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S imple Min Investment of only Rs.2000 I ntelligent Benefit from the Power of Compounding P ractical With Auto Debit Facility DSPML Systematic Investment.

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Presentation on theme: "S imple Min Investment of only Rs.2000 I ntelligent Benefit from the Power of Compounding P ractical With Auto Debit Facility DSPML Systematic Investment."— Presentation transcript:

1 S imple Min Investment of only Rs.2000 I ntelligent Benefit from the Power of Compounding P ractical With Auto Debit Facility DSPML Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

2 Did you know ? If your current monthly expenses are Rs. 30,000/- p.m, after 20 years you will require Rs. 80,000/- p.m to maintain the same lifestyle Assuming inflation rate of 5%

3 Did you know ? An education degree for your child which currently costs Rs. 10 lakh will cost Rs. 21 lakh after 15 years. Assuming inflation rate of 5%

4 Individual Investor Needs: Investment Goals All individuals need to save for –Retirement –Child’s education / marriage –Medical emergency –Other family obligations Every individual has one or more of the above goals

5 60 Retirement 40 Middle Age 27 Young Married 22 Young Independent Individual Investor: Life Stages Earnings Consumption Savings All individuals have a finite period to save for their investment goals

6 Value of Money over time Impact of inflation on monthly expenses of Rs. 30,000 today Value of Rs. 100,000 over time At inflation of 5% Investors need to beat inflation 30,000 38,288 62,368 79,599 Today5 years15 years20 years 100,000 78,353 48,102 37,689 Today5 years15 years20 years

7 Performance of Various Asset Classes Source: Internal Equities outperform other asset classes over the long term Cumulative annualised returns 1980-2004 6.7% 5.7% 10.3% 3.55% 15.6% 8.9% -1.1% InflationGoldBank FDsBSE Sensex GrowthReal Growth

8 Individual investors are scared of ….. The Downside in Equities The of Market Timing The of Market Volatility Risk

9 What else makes a material impact on investments in equity ?

10 Investing in the BSE Sensex – 25 years Market timing does not matter over the long term 16.02% Fixed investment on 1 st day of every month 16.90% 15.07% Fixed investment at highest sensex value every year Fixed investment at lowest sensex value every year Data source: ICRA MFIE Returns are from 1981- Dec 2005

11 The Power of Compounding From Jan 1, 1984 to Dec 31, 2004 – a 21 year period Final corpusRs. 1.9 crore Rs. 89 lakh Rs. 43 lakh Assumed annualised return 20%15%10% Monthly investment Rs. 5,000 BSE Sensex Scenario B BSE Sensex Scenario A Debt Instrument

12 Summary Investors needs to save regularly and invest those savings in higher return assets to create wealth Long Term Systematic Monthly Investment in equity schemes is ideal for this

13 How Do You Achieve Your Financial Goals Retirement Child’s education - international Family commitments - medical emergency, etc

14 Today At the time of retirement 30,000 83,579 21 Yrs Inflation 5% Monthly Household Expenses Retirement corpus required to meet post retirement expenses. (if invested at 7%) 1.4 crore Monthly investment needed to meet post retirement expenses at 12% at 15% at 18% 12,583 8,083 5,090 Retirement Planning

15 Present When your child actually goes for this degree Child’s Education 11 Yrs Inflation 5% Educational Degree Monthly investment needed to achieve this goal at 12% at 15% at 18% 12,456 10,166 8,237 20,00,000 34,20,000

16 Child’s Marriage Monthly investment needed to achieve this goal at 12% at 15% at 18% 7,509 5,466 3,925 Present When marriage actually takes place 16 Yrs Inflation 5% 20,00,000 43,70,000

17 So What Are The Benefits Of Investing Through A Systematic Investment Plan !

18 Benefit : 1 The Benefit of Long Term Equity Investment –Equities give superior returns among all asset classes over the long term –DSP Merrill Lynch Mutual Fund has a track record of consistent good performance relative to its peers

