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Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação CM PROWORK TOOL Porto, July 2007 Good Practice Presentation for Implementation in Companies.

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Presentation on theme: "Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação CM PROWORK TOOL Porto, July 2007 Good Practice Presentation for Implementation in Companies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação CM PROWORK TOOL Porto, July 2007 Good Practice Presentation for Implementation in Companies

2 INDEX CM ProWork Tool I. Concepts and Definitions II. CM ProWork Tool a) What? b) Why? c) How?

3 CM ProWork Tool I.Concepts and Definitions

4 I. CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS CM ProWork Tool Technological changes  Ways of organizing the work (ex: home office);  Tasks flow;  Demand of new and different capabilities;  Automated processes and equipments;  Virtual organization.

5 CM ProWork Tool Human changes I. CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS  Lifelong learning;  Worker as “business partner”;  Higher participation;  Self-realization desire;  Demand of social responsibility and ethics.

6 CM ProWork Tool Organizational changes I. CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS  Reduction of hierarchical levels, network structures;  Multitask teams;  Strategic action and vision;  Learning organization.

7 CM ProWork Tool I. CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS THESE CHANGES DEMAND THAT HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (HRM) BE REINVENTED. Main challenges of HRM  Adjust human competences to business strategy;  Adjust management policies and processes to business strategy;  Support and promote the organizational changes.

8 CM ProWork Tool I. CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS Main strategies of HRM  Recycle the HRM policies;  Higher investment in education and training;  Competence management;  Participation of the CEO in the strategic implementation process;  Participation of the HR director in the company management.

9 I. CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS The importance of talent, motivation, competence and recognition RECOGNITION Financial + Social COMPETENCE: Knowledge + Skills + Attitudes MOTIVATION: Joy + Passion TALENT: Gifts + Interests CM ProWork Tool

10 I. CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS Competence management Competence Competence is a set of knowledge, attitudes and skills that significantly affect the performance of a task and brings added value to the organizational results. THEREFORE, THE COMPETENCE MANAGEMENT IS A PROCESS CLOSELY RELATED WITH THE COMPANY MANAGEMENT. CM ProWork Tool

11 II.CM ProWork Tool a) What

12 II. CM PROWORK TOOL Purpose CM ProWork Tool The CM ProWork tool is an instrument to record, develop and appraise competencies within the framework of non-formal learning in industrial production processes. Company management Competence management

13 II. CM PROWORK TOOL Competence model CM ProWork Tool The competence model used in the tool ultimately originates from Chomsky`s differentiation of competence and performance. Competence = psychological deep structures of action Performance = perceptible surface structures of action In this model, the competence structures are not directly perceptible but have to be established according to the practical performance.

14 II. CM PROWORK TOOL Competence model CM ProWork Tool PERFORMANCECOMPETENCE Competence Development:  e.g. through Job Redesign / Job Enrichment Tasks: - Allocation - Mastering - Knowledge Level Core Competencies: - Task Knowledge - Task Responsibility - Task Capability Competence Development:  e.g. through individual learning within the work process Calculation of the competence values through the Tool Competence Development:  e.g. by changing the rules and through feedback Behaviour: - in the work process - in the social structures Additional Competencies: - Learning readiness - Cooperation competence - Communication Competence - Social Competence Competence Development:  e.g. through social learning within the work process Classification of competence values by the users

15 CM ProWork Tool II.CM ProWork Tool b) Why

16 II. CM PROWORK TOOL Benefits for the target groups CM ProWork Tool  Production managers - identify the best workers for each project - profile positions in terms of competencies - identify workers competence gaps  HR Department - manage workers data - identify training requirements - manage careers - assess staff needs  Workers - plan their careers

17 II. CM PROWORK TOOL Benefits for the company CM ProWork Tool  Increase productivity by placing the right worker in the right position at the right time  Save recruiting costs  Increase flexibility, e.g., replacing a worker by another with the same competencies

18 CM ProWork Tool II.CM ProWork Tool c) How

19 II. CM PROWORK TOOL Target groups CM ProWork Tool  Production managers  HR department  Workers The production managers and the HR department must be responsible for the application (enter the data, define task set, analyse the reports) of the CM ProWork tool.

20 II. CM PROWORK TOOL Interface CM ProWork Tool 1. Setup (Workers, Tasks, Positions)  introduce workers data namely the additional competencies  define the set of tasks  associate tasks to positions 2. Collect  introduce the workers performance values (responsibility and capability) and the workers planned responsibility values for each task 3. Analysis  show the competencies report for each worker and the learning relevance report for each task

21 II. CM PROWORK TOOL Interface CM ProWork Tool

22 II. CM PROWORK TOOL Competencies report CM ProWork Tool Lists all the workers in rows and provides the result for the calculated core competencies and the additional competencies in the columns of this overview.

23 II. CM PROWORK TOOL Learning relevance report CM ProWork Tool Lists the overall learning relevance per task and shows its value in the range of 0 to 1. The closer the value is to 1, the higher is the overall learning relevance for the workers who are assigned to this task.

24 II. CM PROWORK TOOL Services offered CM ProWork Tool CM ProWork tool offers support to all areas of HRM namely:  Recruitment  Performance Management  Competence Management  Career Management  Training Management

25 SOCIEDADE PORTUGUESA DE INOVAÇÃO 39 rue Montoyer 1000 Brussels, BELGIUM Tel: +32 2 289 2870 Fax: +32 2 289 1177 SPI Porto – Portugal Edifício “Les Palaces” Rua Júlio Dinis, no. 242, 208 4050-318 Porto, PORTUGAL e-Mail: Tel: +351 22 607 64 00 Fax: +351 22 609 91 64 SPI Centre – Portugal Instituto Pedro Nunes 3030-199 Coimbra, PORTUGAL e-Mail: Tel: +351 23 970 03 61 Fax: +351 23 970 03 61 SPI Lisbon – Portugal TagusPark Núcleo Central, 349 2780-920 Oeiras, PORTUGAL e-Mail: Tel: +351 21 421 22 49 Fax: +351 21 421 12 01 SPI Maryland 5523 Research Park Drive, Suite 325 Baltimore, MD 21228, USA e-Mail: Tel: +1 443 543 5530 Fax: +1 443 543 5533 URL: SPI California 2102 Business Center Drive, Suite 220E Irvine, CA 92612, USA e-Mail: Tel: +1 949 253 5702 Fax: +1 949 253 5703 URL: SPI Beijing China Garments Mansion, No. 99, Rm, 915 Jianguo Rd., ChaoYang Dist. Beijing 100020, CHINA e-Mail: Tel: +86 10 65813193 Fax: +86 10 65812758 Euronet Consulting CM ProWork Tool

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