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EThekwini Maritime Logistics Programme Engaging with the Maritime Industry to Create a World Class Logistics Platform in Durban.

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Presentation on theme: "EThekwini Maritime Logistics Programme Engaging with the Maritime Industry to Create a World Class Logistics Platform in Durban."— Presentation transcript:

1 eThekwini Maritime Logistics Programme Engaging with the Maritime Industry to Create a World Class Logistics Platform in Durban

2 URBAN-ECON KZN (Pty) LTD Development Economists Critical Issues Facing Durban Maritime Industry Low levels of efficiency in Durban port-logistics system – this is manifested through a variety of issues facing the Durban Maritime Industry: Common vision not present “Them-Us” mentality and poor cohesion between stakeholders Port-Business Articulation Issues Port-Road Articulation Issues No cohesion among education service providers

3 URBAN-ECON KZN (Pty) LTD Development Economists eThekwini’s Focus on Maritime Sector Develop a stronger working relationship with the maritime logistics industry to package potential priority projects Understand present constraints faced by industry members and develop suitable programmes to assist in minimising these constraints so that business is able to operate more efficiently Mobilise key industry stakeholders across the maritime logistics sector to establish a special purpose vehicle to coordinate the industry development programme and to operationalise best practices of the industry development programme

4 URBAN-ECON KZN (Pty) LTD Development Economists The Objectives of this Process RESOLVE THESE CRITICAL ISSUES BY: Incorporating the views and needs of ALL interested and affected parties Move beyond TALKING about issues and Develop a Special Purpose Vehicle to facilitate the roll-out of industry-wide programmes

5 URBAN-ECON KZN (Pty) LTD Development Economists Project Team Trevor Jones Harri Narismulu Glen Robbins Terry Hutson Urban-Econ Design & Establishment of SPVs; Maritime Knowledge Maritime Logistics Cluster Knowledge Maritime Economics & Maritime Systems Training & Communication i n Maritime Sector

6 URBAN-ECON KZN (Pty) LTD Development Economists Key Concepts of Maritime Clustering A network of maritime business firms, research development and innovation firms and training organisations supported by national or local authorities which co-operate with the aim of increasing maritime industry’s performance. Port clusters assist in articulating and co-ordinating private and public entities that make up the port community by strengthening the fundamental economic role of ports within the local and regional economies. Firms and organisations from across the maritime activity spectrum are included in the maritime cluster Maritime clusters around the world co-operate on key programmes to enhance local efficiencies and best business practise.

7 URBAN-ECON KZN (Pty) LTD Development Economists Clearing & Forwarding Warehousing Port Road Haulage Shipping Firms Business Support Services Terminal Operators Petro- Chemical Industries Industry Associations Durban Industry eThekwini’s Maritime Cluster

8 URBAN-ECON KZN (Pty) LTD Development Economists Project Concept and Purpose Local and Provincial Gov Port Maritime Business SPECIAL PURPOSE VEHICLE FOCUSSED ON ROLLOUT INDUSTRY PROGRAMME Infrastructure Development Communication Maritime Education Health & Safety Research Businesses Services

9 URBAN-ECON KZN (Pty) LTD Development Economists Project Scope Sub-sectorsKey sub-programmesBeneficiaries Container Handling GROWTH Infrastructure Planning a nd research services EXCELLENCE World class logistics benchmarking and lean tools Transport and freight forwarders Shipping lines, brokers and agents Terminal operators Customs and excise Landlord services Automotives Handling CREATION Business planning and transformati on services ADVANCEMENT Marketing and information services Liquid Bulk Handling Dry Bulk Handling IMPROVEMENT Labour productivity and skills development Breakbulk Handling

10 URBAN-ECON KZN (Pty) LTD Development Economists Project Approach PUBLIC SECTOR PORT COMMUNITY Buying into the Process Identifying Projects Reaching Members Seed Funding Programme Formalise Structure Initiate Process

11 URBAN-ECON KZN (Pty) LTD Development Economists Project Work Plan eThekwini Maritime Logistics Cluster MARCHAPRIL MAY JUNEJULY 07-Mar-0814-Mar-0821-Mar-0828-Mar-08 04-Apr-0811-Apr-0818-Apr-0825-Apr-08 02-May-0809-May-0816-May-0823-May-0830-May-08 06-Jun-0813-Jun-0820-Jun-0827-Jun-08 04-Jul-0811-Jul-0818-Jul-0825-Jul-08 Main Phases Phase 0: Case Study Phase 1: Inception Report Phase 2: Industry Engagement Phase 3: Preliminary Business Planning Phase 4: Business Plan Formulation Phase 5: Memorandum of Agreement Phase 6: Secured Commitments From Businesses Phase 7 Launch of the Special Purpose Vehicle

12 URBAN-ECON KZN (Pty) LTD Development Economists Stakeholders Involvement IDENTIFICATION OF KEY STAKEHOLDERS Current Constraints Faced Suggested Programme Interventions INCORPORATION INTO SPV SECTORAL PROGRAMME Designing of Programmes Development of Specific Projects KEY STAKEHOLDERS REVIEW Appraisal of Recommendations & Modifications Stakeholder Buy-In Feasibility Study for SPV Development Constitution of SPV Identification of Stakeholders to participate in SPV Inclusion of key industry players on SPV Management

13 URBAN-ECON KZN (Pty) LTD Development Economists How to contact the project team NameEmailTelephone Trivi 3093554 Noma 701 7983 Terry 3315775 Trevor 2079821 Harri Narismuluharrin@pc-africa.com082 4430334 Talia Arkintalia@urban-econ.com083 6101554 Eugene de Beereugene@urban-econ.com082 7793821 Glen 4969396

14 URBAN-ECON KZN (Pty) LTD Development Economists Opportunities for Engagement Breakfast Workshop Tuesday 6 May Follow up interviews with members of DPLC and member associations and industry members eThekwini Blog Website

15 URBAN-ECON KZN (Pty) LTD Development Economists THANK YOU

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