htm Everyone has productivity tools: Office Suite 2007, Video Production Software, Audio Production Software, Google SketchPad Professional, TI software, LabPro, and much more!

11 Copyright Laws All copyright laws will be followed by teachers and students for every assignment or posting. Watch (cute!): Remember: An idea, graphic, composition, or product created by someone -- the ownership of that idea remains with the creator. Use intellectual property only with permission and correct citation All graphics from the Internet MUST be accompanied with a citation.

12 URL FILTERS All URLs (Internet sites), EMAIL, and online communications are filtered by BESS or Barracuda. The district WILL NOT respond to a request from a student to unblocked access to an objectionable site. ONLY faculty members can request that a site be unblocked (either permanently or temporarily) Attempting to go around the filter is a major violation of CIPA & the AUP Faculty my bypass at any time. *Child Internet Protection Act

13 URL Filters It is NOT the intention of the district to restrict students from valuable sites. Teachers please plan ahead to contact the system administrator about sites that your students might require for any online project. If you are issued a firewall exemption, each time you use it, the system administrator is sent a message as to the site, the content, and the time spent at that site. Please be aware that online shopping for personal items during school hours is not appropriate use of the network. Shopping may take place before or after school hours. Gambling online is illegal use of the school network.

14 Faculty & Staff Input Suggestions for additional technology tools and software are collected twice a year through online surveys

15 Computer Issues KEEP the area around your computer CLEAN! This is YOUR responsibility. Computer carts, desks, and document cameras all need to be kept clear of dust and clutter. Watch Swiffer Man:

16 Computer Issues?Check QuickStarts & Peers (1)Ask 3 then Me (2)Check the QuickStarts: (3) Consult Trouble Shooting Guide: (4) Then Use Computer Maintenance Request:

17 Downloading Files All faculty members have software available to them at: \\maroon\teachers\software Only these software packages may be loaded on your computer without permission. Any other software must be approved by the technology director.

18 Illegal Use of Movies & Media Teachers are given access to United Streaming videos. These have been purchased by the district for educational purposes. YouTube movies may be used if they have been previewed by teacher FIRST. Hollywood Movies are NOT to be played from start to finish.

19 Illegal Use of Movies & Media Movies are not to be shown in the classroom unless there are accompanying instructional materials and objectives are documented in the lesson plans. Frequent abuse of this policy has been documented on all campuses and will no longer be tolerated. Movies that are shown in the entire length without pausing to discuss or draw conclusions will not be considered acceptable use by this district. Teachers will be reprimanded.

20 Internet Safety Issues Maintaining student safety must be a priority for all. Safety issues involve the following: (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY!) Students last names, phone numbers, addresses, or other personal information will not be utilized over any network without express permission from the student and the parent. Please help all your students understand how important it is for them to remain anonymous over the Internet. This is exactly the same precaution we use when a stranger call our home. Students should not join any group of activities on the Internet that have not been recommended to them through the Texas Education Network or another legitimate educational resource.

21 Can Students Use Email? Yes, all students have an email account through the district. HOWEVER, they are ONLY to use this email for school related and educational activities. PLEASE instruct students about netiquette and about federal law. Their email is NOT private and can be held against them in a court of law. They are NOT to email for the fun of it or for chatting purposes. They can email teachers assignments from home. They can respond to educational questions, etc. They are NOT to use email to make dates or gossip with friends. No one is to SPAM multiple users! WATCH:

22 Can students check their Yahoo Email? NO! Why not? Because the CIPA federal law states that children will have filtered access to Internet and Mail resources. Yahoo and other outside mail providers are NOT filtered & are not under the jurisdiction of the district.

23 Bypassing the CIPA Filter All teachers are able to bypass the CIPA filter as they deem necessary. Please be aware that when you bypass, you are logged. You may bypass the filter for a student if it is necessary for legitimate research purposes. But if you bypass, you must monitor that computer CLOSELY! Students are NEVER to bypass filter.

24 Nothing on the school network is private All activities on the school network are monitored All logs are public. If a child is on your computer with your login, then YOU will be held accountable for any and all activity. Violations of the AUP can result in harsh fines and jail time.

25 Is it OK for my child to use my login? NO! By law, ALL ACCESS to the network, requires that a person read and understand the AUP….and use their own login name and password. Is there ever an exception to this rule? Only with written permission from the Network Administrator who will log that time period.

26 When do YOU NOT Monitor Access? Students may NEVER be on a school computer without a teacher monitoring! Students have a tendency to attempt whatever practices they have developed at home or elsewhere. Many times this type of surfing or chatting is definitely inappropriate for school use.

27 When a student is ON a Computer YOU are responsible for monitoring their access and all their use. All activities MUST be TEKS-based learning activities that are included in your lesson plans. Wasting time on a computer is NOT allowed for any reason at any time during the school day.

28 Instructing Students in AUP It is all teachers responsibility to instruct students in the AUP, Internet Safety Issues, Copyright Laws, and Posting Policies. These are integral to your daily technology integration practices. These are required by your TEKS and Texas state law.

29 Serious Consequences When you have finished this PowerPoint & 21 st Century Learning in Epsilen: (1) you are to email your principal and Dr. Rousseau STATING: I have read the Updated Technology Policies and I understand them. (2) Take the Policy Quiz in Epsilen for 21 st Century Skills Any further violations will result in a formal written reprimand and loss of network privileges We are NOT about to loose our federal funds due to the lack of enforcement of federal laws

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