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Jesus IS practical!. What subjects have we covered this past year?

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Presentation on theme: "Jesus IS practical!. What subjects have we covered this past year?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesus IS practical!

2 What subjects have we covered this past year?

3 Attraction Dating Courtship Engagement and Marriage Sex Communication [2 parts] Avoiding Gossip Handling Conflict Finance Overview Saving Avoiding Debt and Budgeting Giving Theology The Atonement Pride Celebrating Diversity Forgiveness Community [2 weeks] Anger Serving/Social Justice Accountability Prayer Sabbath

4 What have you learned? How have you grown or changed? What experiences have you had this year, that God has used to teach you something?

5 How can you put the things you've learned into practice over the summer and continue to grow in your relationship with Christ?

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