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1 Transportation Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Synthesis Washington State University: L. Haselbach LCA for Environmental Impacts: Versus.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Transportation Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Synthesis Washington State University: L. Haselbach LCA for Environmental Impacts: Versus."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Transportation Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Synthesis Washington State University: L. Haselbach LCA for Environmental Impacts: Versus

2 2 Background  So what does this project/decision/ technology mean with respect to environmental sustainability?  One developing methodology is environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).  Little coherency/knowledge have been developed for applying LCA to transportation projects.

3 3 Project Scope  Objective – Compile transportation related LCA tools Develop an LCA modular training workshop series. Survey and compile existing LCA tools used in transportation. Build upon results from Washington State Ferries Oil Filter Project LCA work and gathered pavement related tools, case studies.

4  Surveyed Currently Available Tools  Developed first 12 Modules for the Center  Taught a one credit class with the first 12 modules Progress to Date 4

5  LCA Workshop at Conference in Alaska - August  Complete initial module series  Teach 3 credit graduate class in fall 2015 - WSU  Worshop at CCNY Transportation Engr. – Nov.  Submit Phase II Proposal to: Connect with CESTiCC Researchers to add knowledge and needs on transportation issues to module series (Groups T and τ) Foster collaborative work with CESTiCC and other projects (e.g. WSF Oil LCA and pavement de-icing project) Work to do 5

6 This is a series of narrated LCA learning modules in PowerPoint. They will be uploaded onto the CESTiCC website as they are developed or updated. They are intended to be used for personal education, workshops or as components for more detailed classes. The following is a listing of the module groupings, some for general knowledge (overview modules), and some more detailed.  Group A: ISO Compliant LCA Overview Modules  Group α: ISO Compliant LCA Detailed Modules  Group B: Environmental Impact Categories Overview Modules  Group β: Environmental Impact Categories Detailed Modules  Group G: General LCA Tools Overview Modules  Group γ: General LCA Tools Detailed Modules  Group T: Transportation-Related LCA Overview Modules  Group τ: Transportation-Related LCA Detailed Modules Environmental LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) Learning Module Series 6

7  Group A: ISO Compliant Module A1 - Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment and ISO 14040 (Feb 2015) Module A2 - LCA Requirements and Guidelines: ISO 14044 (February 2015)  Group α Module α1 - Goal, Function, and Functional Unit (February 2015) Module α2 - System, System Boundary, and Allocation (February 2015) Module α3 - Life Cycle Stages (April 2015) Module α4 - LCIA Optional Elements: Grouping, Weighting, Normalization (Apr2015)  Group B: Environmental Impact Categories Module B1 - Introduction to Impact Categories (April 2015) Module B2 - Common Air Emissions Impact Categories (March 2015) Module B3 - Other Common Emissions Impact Categories (March 2015)  Group G: General LCA Tools Module G1 - General Paid LCA Software Tools (February 2015) Module G2 - General Free LCA Software Tools (March 2015) Module G3 - Transportation LCA Software Tools (March 2015) Environmental LCA Learning Module Series: Completed 7

8  Phase I completed in early 2016.  Interest already in modules by ASCE Subcommittee on Formal Engineering Education under the Committee on Sustainability (FEE-CoS)  Interest for class at UNICAMP….  Miscellaneous 8

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