19 Benefit : 2 The Benefits of Systematic Monthly Investment –Takes out the risk of market timing –Adds the benefits of the power of compounding and rupee cost averaging

20 Benefit : 3 Flexibility –You can choose from a wide array of schemes –You can decide to keep invested amounts in an earlier scheme & invest future SIP instalments into a new scheme

21 Benefit : 4 Added Convenience –Auto debit facility across over 25 locations in India –Regular account statements –Redemption request directly credited into your bank account

22 Make your investment goals a reality Start a S.I.P. today !

23 Track Record Source: ICRA MFIE, Internal, Bm – Benchmark. All returns shown above are for the growth option and do not take into account Entry Load, hence the actual returns will be lower. In case of DSPML Equity Fund returns assume the reinvestment of dividend at net asset value of the ex-dividend date. As per SEBI standards of performance reporting, the "since inception" returns are calculated on Rs. 10/- invested at inception date. The inception dates are as follows:- DSPML Balanced Fund - 27-May-99, DSPML Equity Fund - 29-Apr-97,DSPML Top 100 Equity Fund - 10-Mar-03, DSPML Opportunities Fund - 16-May-00, DSPML India TIGER Fund - 11-Jun-04. As on May 31, 2007 the NAVs of the schemes were as follows:- DSPML Balanced Fund - Rs 42.506, DSPML Equity Fund - Rs 44.229, DSPML Top 100 Equity Fund – Rs 63.884, DSPML Opportunities Fund - Rs 59.28, DSPML India TIGER Fund – Rs 36.684. Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments Returns are as on May 31, 2007 Scheme Name1-year3-years5-years Since Inception F %Bm %F %Bm %F %Bm %F %Bm % DSPML Equity Fund42.8639.8858.1942.5352.1133.0728.9314.90 DSPML Opportunities Fund34.3639.8849.8442.5350.6133.0728.7418.41 DSPML Top 100 Equity Fund45.3638.6950.1343.54----- 55.0745.13 DSPML India TIGER Fund45.0038.69----- 54.9143.13 DSPML Balanced Fund33.0425.2935.5725.3335.3521.8319.78NA

24 SIP Performance Source: Internal, Bloomberg Assuming monthly investments of Rs. 2,000. While comparing performance of investments made through SIPs with the respective benchmarks of the scheme, the value of the index on the days when the investment is made is assumed to be the price of one unit. As on May 31, 2007 the NAVs of the schemes were as follows:- DSPML Equity Fund - Rs 44.229, DSPML Opportunities Fund - Rs 59.28. The compounded annualized returns calculated above do not take into account entry load if applicable, hence the actual returns will be lower than those shown above. DSPML Equity Fund: returns assume reinvestment of dividend at net asset value of the ex-dividend date. S&P CNX Nifty Index as on May 31, 2007 was 4295.80. Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments Period Investment (Rs) Value (Rs) CAGR (%) Value (Rs) CAGR (%) 1 year24,00028,43536.18%28,60337.62% 3 year72,000132,00143.71%124,18438.90% 5 year120,000404,60450.93%295,60937.06% Inception168,000774,60743.41%471,90229.08% 1 year24,00030.39653.18%28,60337.62% 3 year72,000145,51951.61%124,18438.90% 5 year120,000442,69155.02%295,60937.06% Inception242,0001,433,24333.58%759,91321.48% S&P CNX Nifty Index Opportunities Fund Equity Fund

25 SIP Performance Source: Internal, Bloomberg Period Investment (Rs) Value (Rs) CAGR (%) Value (Rs) CAGR (%) 1 year24,00029,85248.41%28,53537.03% 3 year72,000137,68647.10%124,90239.35% Inception100,000253,96047.54%219,33239.52% 1 year24,00030,38453.08%28,53537.03% Inception68,000140,75857.44%113,34235.12% BSE 100 Index Top 100 Equity Fund India TIGER Fund Assuming monthly investments of Rs. 2,000. While comparing performance of investments made through SIP's with the respective benchmarks of the scheme, the value of the index on the days when the investment is made is assumed to be the price of one unit. As on May 31, 2007 the NAVs of the schemes were as follows:- DSPML Top 100 Equity Fund - Rs 63.884, DSPML India TIGER Fund - Rs 36.684. The compounded annualized returns calculated above do not take into account entry load if applicable, hence the actual returns will be lower than those shown above. BSE 100 Index as on May 31, 2007 was 7468.70. Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments

