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TeEn sUiciDe By-Tracy Velazquez. ALoNe Hopeless Worthless Isolated Stressed Disorder Depressed Self-Destructive.

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Presentation on theme: "TeEn sUiciDe By-Tracy Velazquez. ALoNe Hopeless Worthless Isolated Stressed Disorder Depressed Self-Destructive."— Presentation transcript:

1 TeEn sUiciDe By-Tracy Velazquez

2 ALoNe Hopeless Worthless Isolated Stressed Disorder Depressed Self-Destructive

3 Warning Signs pulling away from friends or family and losing desire to go out trouble concentrating or thinking clearly changes in eating or sleeping habits major changes in appearance talk about feeling hopeless or feeling guilty talking about suicide talking about death talk about "going away" self-destructive behavior no desire to take part in favorite things or activities giving away of favorite possessions suddenly very happy and cheerful moods after being depressed or sad for a long time.

4 Helpful Strategies Talk about suicide in an open manner. Let young people know about hotline telephone numbers Model healthy behavior and positive problem-solving approaches. Use television shows, films, newspaper articles and other media as a trigger for a discussion Provide opportunities for group support.

5 Advocacy Organizations - Suicide National Hopeline Network Phone Number: (800) 784-2433 Covenant House Phone Number: (800) 999-9999 (800) 999-9915 ( TTY ) The Suicide Prevention Advocacy Network USA (SPAN USA) American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

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