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Bible Blitz Msgr Ed Thompson And Deacon Norm Kazyk With Technical Assistance Ray Hosler.

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2 Bible Blitz Msgr Ed Thompson And Deacon Norm Kazyk With Technical Assistance Ray Hosler

3 Ezekiel Prophet Priest @ 570 B.C. Prophet in Babylon - Prophet of Visions First Prophet outside the Holy Land - Exiled in 597 B.C.

4 Prepared people for the final destruction of Jerusalem Jerusalem destroyed in 587 B.C.

5 Ezekiel’s Message Before 587 B.C.: Reproaches for Israel’s past After 587 B.C.: Promise of salvation and a new Covenant

6 Some Scenes Ch 1:1-24 Wheels of Fire Ch 2:9 - 3:4 Eat the Scroll Ch 37:1-14 Dry Bones Ch 41:16-26 New Temple

7 Daniel Visionary – Dreamer – Interpreter of dreams

8 Book Not Prophecy; It is Apocalyptic Daniel Hero of the book Not the author prisoner of Babylon @ 500 B.C.

9 Book Written @ 165 B.C. – time of Maccabees Story Daniel and his three companiels faithful To God and God faithful to them Shadrach - Meshach - Abednego

10 Themes Faith can conquer adversty. The God of history is in control.

11 Stories Ch 3:1-24 The fiery furnace

12 Stories Ch 5:1-30 The handwriting on the wall

13 Ch 6:1-29 Daniel in the lion’s den

14 Hosea Began his prophetic career in the period that led up to the fall of the Northern Kingdom, Israel, in 721 B.C. Israel courted the favor of Assyria who began their ascendancy as a power under its king Tiglath-Pileser, but paid a heavy toll surrendering land and paying tribute to the King.

15 There were political intrigues in Israel involving Menahem who usurped the throne of Israel. Israel was in a period of apostasy, worshipping and offering sacrifice to foreign gods. Hosea has been described as a prophet of doom; however, he balanced the coming divine judgment with a promise of restoration and renewal.

16 The key to interpreting Hosea is the story of his marriage with Gomer, who was a harlot and represents the unfaithfulness of Israel. Chapter 11 expresses the love that Yahweh has for his people, in the most tender terms, as a relationship of marriage.

17 Ch 1The meaning of a name: –Jezreel: A strategic valley where a defeat for Israel occurred. –Lo-ruhama: She is not pitied (Israel). –Lo-ammi: Not my people.

18 Ch2:1-25 Unfaithfulness and hope The infiltration of the Baal religion was done very slowly and subtly. The people no longer distinguished a difference between them. Israel’s history is filled with its betrayal of Yahweh.

19 A definition of Ephraim: The heartland of the Northern Kingdom. It was all that remained of Israel after the Assyrians overran that part of the country.

20 Ch 1-10Indictment of Israel’s priests, leaders, monarchy. Ch 11An expression of God’s love for his people. Ch 14:2-10 Repentance, reconciliation and future happiness.

21 Joel Lived sometime in the period from 500 to 350 B.C. The occasion of his prophecy was a plague that devastated the country. The condition of the Jewish community was very fragile due to poverty, outside threats, and religious apathy.

22 The book moves quickly from catastrophe to a call to repent and fast, to the joy of recognizing the saving action of God for his people.

23 Ch 1:1-6a Invasion (Note: vs 6 the word “people.”) Ch 1:13-15 Call to penance and a reminder of the Day of the Lord. Ch 2:11-14 The Day of the Lord. Ch 2:18-27 The coming blessings of the Lord. Ch 3:1-3 The promise of God; fulfilled at Pentecost (Acts 2:16-21)

24 Ch 4: Judgment of the nations. Ch 4:17-21 Salvation for God’s Elect.

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