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30 August 2005 – AIAA Space 2005 Conference – Long Beach, Californnia Space Exploration Program Committee Briefing to the AIAA New Initiatives Subcommittee.

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1 30 August 2005 – AIAA Space 2005 Conference – Long Beach, Californnia Space Exploration Program Committee Briefing to the AIAA New Initiatives Subcommittee 30 August 2005 John C. Mankins AIAA Senior Member NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

2 30 August 2005 – AIAA Space 2005 Conference – Long Beach, Californnia Rationale: Why A Space Exploration Program Committee Is Needed US and International space programs are embarking on a new, long-term emphasis on more ambitious exploration programs Exploration research, technology, systems and infrastructures – and ambitious future human and robotic exploration missions using them – are a topic of intense interest within the aerospace community. At this time, no specific forum exists within the AIAA for Space Exploration to promote: –General knowledge and awareness of exploration programs –Understanding of relevant research and technology developments –Understanding and coordination of mission studies and plans –Inter-disciplinary interactions and activities Moreover, due to their nature exploration programs and missions pose unique policy, management and international challenges above and beyond the technical challenges that might be expected from most large-scale space engineering programs. In order to move forward effectively, and better engage the full breadth of the aerospace community, a new AIAA Space Exploration Program Committee is needed.

3 30 August 2005 – AIAA Space 2005 Conference – Long Beach, Californnia Space Exploration Program Committee Charter The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Space Exploration Program Committee will bring together experts on a wide range of topics relevant to future human and robotic space exploration programs. This Program Committee will as the AIAA focal point for emerging programs in support of space exploration and the Vision for Space Exploration in the aerospace industry, and keeps AIAA informed of progress and new developments. The Space Exploration PC will integrate related Technical Committees (TCs) to ensure that all of the program areas are represented. The Program Committee will have a finite life, related to its particular programs, which is currently projected to be six (6) years (with an initial review of the Space Exploration PC by the AIAA New Initiatives Subcommittee (NIS) at the end of three (3) years. Space Exploration Program Committee activities will be similar to those of related Technical Committees, and include all aspects of AIAA, including conferences, public policy, education, standards, and international activities.

4 30 August 2005 – AIAA Space 2005 Conference – Long Beach, Californnia Space Exploration Program Committee Objectives & Scope The objectives and scope of the Space Exploration Program Committee will include: –Promote a broad, in-depth understanding of oNASA programs to develop systems of systems for the future human and robotic exploration of space. oRelevant international programs. oRelevant other non-NASA U.S. programs (government and industry). –Develop and implement working relationships among NASA program managers and Centers, and non-NASA aerospace managers, engineers and technologists. –Provide better visibility and communications between NASA and AIAA members, and technical committees concerning mutually supportive activities and technologies.

5 30 August 2005 – AIAA Space 2005 Conference – Long Beach, Californnia Membership (1 of 2) Membership on the Space Exploration Program Committee will include: –Aerospace industry –Non-aerospace industry –Academia –NASA –Other US Government Agencies/Organizations –International Organizations This membership will involve (consistent with AIAA requirements): cross- functional technical representation; appropriate geographical representation; a limit of 35 full members (but may also involve associates (under 35 years old) and friends (who are ccd on relevant correspondence); individuals who are (typically) not on more than one Technical Committee (TC); individuals who have (are will) join the AIAA. Membership on the PC will be for 1 year, with optional extensions for a maximum total of three (3) years. –Candidate PC members will be required to complete and submit a formal nomination form, including official and written endorsement from the individuals employer that they will be funded and allowed to participate in PC meetings and activities, as appropriate.

6 30 August 2005 – AIAA Space 2005 Conference – Long Beach, Californnia Membership (2 of 2) Andrew Aldrin (Boeing) Dana Andrews (Andrews Aerospace) Henry Brandhorst (Auburn University Robert Casanova (NIAC) Robert Frisbee (JPL) Anthony R. Gross (NASA/ARC) Jerry Grey (AIAA) Gilbert (Gib) Kirkham (NASA/HQ) Neville I Marzwell (JPL) Chris Moore (NASA/HQ) John Olds (GIT (sabbatical; Spaceworks Engineering, Inc.) Ian Pryke (George Mason University) Eric Rice (ORBITECH) Robert Wegeng (Battelle/PNNL) Plus…will invite the chairs of relevant / interacting AIAA Technical Committees to nominate candidate members for the Program Committee John C. Mankins, Chair (NASA/GSFC) Initial Candidate Members include…

7 30 August 2005 – AIAA Space 2005 Conference – Long Beach, Californnia Space Exploration Program Committee Activities Sessions at Conferences –Space 200x (August-September each year) -- systems / missions focus –Aerospace Sciences (January each year) -- technical focus –Spring Global Aerospace Conference (c. May each year) -- programmatic focus Unique Conferences and Forums (e.g., AIAA space exploration conference in January, 2005) Close interactions with relevant Technical Committees (TCs) Student Participation and Involvement in Activities Workshops and Website Presentations Technical Publications (articles, books, papers, etc.)

8 30 August 2005 – AIAA Space 2005 Conference – Long Beach, Californnia Organization (1 of 2) The following are the planned sub-committees for the Space Exploration Program Committee: –Steering Sub-committee oPC Chair (subcommittee chair) oPC Vice-Chair oPC Secretary –Membership Sub-committee oPC Vice-Chair (subcommittee chair) oPC Chair oInternational Member oAt-Large Member –Activities Sub-committee oPC Conference Program and Technical Chair Assistance oBest Paper Selection Chair oLiaison with Other Conferences

9 30 August 2005 – AIAA Space 2005 Conference – Long Beach, Californnia Organization (2 of 2) Planned sub-committees for the Space Exploration PC (cont.): –Communications Sub-committee oPC Secretary (subcommittee chair) oHighlights Articles Editor(s) oWebsite Editor –Education Sub-committee oPC Workshop Coordinator oSeminars, Videos, Speakers oEngineering Curiculum Advisory –External Affairs Sub-committee oLiaison with other TCs oInformational Papers oPosition Papers –Technical Affairs Sub-committee oDiscipline Experts oStandards oHighlights Articles Inputs oContent for Website oSpecial Articles and Papers

10 30 August 2005 – AIAA Space 2005 Conference – Long Beach, Californnia Strong Interactions with Other AIAA Technical Committees Aerospace Power Systems TC Adaptive Structures TC Communication Systems TC Electric Propulsion TC Guidance, Navigation & Control TC Hybrid Rockets TC Information and Command & Control TC Intelligent Systems TC Life Science & Systems TC Society and Aerospace Technology TC Space Colonization TC Space Transportation TC Liquid Propulsion TC Liquid Rockets TC Modeling & Simulation TC Multidisciplinary Design Optimization TC Nuclear and Future Flight Propulsion TC Solid Rockets TC Space Automation & Robotics TC Space Logistics TC Space Operations & Support TC Space Systems TC Others as appropriate…

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