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Chicago Pricing of Services Process Rollout C O N F I D E N T I A L.

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Presentation on theme: "Chicago Pricing of Services Process Rollout C O N F I D E N T I A L."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chicago Pricing of Services Process Rollout C O N F I D E N T I A L

2 POS Rollout POS process: Corporate priority for 2003 -Improve on an already good process in the MW Region -Drive consistency throughout the Region -Cross-functional team POS: Use data to develop a strategy to obtain proper compensation!! 1

3 Scheduling and Pre-work Marsh Chicago POS Process Pricing of Services POS Committee Meeting L2 Follow-up and Tracking L1 L3 Meeting Execution Documenting of Action Items Create meeting expectations Pull ITS data and combine with CA Provide to POS coordinator 5 days prior to mtg Send form to CAs on account L4 CE prepares POS document Schedule POS mtg Account selection Tracking mechanism Follow-up Process 2

4 POS Process Importance of POS: - Aligns our services with what clients want, value and are willing to pay for - Supports revenue and growth goals - Assures adequate profitability (shareholder earnings) 3 Price without Service is meaningless, determining the Price is priceless!

5 POS Process 1) Account selection - Primarily revenue driven: Chicago Model: - RM: accounts with revenue > $150K - MM: accounts with revenue > $100K - Selection targets 95 RM and 75 MM accounts for ‘03 - New Business: Formal RFPs > $75K - complete EZ form - submit for review - Each office needs to determine their capacity and factor in revenue and margin to plan and schedule their activity Additionally - - POS committee or management, may choose to request a POS review on any account - Any CE or product line manager can request a meeting Account selection targeting review of 75% of Office revenue 4

6 POS Process 2) Scheduling - Recommending a set day, time and room! - RM: 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month: 8:30am to noon - MM: 2nd Monday of each month: 8:30am to noon - Fourth and Fifth Mondays: - Margin driven / catch-up / reschedules When in cycle: - 90 days out (major billing date or CSA anniversary). For example: 10-1 renewal – POS mtg date of 7-1 – reminder sent to CE 6-1 Other: - All CEs should have their POS schedules (distributed at rollout meetings) - Reminders and all scheduling requests - POS coordinator NO one-off meetings - MONDAYS are the standard 5

7 POS Process 2) Scheduling cont. “POS coordinator”: Each office should designate - work closely with POS chair and POS leadership in RM and MM - schedule the entire year - coordinate changes to schedule - send CEs email reminders 30 days and 7 days in advance of POS mtg - answer questions and assist CEs with forms / technology as needed - serve as data coordinator and distributor - scribe during the POS mtg, responsible for follow-up and data tracking What if CE cannot attend or must reschedule: - CE needs to reschedule within the same month they were originally scheduled (realizing the 4 th Monday open) - Failure to reschedule within the month: CE added to the monthly delinquent list which will be sent to the Office and Region head POS coordinator: Key resource for CEs 6

8 POS Process 3) Meeting preparation Data: - Edward Client Profitability report - ITS time report - Distribute one page Client advisory input form (optional - tab on EZ form) Form: - Complete EZ form : Tim - form has 7 tabs - we will want to go through each tab Additional form - - Detailed Cost form if account is red (<0%) or yellow (1-24%) 7 New form geared towards streamlining preparation

9 POS Process 4) POS Meeting Data distribution: - CE to send completed form to coordinator - no later than Wednesday prior to the meeting - Coordinator to distribute to appropriate committee members Focus: - Data / numbers, allocations, and staffing – all are key elements, but should not be the primary focus (10 minutes or less) - POS form should articulate what we do for the client and what level of colleagues are doing the work -CE’s rationale for their recommendation, negotiation plan to obtain the ‘03 targeted price and who at Marsh should meet with the client - key focus (20 minutes) Preparation is key to a productive POS meeting 9

10 POS Process 5) Meeting execution and follow-up: POS Committee: - RM: POS chair, CE PL, CE Team leader(s), Sales leader, MSO, Product line managers (their choice) - MM: POS chair, MM leadership, Sales Leader, MSO, EBS Leadership: - POS chair to run the meeting and keep the group focused - Coordinator takes meeting notes and captures action items - POS chair closes with Minimum, Base and Target Price Follow-up: - POS coordinator to distribute meeting notes as appropriate - Completed action items and client meeting / agreed price - noted on EZ form and sent to POS coordinator by CE - POS coordinator to complete tracking form and distribute final EZ form as needed - final EZ forms stored in a limited access folder on the S drive Timely follow-up to drive data integrity 10

11 Importance of POS Better understand our clients and their needs Promotes communication and collaboration between the Client Executive and Client Advisory Office administrator is an integral part to leveraging POS information for financial reporting 11 POS Process

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