26 SIP Performance Source: Internal Assuming monthly investments of Rs. 2,000. All returns shown above are for the growth option and do not take into account Entry Load, hence the actual returns will be lower. While comparing performance of investments made through SIP's with the respective benchmarks of the scheme, the value of the index on the days when the investment is made is assumed to be the price of one unit. As on May 31, 2007 the NAV of the DSPML Balanced Fund was Rs 42.506, CRISIL Balanced Fund Index – 2577.86. Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments Period Investment (Rs) Value (Rs) CAGR (%) Value (Rs) CAGR (%) 1 year24,00028,68538.32%26,93523.55% 3 year72,000116,53333.99%102,17924.16% 5 year120,000287,83235.91%NA Inception192,000585,02827.02%NA CRISIL Balanced Fund Index DSPML Balanced Fund

27 Thank You A Rupee Saved Is A Rupee Earned - A Long Journey Begins With A Small Step

28 DSPML Balanced Fund (DSPMLBalF) is an open-ended balanced scheme seeking to generate long-term capital appreciation and current income from a portfolio constituted of equity and equity related securities as well as debt & money market securities. Asset Allocation: Equity & equity related securities: approx. 60% (min 30%). Debt & money market securities: approx. 40% (min 30%).  DSPML Equity Fund (DSPMLEF) is an open-ended growth scheme seeking to generate long-term capital appreciation, from a portfolio, which is substantially constituted of equity and equity related securities of issuers domiciled in India. The scheme may also invest a certain portion of its corpus in debt and money market securities, in order to meet liquidity requirements from time to time. Asset Allocation: Equity & equity related securities: approx. up to 90%. Debt & money market securities: approx. up to 10%.  DSPML Opportunities Fund (DSPMLOF) is an open-ended growth scheme with a primary objective to generate long-term capital appreciation, and a secondary objective of income generation and distribution of dividend, from a portfolio constituted of equity and equity-related securities, concentrating on the investment focus of the scheme. Asset Allocation: Equity and equity related securities: 80-100%. Debt, securitised debt & money market securities: 0-20%.  DSPML Top 100 Equity Fund is an open ended growth scheme seeking to generate capital appreciation, from a portfolio that is substantially constituted of equity and equity related securities of the 100 largest corporations by market capitalisation, listed in India. The scheme may also invest a certain portion of its corpus in debt and money market securities in order to meet liquidity requirements from time to time. Asset Allocation: Equity & equity related securities: 90-100%, Debt, securitised debt & money market securities: 0-10%.  DSPML India T.I.G.E.R Fund (The Infrastructure Growth and Economic Reforms Fund) (DSPMLITF) is an open ended growth scheme whose primary investment objective is to seek to generate capital appreciation, from a portfolio that is substantially constituted of equity securities of corporations that could benefit from structural changes brought about by continuing liberalisation in economic policies by the government and/or from continuing investments in infrastructure, both by the public and private sector. Asset Allocation: Equity & equity related securities: 90-100%. Debt, securitised debt & money market securities 0%-10%. ADR, GDR & foreign securities: 0-25%. DSPMLEF, DSPMLTEF, DSPMLOF, DSPMLITF & DSPMLBalF Common Features: Min. investment Rs. 5,000/- and min. additional purchase of Rs 1000/- thereafter. Declaration of NAV on all Business Days. Redemption normally within 3 Business Days. No exit load. Sale and redemption of units on all Business Days at Purchase Price and Redemption Price. SIP, SWP, STP, Nomination facility and direct deposit application facility available. For load structure of SIP and SSIP please refer to the Standard Offer Document and / or the Key Information Memorandum cum Application Form. Scheme Specific Features: Growth and Dividend options available in all schemes except DSPMLEF where investors have the Pay Dividend and Reinvestment of Dividend options. No entry load for DSPMLBalF. For all other schemes entry load of 2.25% for investments < Rs. 5 crore. DSPMLBalF has a CDSC of 1.25% for investments redeemed within 12 months. For Entry / Exit Load applicable