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THE 5 PARAGRAPH ESSAY “A paragraph at a time.” By Tim, John, and Orly.

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Presentation on theme: "THE 5 PARAGRAPH ESSAY “A paragraph at a time.” By Tim, John, and Orly."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE 5 PARAGRAPH ESSAY “A paragraph at a time.” By Tim, John, and Orly

2 How do we set up a 5 paragraph essay? The Introduction Paragraph: The Model The Body Paragraph: The 1-3 Model The Conclusion Paragraph: The Model by Timothy Keene

3 The Introduction Paragraph Start with a Hook! Something general about your topic that lures the reader into your paper! Give examples supporting the general topic! 1 or 2 things is enough. Finish with a narrow statement about the topic. This narrow statement is called your: THESIS STATEMENT Slide by John Bloodgood

4 The Upside Down Triangle Model Broad Statement Thesis Statement Basic Idea: Go from a general idea and narrow it down to your thesis statement. By Timothy Keene

5 Example Paragraph Topic: Fast Food Orly Marella Cowin

6 Example Intro Paragraph “Every day millions of people eat fast food. It’s fast, convenient and reasonably inexpensive. However, it is loaded with saturated fat calories, and additives. Even though it is loved by many, fast food is hazardous to one’s health. ” Orly Marella Cowin and-metabolic-advantage/

7 Follow the 1-3 model for using your sources! For each paragraph you will be responsible for citing 1 source! For each source you will be responsible for commenting with 3 supporting statements! PARAGRAPH STRUCTURE 1.Introduce idea 2. Introduce source According to... 1st comment 2nd comment 3rd comment transitioning to the next paragraph Slide by: John Bloodgood The 3 Body Paragraphs

8 Example Body Paragraph ”The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services states that those who ate at fast-food restaurants more than twice each week had an increase in insulin resistance, a risk factor for type 2 diabetes,which is a major risk factor for heart disease (NIH News). Other health problems include obesity and liver damage. The average fast food meal contains over 1,000 calories and 45 grams of fat. This is about half of the calories and more fat than one should consume in a day.” Orly Marella Cowin

9 Transitions Transitional phrases bring thoughts, sentences and paragraphs together in a piece of writing! Transitions help the flow of your essay! Examples: Addition o furthermore, moreover, in addition, additionally Result o hence, therefore, accordingly, consequently Slide by John Bloodgood

10 Conclusion Things to think about including in your concluding paragraph- include a brief summary of the paper's main points. ask a provocative question. use a quotation. evoke a vivid image. call for some sort of action. end with a warning. universalize (compare to other situations). suggest results or consequences. Slide by John Bloodgood p

11 The Right Side Up Triangle Model Restated Thesis Final Conclusion Basic Idea: Go from a restatement of your thesis to a broader comment about the topic By Timothy Keene

12 Example Conclusion Paragraph ”Fast food continues to have devoted customers despite its negative effects on the body. Unfortunately, with tons of money and mass media behind them, fast food restaurants will continue to flourish. We, as consumers must make the choice to drive by instead of drive through.” Orly Marella Cowin

13 The Bibliography Label as "Works Cited” Basics of MLA format: o Authors should be listed alphabetically and written last name first, then first name and middle initial (if applicable). o Capitalize each word in the title except for words like "is" "the" "and." o Use italics for larger works (books, magazines) and "quotation marks" for smaller works (poems, articles). o You must name the medium of the source. So if it's from a Website say "Web." If it's from a print document say "Print." o List the URL for all online sources Examples: o Book Book o Periodical Periodical o Electronic Sources Electronic Sources o Other Common Sources Other Common Sources For more info GOOGLE "MLA FORMAT PURDUE," and click on the "Purdue Owl" page. By Timothy Keene

14 References Angeli, E., Wagner, J., Lawrick, E., Moore, K., Anderson, M., Soderland, L., & Brizee, A. (2010, May 5). General format. Retrieved from Capital Community College Foundation. Concluding paragraph. Retrieved from NHLBI Communications Office (2004, Dec. 30). Eating at fast-food restaurants more than twice per week is associated with more weight gain and insulin resistance in otherwise healthy young adults. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from

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