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Presentation on theme: "1 DEPT HOME AFFAIRS FREE STATE PRESENTED BY: MR M E MBAMBO."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 REQUIRED BUDGET The present establishment of the region consists of 393 officials (389 plus four newly created posts in the Provincial Manager’s office) After the turn around strategy has been finalized the establishment will consist of 533 posts. If the region receives R 45 892 600.00 for the 2005/2006 book year the region can fill 66 additional posts

3 3 REQUIRED BUDGET The process should be completed in the 2007/08 book year (with 57 posts filled in 2006/07 and the last 17 posts in 2007/08) See attached annexure a/ b /c.

4 4 REQUIRED BUDGET The region had an amount of R 7 162 867 for the 2004/2005 book year The following amounts will not be taken into account for the 2005/06 region: – The region received an additional amount of R 334 000.00 to cover expenditure from the ID campaign for the previous book year – The region has been allocated R 1 000 000.00 for the relocation costs of four offices that did not take place (refer to infrastructure). – The region was allocated additional turn around funds (±R 1 000 000 for example installation data lines / improved telephone systems / training i.e. fire fighting and first aid course / new epaulettes and name tags Immigration branch / team building sessions / new uniforms for 22 immigration officials / hiring contract workers

5 5 RACIAL STRUCTURE INLAND OFFICES: BLACK:86 % WHITE:14 % – MALE BLACK: 48% WHITE: 1% – FEMALE BLACK: 38% WHITE: 13% B – Black W – White See annexure D

6 6 RACIAL STRUCTURE NIB(National Immigration Branch): BLACK 87% WHITE: 13% – MALE BLACK: 65 % WHITE: 10% – FEMALE BLACK: 22% WHITE 3 % See annexure D

7 7 STATE OF PROVINCE MPCC’s Trompsburg and Zastron are finalised. These will be opened on trial basis until launched. Furniture and equipment are allocated to the two MPCC’s. Hospitals: Equipment were installed and linked at the following hospitals Boitumelo – Kroonstad, Pelenomi – Bloemfontein; Bongani – Welkom, Virginia district hospital, Elizabeth Ross, Manapo in Qwa Qwa, Botshabelo district hospital and Dihlabeng - Bethlehem for the birth registrations. Sasolburg service points was taken over from Gauteng Province and as soon as accommodation has been finalised an official will be transferred to the office awaiting Infrastructure (IT) and labour saving devices. Jacobsdal service point will be taken back from the Northern Cape as soon as Koffiefontein is up and running, an advert was placed and closed on 03/03/2005 for an admin clerk and also awaiting IT infrastructure and labour saving devices. Ladybrand: One official has been appointed and currently receiving training at Botshabelo office while awaiting the IT infrastructure and labour saving devices to be installed. Van Reenens pass, previously served by KZN now falls under Phuthaditjaba. Marriage verification campaign was launched in August 2004.3706 verified and 39 fraudulent marriages found. 7 Street agents were apprehended as they worked hand-in-hand with Home Affairs officials and at Maseru Bridge a total number of 20 “runners” were arrested and deported. At present the situation is under control. Permanent citizenship registration campaign: Registration in hospitals, schools, farms, prisons, old age homes, orphanages, institutions where street children are kept. Working very closely with Free State Legislative for delivery of Id’s.

8 8 Employment of interns: 57 interns were employed in the Provincial offices. All these officials are fully trained and are assisting in offices and mobile units. They also played a major role in replacing apprehended officials in the Bloemfontein office. Human Resources: 56 Newly appointed officials including 22 Immigration Officers at Maseru Bridge. The latter resulted in better relations with High Commissioner and Lesotho Government, less complaints from public and High Commissioner. Office hours at six months border control exemptions were extended. 6 Officials received long service recognition. 28 Officials were charged for misconduct of which 3 were dismissed and 3 passed away. 26 Officials were promoted during the current financial year. Skill development: Training was prioritised and the following training was conducted: Computer training (40 officials), AMDP (4 officials), EMDP (30 officials), Civic Services (25 officials), ABET (20 learners – all passed),Labour Relations (20 officials), First Aid and Fire Fighting (40 officials), International Migration Policy Management (2 officials), HIV/AIDS (18 officials), Border control (29 officials), Code of Conduct to interns (57 interns), Combating fraud and corruption (5 officials). Total of 290 officials were trained during the current financial year. NIB road show was held in Bloemfontein and was attended by 50 officials. STATE OF PROVINCE: continued

9 9 Infrastructure: All official houses and offices at Ports of Entry were repaired/renovated by RAMP (Renovation and maintenance project). The Province is on the verge of five offices, this is high priority on the Provincial plan. National volunteer campaign was not very successful due to administrative problems from Department of Public Works (DPW). Security at all offices was upgraded and burglar proofing, safety doors and alarm systems in three offices were installed. An additional amount of R1 million was allocated for furniture, equipment, etc. People Management: A survey on employee satisfaction was conducted but the results are still been awaited. Client is always right campaign: Officials not complying with customers satisfaction were disciplined. In order to satisfy customers extended office hours were implemented and officials also worked over weekends, without remuneration. Donations were received from “Save the children fund” i.e. for computers, 1 printer and 1 photo copy machine, which was installed at the Harrismith permanent service point.

10 10 NUMBER OF OFFICES AND STAFF There are eleven offices in the Province with a total number of 393 officials. 11 Permanent service points manned by one official each on daily basis. 55 Service points that are served by mobile units periodically.

11 11 ID CAMPAIGN (DISTRIBUTION) Due to extra effort up in for distribution of Id’s, uncollected Id’s decreased from 23000 in December 2004 to 11800 at the end of February 2005. This was achieved by means of an intensified door-to-door delivery campaign (where All Pay and FS legislature played a major role) and mailing of Id’s to serviceable addresses. Id campaign goes hand in hand with birth registration campaign working closely with Social Development department in registering of births for child support grants. Quality controllers were appointed to ensure zero tolerance of queries. All applications are submitted to head office within 24-hours. Late registration screening committees sit on a daily basis to ensure speedy issuance of identity document.

12 12 NUMBER OF MOBILE UNITS There are 13 mobile units in the Province. Fixed dates are set for visits to rural towns where communities are served from community centers. These mobile units are also attending to schools and farms the Department of Education is also involved in identifying the scholars without documents (Id and birth certificates). Dates are synchronized with the mobile units to ensure that the mobile unit are not overstretched.

13 13 RELATIONS FROM COMMUNITY STRUCTURES Sound relations are in place with the following stakeholders: DLC (District Liaison Committee), SANDF SAPS Joint Technical Operational Center (SAPS/Lesotho police) Provincial Traffic Departments Councilors Local Municipalities Departments of Labour, Trade and Industry, Education, Social Development, Justice, Correctional Services and Agriculture. Hospice All political parties Media/Local radio stations NGO’s IOM (International Organization for Migration) NUM NIA SARS NEHAWU/PSA Taxi associations Free State Premiers office


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