for investments done through SIP/SSIP in the respective schemes, please refer to the Standard Offer Document and / or the Key Information Memorandum cum Application Form. Statutory Details: DSP Merrill Lynch Mutual Fund (the Fund) was set up as a Trust by the settlors, DSP Merrill Lynch Ltd. and Merrill Lynch Investment Managers LP, USA. The Sponsor, Trustee and Investment Manager to the Fund are DSP Merrill Lynch Ltd., DSP Merrill Lynch Trustee Company Pvt. Ltd. and DSP Merrill Lynch Fund Managers Ltd. respectively. The Sponsor is not responsible or liable for any loss resulting from the operation of the Scheme beyond the initial contribution of Rs. 1 lakh towards setting up the Fund and such other accretions/additions to same. Risk Factors: Mutual funds, like securities investments, are subject to market and other risks and there can be no assurance that the Schemes’ objectives will be achieved. As with any investment in securities, the NAV of Units issued under the Schemes can go up or down depending on the factors and forces affecting capital markets. The NAV of the Schemes’ Units may be affected by changes in the general level of interest rates. The past performance of the mutual funds managed by the Sponsors and their affiliates/associates is not necessarily indicative of the future performance of the Schemes. Investors in the Schemes are not being offered a guaranteed or assured rate of return The liquidity of the Scheme’s investments may be restricted by trading volumes, settlement periods and transfer procedures. In the event of an inordinately large number of redemption requests or of a restructuring of either of the Scheme’s portfolios, the time taken by the Fund for redemption of Units may become significant. Please see ‘Risk Factors and Special Considerations’ and ‘Right to Limit Redemptions’ in the Standard Offer Document. The liquidity & valuation of the Schemes’ investments due to its holdings of unlisted securities may be affected if they have to be sold prior to their target date of divestment. In the event that investible funds of more than 50% of the total proceeds of the equity schemes are not invested in equity shares of domestic companies, the tax concessions on income distribution will not be available to the Unit Holders. The scheme may enter into derivatives transactions, which are subject to embedded risks. As per SEBI circular each scheme and individual plan(s) under the schemes should have a minimum of 20 investors and no single investor should account for more than 25% of the corpus of such scheme/plan(s). In case of non-fulfilment with either of the above two conditions on an ongoing basis for each calendar quarter, the respective schemes/plans shall be wound up by following the guidelines prescribed by SEBI and the investor’s money would be redeemed at applicable NAV. DSPMLITF will focus on companies which will benefit from structural changes brought about by continuing liberalisation in economic policies by the government and/or from continuing investments in infrastructure, both by the public and private sector. It is possible that such policies may not fructify or crystallise in a manner commensurate with expectations thereby affecting the prospects of companies held in the portfolio of the Scheme. Since the NAV of the scheme is linked to the share price performance of such companies, they may outperform or under perform the benchmark index (BSE 100) and/or the constituents of the said benchmark index. Since DSPMLOF’s investment focus is on select sectors of the market the portfolio will be concentrated in select companies across these sectors. This may make the portfolios vulnerable to factors that may affect these sectors in general thereby leading to increased volatility in the movement of the scheme’s NAV. The NAV of DSPMLTEF is linked to the share price performance of the top 100 listed companies, which may outperform or under perform the benchmark index (the BSE 100) and/or its constituents. DSPMLBalF, DSPMLEF, DSPMLTEF, DSPMLOF and DSPMLITF are the names of the Schemes and do not in any manner indicate the quality of the Schemes, their future prospects or returns. For more details, please refer to the Key Information Memorandum cum Application Form, which is available at the ISC/Distributor. Please read the Standard Offer Document before investing.

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