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Bureaucratic Structure and Performance in Asia United Nations University Julius Court Peace & Governance Programme and Office of the.

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1 Bureaucratic Structure and Performance in Asia United Nations University Julius Court Peace & Governance Programme and Office of the Rector

2 Bureaucratic Structure and Performance (in Asia) n Rationale - evidence on bureaucratic performance based mostly on case studies Objective – extended systematic data collection on bureaucratic structure and performance n Innovative Methodology - survey of high level bureaucrats using country coordinators n Results - extended database on bureaucracy and analysis (for researchers) and country sheets (for policy-makers and practitioners) n From: Court, Kristen and Weder, 1999.

3 Simple Framework n Development Performance n Bureaucratic Performance n Bureaucratic Structure Knack and Keefer, 1995 Evans and Rauch, 1999a World Bank, 1997 (WDR) Weber, 1968 Evans and Rauch, 1999b World Bank, 1993 (EAM)

4 Bureaucracy Database Bureaucracy Database “extended global database on bureaucracies” Coverage: 50 countries Timespan: c1970-1998 Sources: Evans-Rauch database, WDR 1997, UNU survey. b-structure.html

5 Bureaucratic Structure and Performance - Empirical Analysis  Agency power - influence of core economic agencies in formulating new policies.  Autonomy - do top civil service move when political leadership changes.  Career opportunities - internal promotion, duration and civil service opportunities.  Relative wage - compares public sector salaries to the private sector ones.  Entrance mechanism - entrance via a formal exam and university degrees.

6 Empirical Analysis Framework n Bureaucratic Performance n Bureaucratic Structure Dependent Variables Bur. Quality Consultation Corruption Efficiency Implementation Independent Variables Agency Power Autonomy Career Opportunities Private Sector Career Relative Wage

7 Regression Findings Bur. Quality Consult‘nLower Corrup‘n EfficiencyImplemt‘n Agency power *** *** Autonomy * ** Career Opps ** (Private Sect Career) * Relative Wage *** ***** Significance: * - ten; ** - five; *** - one % level.

8 Total Structural Quality

9 Agency Power

10 Autonomy

11 Career Opportunities

12 Relative Wages

13 Tentative Conclusions New results with expanded data set are more solid than for original Evans / Rauch database. Certain structural issues are associated with cross-country differences in bureaucratic performance. Better bureaucratic performance is associated with greater autonomy to formulate policy; good career opportunities; good pay for public servants (and no shifting to the private sector).

14 World Governance Survey Objectives To better understand why and how political institutions matter for growth and poverty reduction General Open governance debate in a constructive manner What aspects of governance matter at different stages Provide policy advice Specific Cohesive, global database on perceptions of governance Track changes over time within countries – diagnostic Cross-country statistical analysis

15 UNU at a Glance Mission: - “ generating and sharing knowledge for human security and development. ” Key Facts: n Rector – Hans van Ginkel Vice Rector for Peace and Governance – Ramesh Thakur n Staff – 211 n Budget – US$ 36 m n Headquarters – Tokyo, Japan n 13 Institutes around the world n Networks

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